国民の叫び No.40 / 安倍総理の大誤算 前の章



「 最初の勘違い No.1 」
具体的かつ明快に申すならば、何処の馬の骨か解らない密入国者の末裔が、満足な納税能力も無い癖に、帰化もせず在日特権を悪用し、通名を隠れ蓑に馬鹿のひとつ覚えである 「 差別 」 の二文字を振り翳して、我がもの顔に熨し歩く、そんな邪悪の群れを排除する糸口、それを安倍総理に作って欲しかったのです。



「 次なる思い違い No.2 」



「 不見識な妥協 No.3 」




国民の叫び No.39 / 総理に届けこの想い

〠 掲載されております動画は、コピーして検索に掛けると作動いたします。尚、塩村文夏氏の動画は削除されました。〠

最近の呟き特集 / 総てが狂っている

『 支援者の皆様へ 』
ご紹介します動画は、安倍総理の経済政策および経済諮問会議で、民間議員の提唱した政策に警鐘を鳴らしたものです。賛同を戴けましたら首相官邸に動画の存在をアピールして下さい。私も総理支持者の一人です、悪しからず。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsOuurZTxI0
『 民間議員さん 』

竹中平蔵さん 』
『 民間議員さん 』
竹中平蔵氏は、二言目には低賃金の外国人労働者を雇い、 労働者間で技能の向上を図り、職場を活性化させ生産効率を高めると、絵に描いた様な美しい牡丹餅の話をするが、低賃金で意欲のある外国人労働者など存在しない。優秀な人材は母国でも必要な筈だ。何処かが狂っている。
『 総理の大間違い 』
『 国民の自覚 』

『 国民の覚悟 』

『 政府に問う 』
『 ご存知でしたか 』
『 政府への要望 』
安倍総理への要望 』
『 愚かな反日分子たちよ 』
『 国民の叫び 』

『 国民の嘆き 』
安倍政権が本当に戦後レジームからの脱却を図るのであれば、 外国人労働者の導入・移民受け入れ・道州制などの馬鹿げた考えは思い浮かばない筈だ。こんなものを実施すれば、貴方たち孫の時代に日本は食いちぎられ、大和民族ウイグルの二の舞になる筈だ。国民は無知ではない。
『 お知らせと拡散願い 』
支那朝鮮民族に対する生活保護支給が全面打ち切りの可能性が出て参りました。未だ時間が掛かりますが諦めず、在日特権全面撤廃を、関係各省庁に呼びかけましょう。安倍総理は国民の為に必ず動きます。 http://u1sokuhou.ldblog.jp/archives/50426612.html
『 拡散しよう 』
『 拡散しよう 』
『 拡散しよう 』
『 拡散しよう 』

『 総理への次なる要望 No.4 』
『 総理への次なる要望 No.3 』
『 総理への次なる要望 No.2 』
『 総理への次なる要望 No.1 』
『 時代と共に変貌する日本女性のモラル 』
放送作家で現役都議会議員塩村文夏氏の代表作との事。靖国神社境内で自身の裸体撮影をした三人の女性と云い、塩村文夏議員と云い、この年代の女性達から性に対する神秘性が全く感じられない。 http://hosyusokuhou.jp/archives/38834411.html

『 母国語も解せない偽善者たち 』
『 安倍政権への提案 』
都議会議員の現実 』
『 お花畑は満開 』

『 国民の怒り 』
『 国民の願望 』
『 強烈な拡散のお願い 』
『 強烈な拡散のお願い 』
『 強烈な拡散のお願い 』
『 強烈な拡散のお願い 』
『 再度のお願い 』

『 再度のお願い 』

『 再度の拡散 』
『 再度のお知らせ 』

『 拡散のお願い 』
『 拡散のお願い 』
慰安婦碑撤去請願・有志の皆様 』
我々が二年前に旗を振った時、ミニマムが二万五千名でした。http://wh.gov/yrR 今回は十万名になりましたが、目標達成されても直ぐ取り上げてくれない。今後も努力し何十万も署名を集める必要があります。しかし、大統領が取り上げるかどうかは、全く別物ですから、誤解なき様にお知らせ致します。

最近の呟きを抜粋したものです。ご賛同いただけます事を心よりお待ち申し上げます。             晩節の涙

国民の叫び No.38 / 総理への愚痴

私の拙いブログをお読み下さる方々から、貴方は左翼ですか右翼ですかと時々尋ねられる。強いて自分に肩書を加えるならば、「 大和民族派 」 だと胸を張ってお答えしたいと思う。

一昨年の秋口に衆議院議員安倍晋三氏の掲げる、「 瑞穂の国ニホン 」 に夢を託し自民党総裁選に加担し、「 麗しき祖国ニッポン奪回 」 を旗印に衆議院選挙を戦い、奇跡とも言われた安倍政権を手にする事ができました。


私の記憶に間違いがなければ安倍総理は戦の旗印として、「 戦後レジームからの脱却 」 を掲げられた。
ですから衆議院選に勝利し総理が所信表明演説の冒頭で、「 戦後レジームからの脱却 」 の覚悟を、日本国民と心ある世界の人々に発信して欲しかった。
『 国民の叫び / 安倍総理への提案 No.13・2012, 12,16 』 を投稿した。


『 これ以上の暴挙を繰り返すならば、民族の誇りと国民の安全を担保する観点から、日本国として正当な権利を世界に問う 』、この決意表明が欲しかったのです。

日本に置ける本来の 「 戦後レジームからの脱却 」 とは、大東亜戦争で貴国が日本へ行った空襲や原爆投下は、非戦闘員への無差別殺戮であり国際法違反は明確だが、日本国民は米国の大罪を、歴史が成せる技と寛大な心で抱き取って来た。しかし、遠すぎる過去の歴史に支那や朝鮮は理不尽な行為を繰り返し、それに乗じ米国が同調するならば、日本は貴国が行った非人間的行為を思い出すことになるだろう 」、これを米国に宣言する事が正論ではないでしょうか。

安倍総理衆議院選で唱えた 「 戦後レジームからの脱却 」 を望むお心が真実であるならば、このスローガンは命懸けの物であると考えなければならない。




これだけではない。教育界・言論界・思想団体・密入国者の末裔・など、安倍総理が国民に掲げた 「 戦後レジームからの脱却 」 とは、これらの不法不満分子の大掃除を指すのではないだろうか。



この事を冷静に解釈すると、「 今までは国家の機密を自由に教授できたが、法案が成立すると犯罪者扱いされるから嫌だと云う事にもなり兼ねない」。 河野談話に関しては、やっとの思いで再調査らしきものは行われ、集団的自衛権も難産の末に閣議決定は適ったが、今度は総理のお膝元に存在する、経済諮問会議なるものが外国人労働者や移民導入の動きを始めた。


国民の叫び No.37 / 安倍総理への提言

魂を失った民族 No.6 / The race which lost a soul

『 宰相に覚悟があるか! 』

河野談話 」 が誕生した経緯は、旧日本軍の強制連行によって、慰安婦にされたと称する、16 名の老婆から聞き取りをやったが、調査結果の裏付けは一切行われなかったと断言された。

別の表現に変えれば、「 韓国が余りにも五月蠅いから、形式的に聞き取り調査を行ったが、実態についての証拠固めはやらなかった。談話の内容に関しては、韓国の都合に添って政治家主導で、意見の擦り合わせを行い、作文した談話である。要は韓国の言うなりに作った談話 」 と云う事になる。


その理由は、この先二年間は選挙がないから、大昔の 「 河野談話 」 を穿り返し、国民からあらぬ疑いを掛けられたくないのだろう。そんな所へ注ぐ力があるならば、総理の尻を叩き、内閣改造に心血を費やす方が得策だと云う。自民党の体質は四年前より低下したと言わざるを得ない。

日本軍の兵隊さんの給料が 15 円に対し、慰安婦の給料は 300 円以上だ。慰安婦を募集している韓国の新聞広告に掲載されている。兵隊の給料の 20 倍です。
この時代に植民地を持たない国は貧困に喘いでいた。韓国も例外ではない。先進国の仲間入りをしたと騒ぐ昨今ですら、20 万人の韓国女性が世界中で、大活躍しているお国柄なのだ。



安倍総理にしても今の自民党で政治家を続ける限り、本当の味方は 30% しか存在せず、取りあえずの生命は二年間なのです。祖国を愛し、国民を想い、政治家安倍晋三の政治信念を後世に残す心算ならば、引退なされた亡霊を大事にするか、国民の信頼を支えにするか、早く決断した方が得策でしょう。国民もその方が有り難い筈です。

ここはひとつ国民を信じ、清水の舞台から飛び降りる覚悟で、「 消費税増税延期と河野洋平氏の国会招致 」を、決断して見たら如何でしょうか。




先にも明記した如く、小泉純一郎氏のお言葉を借りるまでもない。今の自民党体質をぶっ壊さない限り、総理がどの様に足掻いても、お味方は 30% の 120 名足らずです。後の 70% と野党の 80% は全て政敵でしょう。








この様なことよりも安倍総理はどの閣僚を改造するお心算かお聞きしたい。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsEndJR6T7M




( 最後に宰相としての心得と覚悟を前提にお考え下さい )
例えば、中山成彬衆議院議員は、国会で始めて 「 河野談話 」 に異論を唱えた愛国者であり、田母神俊雄氏は航空幕僚長時代に、日本は良い国だと云う論文をお書きになられた、正義の人です。



敗戦後 70 年も日本国民の血税を蝕み、民族の誇りまで奪い盗って来た、太平洋の遥か彼方で君臨する偽善者集団に、時の移ろいを自覚させる呼び水となる筈です。



< 追記 >

「 米国との同盟関係が半世紀以上も保てた理由は、全ての面で日本人が堪え忍んだ結果です。支那が経済・軍事大国になれた原因は、日本国民の血税を毟り続け、その資金が経済の下支えをしたからで、韓国が曲りなりにも、近代国家の末席に縋り付けたのも、大昔から今日に至るまで、日本国民が性懲りもなく騙され続けた副産物である。」


(Because this English sentence is machine translation of Yahoo Corporation, I would like a pardon when a meaning is unidentified.)

The race which lost a soul

『 Does the prime minister have readiness! N0.6 』

I saw it whether the passion of the nation who was about to be depressed by the Diet invitation of the Nobuo Ishihara former secretariat Deputy Secretary brought back breath.

The process that "Kouno statement" was born interviewed it from 16 old women who claimed to have been considered to be a charity dame by the forcible escort of the former Japan forces. It was asserted that I did not take the proof of the findings at all.

When naturally commission laying upon of the opinion was performed between the Korean government, on the final contents making, I estimate it. Because commission alignment of the opinion was not permitted the government official, a politician did the work. The serious truth was told in this way.

If change it to the different expression; because "Korea was too persistent, interviewed it formally, but did not do the gathering of evidence about the actual situation". I comply with circumstances of Korea and it is led by a politician and, about the contents of the statement, aligns the commission of the opinion and is the statement which made a composition. The important thing is I will say the statement which I prepared into the Korean yes-man.

Would this politician violate a Japanese side, the act that seemed to, so to speak, sell the mother country that, in particular, profit did not reflect to Yohei Kawano at all without a reward? For whom, what did you play such a fiction for the purpose of?

Because the Liberal Democratic Party, Abe Administration continues for the nation, as for this, the Diet should invite Yohei Kouno for Japan.

But I do not show interest in Diet invitations of Yohei Kouno at all when I pick up a voice in the overheard Liberal Democratic Party and gather you.

Because the reason does not have election after this for two years, I nitpick ancient "Kouno statement" and will not want to be put under wrong suspicion from the nation. If there is power to concentrate on such a place, I swat the buttocks of the Prime Minister and say when the which spends the heart and soul on reshuffle is a wise policy. I cannot but say that the constitution of the Liberal Democratic Party decreased from four years ago.

It is a golden opportunity now. If I tell the nation an opinion of Yohei Kouno, and even a little lets you wipe out dissatisfaction and a question, the next election can fight easily, but the chair of a cabinet minister accompanied by a chiller before nose/ones/ considers it that I cannot help wanting it and gets it.

The charity dame personnel required would be in excess even if I did not take you other than European and American allied powers if you did not need to hear an excuse of Yohei Kouno and thought about the then world situation.

If the salaries of the charity dame are more than 300 yen, the salary of Japanese soldiers is specified in a newspaper ad of the recruitment of charity dames for 15 yen. It is 20 times of the salary of the soldier.

The country which did not have a colony in this time suffered poverty. Korea is no exception. It is the on the conditions of a country that 200,000 Korean women make an outstanding performance all over the world even in these days to make noise when I joined it of the developed country.

Though it is such an uproar, on the back that I vindicate Yohei Kouno, and the government ruling party does not assume a state, some smelly circumstances will be covered. However, I estimate it when I run around forever when the particularly active member of the Diet meets as well as Kouno to have to be it, and to return double in the next election.

It became obvious that I committed the national act that became disadvantageous without performing duties exactly even if it was not a criminal. Prime Minister Abe leads it if I change the expression, and, for fate of the Liberal Democratic Party, nobody notices it in concealing an associate criminal. I am neither more nor less than stupidity.

I am anxious at all whether you can set a shoulder for the nature depressed by as expected in China and Korea of strong astuteness army corps in only one year several months.

The Shinzo Abe supporter does not matter if I say quality more clearly that what happens to the Liberal Democratic Party. I endure it to want the sovereign of the country in conformity with parliamentary democracy because the dead tree is bad when it is not the turnout of the forest.

In the true friend, only 30% exist as far as I continue a politician in the present Liberal Democratic Party even if I make Prime Minister Abe, and the makeshift life is two years. I love the mother country and yearn for the nation and take good care of the done departed soul which is a retirement if it is an aim to have political faith of politician Shinzo Abe for in history or do it to support the trust of the nation, or the which it is early and decided will be a wise policy. As for the nation, I should be thankful for the one.

I believe the one nation and am ready to take a plunge, and how about here if I decide consumption tax increase postponement and Diet invitation of Yohei Kouno and look?

Even reason to perform a crime by the particularly mean act does not betray whom. Uneasiness much less the country of Asia is solved at one sweep only by Prime Minister Abe performing this.

Though Kouno statement and the consumption tax increase scatter big harm only as for it in Japan and the Asian friendly nation, the politician of our country is not going to turn around.

If a consumption tax increase is no use, even Kouno statement wants you to settle it at least. The best situation does not come even if I look forward to the problem about neighboring country how many centuries from now on. A heart to love own countries is not too enough to them. It is reckless to demand the virtue sense like us from such a race. The history of 1,000 years will show it.

As for the nation, will to pay a tax becomes extinct likewise when not done business if a pure Japanese Diet member is not loved by the nation if deceived by the politician of the own country. As for this logic, country of any place will be the same. I assume that the nation lives in other countries a first priority, and prosperity cannot visit that a politician leaves a family with the other countries in such a nation to be the best.

I am in the Japanese Diet. The other ethnic group which was out of order which sticks out its chest when I do a Diet member in Japan for the peninsula nation where I do not do politics for the nation, or parents were born.
The nation, please think about what I should do for the mother country now.

The answer is simple. It is to continue working hard to correct the mistake that they are going to violate with courage without being to watch the Liberal Democratic Party government which I had while tasting labor pains, and demanding result for a narrow-minded intention. A world friend will rescue it in real time since there is a net.

What should Prime Minister Abe do for the national nation?

You do not need to borrow words of Junichiro Koizumi as if you specified it earlier. Even if the Prime Minister struggles how unless I spoil the present Liberal Democratic Party constitution, a friend is 30% of less than 120 people. Later 70% and all 80% of all opposition parties will be political adversaries.

We have the life that the Abe Administration is protected by a law in remainder 2.

The world of the politics has neither a senior nor a younger student. There is not the seniority that experience causes. What do you do when not straightening evil in now when healthy life is protected by fresh bloodstream? You are the Prime Minister chosen among the nation. Who does not need the hesitation, too.

If it is in now that it bets a game, and it loses this opportunity, it is apparent that the mother country where the nation expects the nation which you draw from ends in a dream within a dream forever than it watches fire.

Finally let's ask you about mental attitude and the readiness as the prime minister.

I hear a reshuffle theory from a representative from Liberal Democratic Party these days. Is it an aim to change a position of where? The nation does not have dissatisfaction toward your cabinet and does not expect remodeling. As for this, an Asian friendly nation is the same feeling, too. By your appearance, both a Japanese citizen and the Asian people are the places where a dream was about to be greatly filled with.

It is the story that made rapid progress, but the sense of values of President Putin will be totally different from Prime Minister Abe about the northern territories. The thought of the nation cannot accord with the Prime Minister, too.

You think about much return immediately in one island, and few, there is many it, and Putin is going to catch compensation of the return while ascertaining your heart. The nation is not convinced that it is not four island return even at least. The maximum neck is the fact that permits Russia practice rule.

How about Takeshima!? I carry it out, and here is ruled by Korea, too. Even if there is Constitution of Japan Article 9 Clause 2, and the maximum neck gets over it, I think that it is a courageous problem taking away to the nation with you back.

Both Senkaku and Okinawa are identical. If is ready to set a fight back if a war is set, or consume an interruption from the United States, bounce it; is courageous, or constitution Article 9 Clause 2 interferes even if these none of are set finally.

It goes back up based on a story. With many problems, I think that I am not in high spirits by reshuffle in this way.

When the Liberal Democratic Party does not last in the government member of the ruling party when I do not remodel it, there seems to be a fool speaking of an incoherent thing. I do not mind at all if I have only judgment of that level even if a party is destroyed. I project one's face on the mirror once again and should look calmly. You should ask oneself whether you work for the national nation for a modest heart.

We like politician, Shinzo Abe and support it because I am reliable and do not want a politician-like running about in utter confusion only in one's desire. I work for the national nation who you project one's face on the mirror once again, and should look calmly or should ask oneself it humbly.

Prime Minister Abe is an aim to remodel which cabinet minister than such a thing or wants to ask you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsEndJR6T7M

I only affect your duties even if I reshuffle the head of a Japanese radish and a carrot and the burdock when I remodel the current cabinet minister member and will be useless for what. I want to claim that I cannot see a talented person deserving to be you what you want to talk about. Because the nation is good in the friend Cabinet, and the politics is a result.

Reshuffle should be parts exchange to move the government which you believe smoothly. It should be strong sprinkling food to stabilize the government by the exchange, and to give the nation peace and the richness.
There is not at all the need to play with a machine working smoothly forcibly without feeling the big problem according to the nation.

If Prime Minister oneself yearns for the national nation as a member of the Diet and shows off power as a case and a politician seeing the strong cabinet and is reform to expect the prolongation of human life government, an Asian friendly nation at least cheers it with the nation, and an inimical character nation would like the personnel affairs that seem to be astonished.

Please think assuming knowledge and the readiness as the prime minister.

For example, it is the patriot who the Representative Nariaki Nakayama begins it in the Diet, and advocated an objection for "Kouno statement", and Toshio Tamogami is a person of the justice that an article to say in the Chief of Staff, Air Self Defense Force times when Japan is a good country was written.

The both persons are the reason why public office was pressed strangely by the Liberal Democratic Party political power, but a groan cannot boil from people loving the mother country so that you know well if I invite these strong talented people to the cabinet minister.

If they lower a head as the prime minister whom you were chosen as among the nation and break a knee and invite it with etiquette and appoint it to Minister of Defense Tamogami with Foreign Minister Nakayama, an important meaning occurs for reshuffle, and the organization increases heaviness, and the trust as the prime minister and the dignified presence and the fame will become huge rocks endlessly.

The reshuffle that the nation expects of you must be a thing deserving to be politician, Shinzo Abe who hid profound affection in this way most.

Even if you break a knee and appeal to both persons, it is intention of the nations, and you are no crime. It is that your tolerant mind wipes the stupid crime that a co-worker committed in past days wonderfully, and praise is done, and it never will occur by the action that seems to bathe in humiliation.

Naturally you should only shut him up even if the discontented element makes noise if you do not follow it. It is for government maintenance with the national nation. The reason springs out as many as one likes and appears.

Even if you break a waist and devoted myself to both persons, it is intention of the nations and does not should be shame of it at all. It is that your tolerant mind wipes the stupid crime that a co-worker committed in past days wonderfully, and praise is done, and it never will occur by the act that seems to bathe in humiliation. Naturally you should only shut him up even if the discontented element makes noise if you do not follow it. It is for government maintenance with the national nation. The reason exists as many as one likes.

It is the backside of the Sea of Japan to show the flexible spiritual strength, readiness, nature, courage, decision resisting it as the prime minister in this way, and it is with silent counter-attack to the all who do not learn lesson who are not going to take down an anti-Establishment flag.

It should be with cause to let the hypocrite group to dominate far in a distance of the Pacific which it undermines the tax of the Japanese citizen after defeat in 70 and I take it until a racial pride and stole notice a change at time.

I think that there is what time in fate forced to a fight with the loneliness with the fear with the prime minister carrying Japan after the defeat in this way.

With the prime minister carrying Japan after the defeat, there will be the times of what time in fate forced to a fight with the loneliness with the fear. I rarely hit on the life route that it is such severe, and is lonely if I imagine an evaluation in the world that daily hard work brings.

However, it is rude, but the military commander superior to you in Shinzo Abe, the present Japan forces does not exist even if the general who can challenge a fight with this loneliness looks around the politics in a nation glance how much. It is good in Nobushige Sanada where even Nobunaga Oda is good for. None of us will have regret if they lose by your referee's fan.

When you were clean and declared beautiful Japan definitely, progenies of the Japanese race watched the figure of the beautiful mother country in a dream obediently.

< postscript >
I have been excited a little for one's age. I leave that is important that I left it out. The lesson that I discuss it by what kind of implication, and oblivion is not permitted with the state as the Japanese race either.

"The reason that alliance relations with the United States were able to keep more than half a century is the result that a Japanese endured in all". Japan is deceived incorrigibly, and it is a by-product from old days to now that the cause that China fitted economy, the military power continues pulling the tax of the Japanese citizen, and this is because the fund propped up the economy, and Korea was able to cling to the lowest seat of the modern nation for curvature."

A racial soul is corrupt before I notice that a Japanese citizen surviving world in the future forgets this fact by oneself, and it will be to a true loser. A mind miso soup be called.

国民の叫び No.36 / 安倍総理への提言

魂を失った民族 No.5 / The race which lost a soul

『 変われない自民党

大韓民国は、日本国と日韓基本条約 ( 1965 年 ) を結び、中華人民共和国は、日中平和友好条約 ( 1978 年 ) に調印しながら、何故に反日路線へ変更したか。
理由の第一は、「 韓国も支那戦勝国でも連合国でもない 」、理由の第二は、「 日本が主権国家になると、発言権が強まるのが怖いから 」 と、魂を失った民族 No.1, 2, 3, 4 で説明した。

取り返しの効かない最初の躓きは、1994 年に羽田内閣が総辞職し、政権復帰を目指す自民党総裁河野洋平氏は、社会党委員長村山富市氏・新党さきがけ代表武村正義氏と連立を組み、村山内閣を誕生させた事だった。



安倍総理の一年数か月に渡る評価は後回しにして、自民党の勢力を分析すると、衆議院 294 名・参議院 115 名で合計 409 名です。
力のバランス構造は、親米国派 20%, 親中国派 15%, 親韓国派 15%, 風見鶏派 20 %,親祖国派 30% の割合でしょう。



ホワイトハウスの役人からは、河野談話 を撤回しない限り無理だと指導されたが、ツイッター仲間の応援を戴き、最低限の員数を遥かに超える、三万数千名の署名を集めた。しかし、米国政府から未だに音沙汰がない。

これらの事を踏まえた上で、国民目線で安倍総理の一年数か月を振り返って見ると、外交に関しては 95 点が妥当でしょう。国民が総理の健康を案じる程の活躍をなさいました。
経済対策も 95 点を付けられると思いますが、経済運営については、40 点を付けるのが苦しい。その大きな原因のひとつは、消費税増税の実施にある。



安倍総理が 「 敗戦後レジームからの脱却 」 を掲げたとき、国民の脳裏に飛来した魂への息吹が、どの様な物であったか、恐らく総理は知らなかった筈だ。国民は総理の理想とする国家の姿を、描き切れていなかったのだろう。

純粋に祖国を愛する大和民族は、どの案件に関しても総理に賛同しています。ですが、国民の心を支配している 「 敗戦後のレジーム 」 とは、民族の尊厳や魂まで腐らせ兼ねない、日常生活の中に蔓延してしまった不公平感、そこから醸し出される屈辱感、敗北感から漂う失望感なのです。


これら総てが祖国を愛する大和民族の誇りを傷つけ、日々の暮らしに多大な障害を与えている。国民が心に描いた 「 敗戦後レジームからの脱却 」 とは、この様に身近でドロドロと垂れ流される、汚染水の浄化だったのです。

長年に渡って鬱積していた欲求不満が、汚染水処理に憲法改正は要らないだろう、自民党民主党と大差はないな。安倍総理もドジョウ総理の様に噓吐きだと、「 坊主憎けりゃ袈裟までも 」 に姿を変え、俄か愛国者たちが騒ぎ出す。

追い打ちをかける様にTTP交渉は、狂った様に鋭く報道される。苛立つ国民。そんな矢先に、「 地獄で仏に出会った 」 様な出来事が、中山成彬衆議院議員から齎された。河野談話 について、河野洋平官房長官と石原信雄元官房副長官に、国会招致要求が出されたのです。




お知らせ・このブログは後日投稿する 「 魂を失った民族 No.6 / 宰相に覚悟があるか 」 へと続きます。

(Because this English sentence is machine translation of Yahoo Corporation, I would like a pardon when a meaning is unidentified.)

The race which lost a soul

The Liberal Democratic Party which does not change No.5

The Republic of Korea linked the Japan-ROK Basic Relations Treaty (1965) to Japan, and why did the People's Republic of China change it to the anti-Japan route in while signing the Japan-China Treaty of Peace and Friendship (1978)?

When the second of the reason that both "Korea and China were the victorious nations, but was not allied powers" "was afraid of that a voice was strengthened as for the first of the reason when Japan became the sovereign state," I explained it with race No. 1 which lost a soul, 2, 3, 4.

As a way relieving own country economy just before the collapse, I fan anti-Japan sentiment to the nation and miss the dissatisfaction to the government to Japan and I pull money from a Japanese citizen of a fool in good-natured people and steal the root and trunk that an anti-Japan reason recurred. I preached it when reflected on means of the killing two birds with one stone.

When it became the last fort, the strongest trump to them not to let you change the current Constitution of Japan by hook or by crook to realize a delusion, I developed violent logic. Even slander is never imagination. An objective fact lays the foundation.
Then a big question arises when oneself asks what you did during this period.
I stared at the feelings of the government ruling party and the mother country called the Liberal Democratic Party when I was given the right to vote in our generation and walked time of 50 years to an attendant.
I think that strong consciousness to be called the Liberal Democratic Party with the politics in a place beyond the right and wrong surely spread.
The Hada Cabinet resigned en masse in 1994, and President of the LDP Yohei Kawano who aimed at the government return crossed a coalition with representative Socialist Party chairperson Tomiichi Murayama, New Party Sakigake Masayoshi Takemura, and the first mistake that the recovery did not work for was to have delivered Murayama cabinet.
It is that Yohei Kouno managed it without hearing the opinion of the man of influence including Yasuhiro Nakasone, Michio Watanabe in the Prime Minister nomination election of this time. As for the biggest achievement to be able to put in this cabinet, precise handling of sarin subway attacks in Tokyo, the quick relief measures of the Hanshin Awaji great earthquake disaster, the utmost apology statement and Asia peace nation fund to Korea prostitute are too famous. I cannot stop laughing.
After it was collapsed postal service as for the trial of the next nation by the Koizumi Administration, I was born, but beat it for the guerrilla attack of a pro-China group and the pro-Korea group, and it was busy, and the government changed into Aso to Fukuda, and the first Abe Administration was the Democratic Party government where the thing which news media purchased with the partial nation built up was nothing but.
It will not be a comedy comic dialogue, and the trio of the Prime Minister is completed in Bibimbap lunch, the condition that were called a loach bowl finally from a kids' lunch like today's lunch of the business area in the expectation of the nation here in three years without being different.
I noticed, and the nation who starved for amor patriae to here was troubled with their stupidity.
I could hold a country and the profit of people without valuing a country of the Yamato without there being which political party by a lie, or which politician being confused by rights and interests or should have suffered acutely for the first time in life. I woke. I would exchange an argument among oneself seriously. Of course there are still many people of greenhouse life and the hibernation living in the public, too.
It was Shinzo Abe in this way that put up a hand by oneself as if it was the Liberal Democratic Party to have been picked and was fully prepared.
When I put off the evaluation for one year several months of Prime Minister Abe and analyze power of the Liberal Democratic Party, it is 409 in total in 294 House of Representatives, 115 House of Councilors.
The balance structure of the power will be 20% of pro-United States groups, pro-China group 15%, pro-Korea group 15%, weathercock group 20%, ratio of pro-mother country group 30%.
Because I completely forget the balance ratio of this power, and it is easy to violate most when the nation thinks about the mother country, taking the wrong it gives an evaluation to the executive of the Prime Minister, a cabinet minister, the party easily only on a phenomenon side only on a phenomenon side, as a result, dissatisfaction gathers you and loses passion with a feeling of empty defeat.
I knew that folk crafts building of Sadogashima declined in a hand of China just four years ago, and China caught the fact that stretched out a hand until an elementary school closedown of Niigata-shi when I checked it.
Took one month, and cried,; but Kuribayashi Other than the person like the relative of Prince lieutenant general, I misfired really. Three years ago, I petitioned President Obama for the removal of the prostitute monument which appeared in the United States for the first time in two people with a countryman residing in the United States.
I was instructed unless I withdrew "Kouno statement" from a government official of the White House if it was impossible, but gathered three thousand signatures to have the support of the Twitter friend, and to exceed far minimum number. However, there is not yet news from the U.S. Government.
I was main in this petition and approximately 300 friends who cooperated left just several people now and lost my eyesight of a figure from the tweet top.
I say the exercise to be concerned with national political linkage to oneself when I say what you want to talk about when I pursued result when I push the brand of the vanquished.
When they look back on one year several months of Prime Minister Abe in a nation glance and look after having stood on these, 95 points will be proper about the diplomacy. I did activity as the nation worried about the health of the Prime Minister.
The economic measure thinks that 95 points are acquired, but, about the economic management, feels uncomfortable at acquiring 40 points. The enforcement of the consumption tax increase includes one of the big causes.
Even if Prime Minister Abe wants to say three party agreements at the time of the ex-government dissolution when I put a line through the shield, it is the lie that is too poor for a worthy like large politician, Shinzo Abe. The excuse for oneself is not anything else laughing at the nation if I express it honestly.
When Mr. loach of the ex-government does not give the consumption tax to a pillar of the campaign pledge, I deceive the nation and am the person whom auspicious decoration for gifts went up to the seat of the Prime Minister. The Democratic Party continued oppressing the nation for three years several months and harmed national interest as a calculation was impossible.
I cannot yet regain the grudge of the nation and the income and expenditure of the national interest that I lost in the Abe Administration. I find it very difficult to understand I grant it, and why Prime Minister Abe whom I made my comeback to at last does the hour of death of the stupid government with a state in in this way. It will not be now that I increase taxes.
The nation is not stupid. If economy is not restored according to calculation of the Prime Minister, it is with the maximum weapon that the humanity and justice of the aim through the line strangles oneself in the Democratic Party. It does not become for worry.
When Prime Minister Abe advocated "a breakaway from regime after defeat", the breath to the soul that came flying in the mind of the nation was what kind of thing, or probably the Prime Minister could not know it. The nation might not give a full-length portrait of the national figure which the Prime Minister idealized.
The Prime Minister would perform a sketch of modern nation Japan which was not shameful in the world when I changed it to the plain explanation. That is why I did constitutional amendment, Official Secrets Act plan, right to collective self-defense for words and have begun to work calmly.
The Japanese race loving the mother country purely approves of the Prime Minister about all items. But "regime after the defeat" influencing the heart of the nation is a sense of let-down to drift from a feeling of that has spread in the everyday life that can rot it to racial dignity and soul unfairness, a sense of humiliation brought on from there, a feeling of defeat.

When take it up to be concrete; of preferential treatment system, the neighboring country emigrant kind treatment problem, National Health Insurance of the public office working, welfare illegality acquisition, neighboring country foreign student of an act of aggression, the denizen of issue of forgery prostitute theater, Takeshima and Sea of Japan changing name problem, Nanjing Massacre,
Senkaku Islands illegally including the staying in Japan special privilege of the acquisition, others innumerable.
These all hurts a pride of the Japanese race loving the mother country and give a daily living a great obstacle. The nation pictured it in a heart; from "defeat regime a breakaway" was purification of the contaminated water which was imminent, and was discharged muddy in this way.
Priority of the regime removal has differed flatly from Prime Minister Abe after defeat among the nations if I expressed it softly.
I watched it with pleasure when I can get away from the deflation, but the cleaning of the muddy contaminated water which the Prime Minister decides smoothly a consumption tax increase, and is connected directly with the everyday life that I expected does not progress by weak yen and a rise in stock prices when I think in the situation of the nation. It is the same as the revival of the northeastern stricken area.
There is no great difference in the Liberal Democratic Party where contaminated water processing will not need the constitutional amendment between the frustration that smoldered and the Democratic Party for many years. Prime Minister Abe is the same kind with the loach Prime Minister, too. Sudden patriots changed in の state of mind to " To hate the ground he treads on.".
The TTP negotiations are reported keenly to pursue and make further attacks as having been out of order. The nation was irritated with you. To such an arrowhead, the event that was the state that "met Buddha in hell" was brought by Representative Nariaki Nakayama. About "Kouno statement," Diet invitation demand was given by Former Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kouno and the Nobuo Ishihara former secretariat Deputy Secretary.
It was originally the valuable thing which brought courage and hope and passion to life so as to put it aside even if it was the delicious duty of the representative from mule Liberal Democratic Party, and to take the action of the Representative this Nariaki Nakayama to the national nation, and to wipe the pains for 100 years.
However, I said, and stood and refused quibbling when the Liberal Democratic Party did not commit a crime at all as having done a religion substitute in the Democratic Party. It is the technique that the ex-government protected the misbehavior of the cabinet minister. It is nothing but the answer which I cut which had the nation.
I do not want to think that it is an answer of Prime Minister Abe possibly, but, for a supporter, should be sorry only in criminals if I took a bribe or hang over the honeytrap. It is the Chief Cabinet Secretary of the Liberal Democratic Party where a master was in the government of time.
Even if Prime Minister Abe temporarily shows disapproval of Diet invitation as the government ruling party, you should talk the Prime Minister over if for the national nation. Even if it was the performance that it regarded the prolongation of human life of the one's own party government as the continuation of the party, the strength of personality of it degree will be proper duty as government member of the ruling party.
However, I was able to grasp it even if there was the thought to recommend former co-worker who was full of doubts to candidate governor of Tokyo by the criminal record of the betrayer as for the political mind that they had if there was neither the readiness to go through way of the just law of nature nor the nature.
The fact that became clear from testimony of Nobuo Ishihara who brought a pride of the Japanese race to the Diet in spite of old age was surprising contents.
I think that it was too enough things if I remind of the contents which anyone of the Japanese citizen imagined definitely.

News・this blog leads to " Is a prime minister ready! No.6" to contribute later.

国民の叫び No.35 / 安倍総理への提言

魂を失った民族 No.4 / The race which lost a soul
『 日本国民の覚悟 』
国際連合 ( 国連 ) に付いても、公平で美しく平和な世界秩序を守る機関であるから、無条件で批准する義務があるとも教えを受けた。

当時お世話になっていた俳優の故山村聡先生が、ハリウッドの戦争映画 「 トラ・トラ・トラ 」 で、山本五十六を演ずることになり、太平洋戦争関連の書物を読んでいる内に、欧米による東南アジア諸国への、驚くべき植民地政策を知ってしまう。
そして、国際連合なるものが、「 公平で美しく平和な世界秩序を守る機関 」 とは正反対の、戦勝国が敗戦国である日本やドイツを、苦しめ虐げ辱めた末に、都合よく利用する為の機関であることも理解した。

学校では 国際連合をUNITED NATIONSと教えたが、言葉の意味も役割も国際連合ではなく国連軍が正しい。


南朝鮮は未だに日本から侵略されたと喚くが、日本と大韓民国は 1910 年に日韓併合条約を結び、南朝鮮は日本の一部となった。欧米がアジアやアフリカを植民地支配したのとは、統治体系が全く違います。

日本は1945 年 9 月 2 日に降伏文書に調印し、大東亜戦争は完全に終結する。1949 年になると南朝鮮の李承晩大統領は、自国を連合国の一員と認め、戦勝国にしてくれと米国に行動を起こした。
1950 年 6 月 25 日、南朝鮮北朝鮮の間で朝鮮半島の主権を巡り戦争が勃発するが、日本は 1951 年 9 月 8 日に連合国と 「 サンフランシスコ講和条約 」 を結ぶ。南朝鮮はこの条約に日本が参加する事を、猛然と反発したのです。

1952 年 1 月に米国のダレス国務長官顧問は、執拗な南朝鮮戦勝国入り要求を、南朝鮮は一度も日本と戦っていない。1942 年 1 月の連合国共同宣言にも署名がないとし、戦勝国でも連合国でもないと言明する。
李承晩大統領は、要求が却下された腹威勢に、サンフランシスコ講和条約が効力を持つ ( 1952年4月28日 ) 直前になって、国際連合の了解も得ず日本海へ勝手に線を引き、日本の領土竹島を奪い盗った。李承晩ラインです。





暴言だと思われる方は下記の画像を参照なされば理解できるだろう。私は地獄絵の中を母親の背中にしがみ付き、離れ離れになった父親を五日間も探し歩いた。米国戦闘機の機銃に撃ち抜かれ、黒こげになって絶命している父を見つけ出し、燃え燻っている木材を拾い集め火葬した。一夜にして10万人の市民を虐殺した米国の犯罪だ。その上に父親が経営していた、製材工場千数百坪の土地を、朝鮮進駐軍に奪い盗られたのです。 pic.twitter.com/VzJzkSeoiG

だから大韓民国は敗戦国日本と、1965 年に日韓基本条約を結び、中華人民共和国は 1972 年に日中国交正常化、1978 年には平和友好条約に調印し、形の上では友好国関係を整えたかに見える。






『 己に自信のない野獣は噛み付く前に必ず吠え捲る。反日感情を激化させている真の理由です 』


我々の祖国である大和の国は、独立国家であると、嫌と言うほど義務教育で教えるが、敗戦後 70 年が過ぎ様としている今も、「 日本は真の独立国家でもなければ、誠の主権国家でもない 」 ことが、支那や朝鮮の暴挙を許した最大の原因だ。
日本国憲法第九条二項の最終文言を思い出して下さい。「 国の交戦権はこれを認めない 」 と定めてあるのではないですか。

憲法の解釈は国民によって異なるだろうが、世界の一般常識に照らし合わせれば、独立国家と言いながら、連合国に押し付けられた国際法にも劣る違法な憲法を、70 年近くも後生大事に顕示し、国軍を持たず交戦権も認めない国を、主権国家と呼ぶなど到底ゆるす訳には参らぬ。世界中の物笑いです。

南朝鮮に侵略された竹島を取り返せないのも、「 国の交戦権はこれを認めない 」 からであり、支那尖閣周辺に於ける領空領海侵犯を阻止できないのも、憲法第九条 」 が邪魔になるからだ。
青山繁晴氏のお言葉を借りると、小泉純一郎氏が北朝鮮を訪問した際に、故金正日氏は、「 国の交戦権はこれを認めない 」 との条文を熟知した上で、悪びれる事なく堂々と、国家組織が日本人を拉致したと明言したそうです。


おい、現代を生きる日本人、君達の祖国への愛は何処にある。大和民族の誇りを捨てたのか。人間の魂まで腐ったか。祖国と子孫繁栄の為に見知らぬ国の山海へと、清く散って行かれた先人達に、恥ずかしくはないのか、「 武士は食はねど高楊枝 」 を気取っている場合ではないと言った処でしょうか。

お知らせ・このブログは後日投稿する 「 魂を失った民族 No.5 / 変われない自民党 」 へと続きます。

(Because this English sentence is machine translation of Yahoo Corporation, I would like a pardon when a meaning is unidentified.)

The race which lost a soul

『 Readiness of the Japanese citizen No.4 』

When it was the bad country which invaded Southeast Asian countries, as for the current Japanese citizen, the mother country was educated in the modern history up to the upper grades of the elementary school by our generation by a head and that is why many noncombatants were killed by a not discriminating attack, and an A-bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but I repeated it and was persuaded and should have been brought up when you must not bear a grudge against the Allied Forces.

I received teaching even if I supported the United Nations (the United Nations) because it was the engine which protected peaceful world order with fairness beautifully even if it was unconditional and had a duty to ratify it.

I felt no question for approximately five years after I appeared in the society.

I know the surprising colonial policy to the Southeast Asian countries by Europe and America in those days while I will play Isoroku Yamamoto in war movie "tiger tiger tigers" of Hollywood, and Mr. late So Yamamura of the actor who was taken care of reads a Pacific War-related book.

And it was convenient and understood that it was an engine to use it after I suffered, and the victorious nation in contradiction to "the organization which protected peaceful world order with fairness beautifully" oppressed Japan and Germany which were a defeated nation, and a thing named the United Nations humiliated you.

There is the enemy country article that the victorious nation does not get adoption of the United Nations and can attack a defeated nation in the Charter of the United Nations.

As for the world order after the Greater East Asia War, the victorious nation led by the United States monopolized vast profit by an overwhelming advantageous viewpoint by this charter. The reason why the reckless action got by is because the United Nations was certainly the thing only for the victorious nation.

I told the United Nations at school with UNITED NATIONS, but neither the meaning of words nor the role is the United Nations, and the United Nations forces are right.

When it is not the victorious nation, I cut off the People's Republic of China fighting against Japan intensely based on such an objective fact in the foregoing paragraph, but analyze the Republic of Korea which is the same kind calmly.

When south Korea was still invaded by Japan, I yelled, but the Republic of Korea concluded the Treaty on Japan's annexation of Korea with Japan in 1910, and, in south Korea, it was with a Japanese part. A rule system is totally different from Europe and America having performed colonial rule of Asia and Africa.

This merger treaty was made within the international law based on the approval of the European and American coalition, too, and the Korean at the time of the Greater East Asia War fought as the Japanese military. Korea will be a defeated nation closely, too.

Japan signs a surrender document on September 2, 1945, and the Greater East Asia War completely terminates. When it was 1949, President Syngman Rhee of south Korea recognized an own country as the member of allied powers and took action in the United States when I did it in the victorious nation.

On June 25, 1950, war breaks out over the sovereign power of the Korean Peninsula between south Korea and North Korea, but Japan links "the San Francisco Peace Treaty" to the allied powers side on September 8, 1951. South Korea rebelled in Japan participating in this treaty fiercely.

By a demand with victorious nation of south Korea which is obstinate as for the advisor to Secretary of State American Dulles in January, 1952, south Korea never fights against Japan. It is said that allied powers joint declaration of January, 1942 does not have a signature either and declares that it is not allied powers in the victorious nation.

As for President Syngman Rhee, the San Francisco Peace Treaty has effect for the stomach energy that a demand was rejected (April 28, 1952); became just before it, and pulled a line without permission to the Sea of Japan without getting the consent of the United Nations, and took Japanese territory Takeshima away, and stole it. It is Lee Sung-man line.

Current south Korea is not allied powers like China without the victorious nation so that such an objective fact proves it.

However, it is why, and do you continue the stupid, impudent action that China and south Korea do not take down an anti-Establishment flag, and seems to be frowned upon from all over the world? I suppose that the bases of the cause are as follows.

It will be that the Japan forces broke the Russia forces by Russo-Japanese War that it is at time when I too easily lost in Sino-Japanese War that a Chinese was conscious of a Japanese first, and felt fear true first. Therefore the Chinese has never fought to Japanese military partner by a war of afterward fairly. The Communist Party forces set a guerilla war and run around, and the Kuomintang forces continue disturbing Japan by information round to understand even Nanjing Massacre, and most of the tactics are succeeded to now by the Communist Party forces.

The Japan forces break the Russia forces by Russo-Japanese War, and it will be that it was in a part of Japan in Japan and Korea merger that it is at time when spellbinding of China that continued being ruled over for several hundred years for 1,000 years by the Japanese hand which won against Sino-Japanese War was untied like a lie that the Korea race was conscious of the Japanese race first, and felt first true fear.

However, it does capital Tokyo by the Allied Forces with the beginning these two countries are astonished most and learn a shiver, and to have shuddered with fear, and major cities are done by the burnt field, and the Japanese whom it is dropped to an A-bomb and was defeated by should be nothing but that it is instant, and nothing has accomplished revival in the coolness that there did not seem to be at all.

Therefore the Republic of Korea links the Japan-ROK Basic Relations Treaty to defeated nation Japan in 1965, and the People's Republic of China signs peace and friendship treaty in the daytime in diplomatic normalization, 1978 in 1972 and is seen whether you fixed the friendly nation relations in form.

However, why is it that anti-Japan sentiment added to intensity after it is these days? The superficial direct cause is neither more nor less than the aggravation of economic conditions to be able to put in the two countries.

China goes in Japan several years ago and seemed to become the major economic power of the second place of the world, but, in finance, a house, the steel, China government in itself seems to be the state that cannot grasp the actual situation exactly without anyone knowing it, and the true place is that amends does not work even if I lick the pencil.

Well, there are what to do, the good idea that I understood. Let's take money of Japan in a usual state. It is the race like pirates.

The internal conditions seem to be bad things without being inferior without falling behind the People's Republic of China by the south Korea economy. When the auto industry sets a shoulder beside a Japanese maker, and Samsung overtook IT industry of Japan, it is the Democratic Party government times that I make a fuss and danced like crazy. The recent sales number fails all to rise, and the defect disturbance of patent infringement suit and the product happens frequently in Europe and America. If Japan prohibits the export of main parts in this, I will collapse instantly.

Oh, I remembered that was good that I understood that I carried it on my back how. Let's pull off Japanese yen from a Japanese in a usual state. It is a race such as the robbery.

Because it is such an ethnicity, it cannot make ends meet nationally even if I help me so much.

If there is not the reflection for the failure because only the self-consciousness is strong in the habit that the basic ability as the human being lacks in, I will make the original product which is not defeated by stack, Japan and will never think about an effort and a study.

Even if it is a patent, I steal it without hesitating if I think that I am profitable and, in a copyright, assemble it. Therefore I cannot really return it to the model even if even the trouble that I did restricts long time.

I trace it to here and finally remember how scary horror of Japanese and Japan when I was angry are again. The imagination does not point out whether it becomes strong as it is to where if I let you have your own way. Prime Minister Abe ate it until a constitutional amendment to get away from Regime after the defeat.

If Japan changes the existing constitution and makes my comeback to the common sovereign state, I will add to a voice by a frontal attack logically. I may come to regain the allowance that let the strong armed forces pay a tribute to a shield so far. I do not go in reason to let you exchange Japanese constitution Article 9 absolutely.

South Korea worried. Because it is not allied powers, I will fight only in an own country if Takeshima is attacked. There will not be the possibility to overcome because the United States should protect neutrality.

While China strayed, I noticed. When I shoot it, and it may be sunk by the unrivaled armed forces if I invade territorial airspace territorial waters of Senkaku because it is not the victorious nation.

An attack is the biggest defense. In a forgery prostitute story, let's make a preemptive attack by the issue of wartime forced labor by Nanjing Massacre. China and south Korea accelerated anti-Japan sentiment to take throwing into confusion before it's too late, and to confine the real ability of the Japanese race.

"The wild beast that oneself does not have the confidence keeps barking by all means before biting. It is a true reason letting anti-Japan sentiment intensify"

Even if is made a fool to here and is licked, and take the tax of the nation, and is taken and is profaned to racial dignity; ordinary Japan where was not able to counterattack.

Many nations do not notice the biggest cause in the thing in us. The fact that provided a cause is obvious, and, as for what permitted the People's Republic of China race and the Korea race an anti-day if I express the distinction, we Japanese oneself is listed in the Constitution of Japan.

When a country of the Yamato which is our mother country is an independent nation, I tell me in compulsory education all too well, but am the greatest cause that 70 is over after defeat, and it permitted China and a Korean reckless action that "Japan is not a true sovereign state in state and now doing it either".

Please remember the last words of Constitution of Japan Article 9 Clause 2. Is it not provided, "the right of belligerency of the country does not accept this?"

I unveil an illegal constitution to be inferior to international law pushed to the allied powers for treasuring for nearly 70 years while saying with an independent nation if I compare it with world something about everything even if the constitutional interpretation varies among the nations and do not give up in the reason to possibly permit such as the right of belligerency calling the country which does not admit a sovereign state without having the national military. It is ridicule of the world.

That that I cannot get back Takeshima invaded by south Korea "is, the right of belligerency of the country does not accept this" and cannot prevent territorial airspace territorial waters violation in around Senkaku of China is that "constitution Article 9" interferes.

When Junichiro Koizumi visited North Korea when I borrowed words of Mr. Shigeharu Aoyama, it was dignified without being timid, and late Kim Jong Il seemed to declare it after having known the text, "the right of belligerency of the country did not recognize this" well when a polity abducted a Japanese.

Up to the far-off future, the anti-Japan attack from China and south Korea will not stop in future without being able to say the sovereign state even if I take one any example unless a Japanese citizen carries out revision of the Constitution either. From the European and American bad victorious nation, nightmare diplomatic negotiations will continue being forced to.

Hey, where are the Japanese living in the present age, the love to your mother country? Did you abandon a pride of the Japanese race? Were you corrupt to a human soul? Will it be the place that said that I do not pose as "Eagles eat no flies" whether you are not ashamed for ancient people that it is clean, and it was gone for the mother country and descendant prosperity to the mountains and seas of the unknown country?

News・this blog leads to "The Liberal Democratic Party which does not change No.5" to contribute later.

国民の叫び No.34 / 安倍総理への提言

魂を失った民族 No.3 / The race which lost a soul

『 高まる反日の実態 』

そんな事よりも、敗戦後 70 年も過ぎ去ったと云うのに、中韓は何故に今も日本叩きを諦めないのか、その得体が知れない暴風雨の正体を探って見る事にする。

昨年の7月、「 日韓通貨スワップ協定 」 が満期を向えたとき、韓国政府から、日本が延長を望んでいる事にして欲しいと云ったそうだ。何処まで無礼で身勝手な自惚れ民族なのだろうと呆れ返ってしまう。安倍政権は何の益にもならない、無意味なスワップ協定など受け入れる筈もなかった。余談だが民主党政権は、従来の日韓通貨スワップ枠を何時の間にか拡大していたのです。


こうした日本の経済的な後ろ盾を失った韓国では、大手新聞の中央日報が一月九日の社説・「 政府は日本の世論に耳を傾けるべき 」 の中で、日本をもっと利用するべきとの、日本有効利用論なるものを説く。この様にメディアの心変わりの裏には、韓国経済を支えるサムスン企業連合の強い意志が、かつて傘下であった中央日報に働いたことは明白だ。韓国経済の専門家は、今でもサムスンの意向は中央日報の紙面に、大きく反映されるとのことだ。

サムスンの企業収益は携帯電話事業が 70% 強を占め、スマートフォンに代わる美味しい収入源は開発されていない。主要部品の多くは日本からの輸入に頼り、稼ぎ頭の商品を世界中で販売し続けるには、日本との摩擦は得策とは言えない筈だ。喧嘩をして困るのは組み立て屋のサムスンである。その上に欧米諸国との間で特許侵害訴訟を抱え、裁判は必ずしも優位に運んでいるとは言えない状況である。好い加減にしないと国も企業も破産してしまう。


その良い例がつい最近も起こった。日本政府が 2 月 22 日の 「 竹島の日 」 に因んで、記念式典に亀岡内閣政務官の出席を発表すると、韓国外務省は即座に在韓日本大使館の参事官を呼び付け、政務官の式典出席撤回を厳命した。
すると、外務省の思惑を待ち構えていたかの様に、札付きの過激な活動家が、「 日本に乗り込み第二の安重根伊藤博文の暗殺者 ) 事件を挙行する 」 との声明を出した。結局のところ反日を自制する動きはあっても、韓国政府自体の姿勢は全く変わらないのだ。

この国には、「 愚図る子供は餅をひとつ余計に貰える 」、との言い伝えがある。祖国を離れ悪さをする才覚もない半端者は、国内で蜜に群がる蟻の如く、反日を掲げ美味しい汁を吸おうとする虫けらに過ぎない。それらの行為行動は、彼等が生き抜く常套手段であり、これからも際限なく続く事であろう。

1970 年頃には反日と云う言葉を使うと、多くの人々から極右翼だと顔色を変えられたものだが、昨今では日常語になってしまった。隣国の傍迷惑な行為や無謀と思える反日行動の正体を紐解いて見よう。
今年の初めに韓国の最高裁判所は、日韓併合時代に日本企業で強制労働させられ、賃金が未払いだとの訴えに、被害者勝訴の判決を下した。日本政府は企業に支払い拒否を通達し、1965 年 6 月 22 日に締結された通称・日韓基本条約に基づき、一切の支払を拒否する政府見解を発表した。
だが数日前に、今度は支那に於いて、大東亜戦争当時に日本へ強制連行され、苛酷な労働を強いられたとし、37名の本人や親族が北京市裁判所に、三菱マテリアルなどを相手取り、一人当たり 1700 万円の賠償と、両国の新聞各社へ謝罪広告掲載請求訴訟を起こした。

日本は中華人民共和国との間で、1972 年 9 月 29 日に国交正常化を目的に、田中角栄公が日中共同声明を結んだ。声明文には具体的な賠償額は明示されていないが、これ以後 ODA による莫大な国民の税金を注ぎ込む見返りに、中国共産党政府は戦後賠償請求を放棄すると明記し、時の周恩来首相が調印した。


先の二月二十五日にも中国共産党政府は、新たに 9 月 3 日を 「 抗日戦争勝利記念日 」 とし、12 月 13 日を 「 南京大虐殺犠牲者追悼日 」 にすると、新華社通信が報じた。

70 年以上も昔の事件を今まで放って置き、突然に幽霊の如く登場した新たな記念日とは、一体何を意味するのか、本当の狙いは何処にあるのだ。抗日戦争勝利とは、日本で言われる処の満州事変を指すのであろうが、拡大解釈すると日本が大東亜戦争降伏文書に調印したのは、9 月 2 日であるから一日ズラした事になり、真の記念日とは言えない。深く考えればこの辺りに中国共産党政府の悩みとも言うべき、連合軍の助けを借りやっとの思いで勝利したと云う、良心の呵責が見え隠れしているのではあるまいか。

南京大虐殺犠牲者追悼日 」 に付いては、当時の支那中華民国を二分していた、共産党軍の毛沢東氏も国民党軍の蒋介石氏も、南京大虐殺について一言も触れた事実が無い。また、当時の南京市には欧米の宣教師などが中心となり、戦争を監視する様な役目の国際委員会組織があった。これらの公式報告書によると、南京市の人口は25万人と記されている。今の中国政府が公表した虐殺数は30万人ですから、日本軍は存在しない五万もの人間を、何処から連れて来て殺したのだろう。誰が考えても中国側の捏造としか思えないだろう。




1945 年 9 月 2 日・日本は降伏文書に調印して、世界に対し恭順の意を示したが、中華民国はこのとき既に、四年にも及ぶ無意味で醜い権力闘争戦へと突入していた。最終的に毛沢東が率いる共産党軍が勝利し、1949 年 10 月 1 日に現在の中華人民共和国が誕生したのである。歴史上の事実は誰にも変えられない。


お知らせ・このブログは後日投稿する 「 魂を失った民族 No.4 」 に続きます。

(Because this English sentence is machine translation of Yahoo Corporation, I would like a pardon when a meaning is unidentified.)

The race which lost a soul

『 The anti-Japan actual situation to increase No.3 』

When I add to a neighboring country diplomacy posture of Prime Minister Abe having taken a sudden turn slightly in the past with the mind and cut it in a severe policy to Japan and changed, a member of the Opposition making an irrelevant remark is outstanding. People who made a strange move by reshuffle clearly in the field of vision came to be disgusting in the member of the ruling party at the side. I decide to investigate the real nature of the mysterious looking rainstorm, and to watch it whether middle Korea is why, and you do not still give up Japan bashing though you say so that 70 years pass after the war than such a thing.

When I was able to go, in July of the last year, "a Japan-Korea currency swap agreement" hears an expiration of a term when there was the percussion of Japan wanting you to decide to expect agreement extension from the Korean government. I am too amazed in self-centeredness to where when it will be the conceit race of the jerk. Naturally I could not receive any meaningless swap agreements not to be of use even if I extended it as the Abe Administration. It was a digression, but the Democratic Party government expanded the conventional Japan and Korea currency swap line behind closed doors.

When the central bank of the country concerned agrees on the uniformity when I easily write down a swap agreement, and an own country fell into international currency lack, it is life insurance to have you lend it international currency at a determined exchange rate, that it is to the guarantor of the debt if I say clearly. It is suicidal act itself including the debt guarantee of a partner fighting against each other let alone a relationship of mutual trust and virtually tells a thief the stash of the money and is not a sane incident. It is that is nothing but financial support of the one way at all that I change the greenback which Japan holds for Korean paper money without a mistake in the case of Japan and Korea and help the Korean trade settlement.

In Korea which lost such an economical support of Japan, Joong-ang Daily News of the major newspaper preached the thing named the Japan use theory that seemed to use Japan more when the government should listen to Japanese public opinion by an editorial on January 9. On the back of the change of heart of such Korean media, it is clear that the strong will of Samsung consortium supporting Korean economy worked in Joong-ang Daily News which was affiliation once. As for the expert of the economy of Korea, the intention of Samsung still seems to be greatly reflected by the space of Joong-ang Daily News.

As for the corporate earnings of Samsung, mobile phone business accounts for a little over 70%, and the income source for the smartphone is not developed. There cannot be the friction with Japan despite a wise policy to depend on import from Japan for most of main parts, and to continue selling the product of the biggest earner all over the world. It is Samsung of the assembling shop that it is awkward for that I quarrel. I have patent infringement suit between American and European countries on the top, and there is the situation that it cannot be necessarily said that I carry it to the predominance as for the trial. Both the country and the company disappear when they do not do it randomly.

Such an economic circumstances are connected with each other, and the number or the economic world are going to recognize the Japanese significance of being, but the ethnicity to be supported only in pride, and to spread will not go to the reason to change an anti-Japan route from the right into the left just like that.

The good example happened just recently. Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs called a member of the diet of the immediately Japanese Embassy residing in Korea to come when I announced the attendance of the Kameoka Cabinet parliamentary secretary, and Japanese Government gave a commemorative ceremony a strict order by the ceremony attendance withdrawal of the parliamentary secretary for "a day of Takeshima" of February 22. Then I gave a statement, "I marched into Japan, and a radical activist held the second Yasue root (the person who assassinated Hirobumi Ito) case" from the public. Eventually, the posture of Korea government in itself does not change at all even if there is the movement to control itself on an anti-day.

Korea is the fiction nation state which does not have a unified heart to respect the mother country truly. By the speed skating of the international game and Olympic Games of the soccer, I showed an abnormal solidarity power. On the other hand, the people who I throw away a country calmly, and emigrate to the world kick a foreign people to a weapon by the unification mind that was out of order and unity to gather around. I repeat a brutal crime in Japan after the defeat, and it is unbroken in now when I invited the 21st century, and the mind of the Korea Operation Army which made a large amount of fortune breathes. A proverb, "the fretting child gets one rice cake even more" seems to be in this country. The unnoticing person without the resource to leave the mother country, and to do mischief makes noise in the country on an anti-day and is going to breathe delicious juice. Those act actions will be to follow without an end from now on.

It was the thing which the complexion was changed into by many people when it was an extreme right wing, but it has been anti-sunlight for vernacular speech in these days in about 1970 when I used the words to say. I read the real nature of the annoying act of the neighboring country and the anti-Japan action to think that I am reckless, and let's look. The Korean Supreme Court handed down a decision of the victim winning the case on claim for payment suit such as the back pay of the person who engaged in forced labor at the time of Japan-Korea merger in a Japanese company at the beginning of this year. I paid, and the Japanese Government notified the company about refusal and, based on a popular name, Japan-ROK Basic Relations Treaty concluded on June 22, 1965, announced the government opinion to refuse all payment. But it was said that a Chinese worker was taken to Japan at the time of Greater East Asia War, and severe labor was forced to this time in China a few days ago, and 37 people and relatives woke up apology request for one to compensation of 17 million yen and the newspaper companies of the two countries against Mitsubishi Materials in the Beijing municipal court.

The taken number achieves a bulletin, the ring ball time signal about the diplomacy of the Chinese Communist Party to 40,000 people. When similar trials appeared one after another because the lost case was hard to think that this suit was accepted, I hung the threat that ignored the Chinese special international common sense.

Japan concluded Japan-China joint declaration for the purpose of diplomatic normalization between the People's Republic of China on September 29, 1972. The amount of concrete compensation was not stated clearly in a declaration, but when the Chinese Communist Party government abandoned claim for payment after the war, I specified it, and the Chou Enlai prime minister at time signed a reward to pour the tax of the vast nation by the ODA into after this.

The behavior of the Republic of Korea and the People's Republic of China is nothing but the act action that it is annoying at all, and was stupid that it is agreement violation obviously, and it is big, and deviated from international common sense judging from the treaty idea between sovereign states.

When the Chinese Communist Party government assumed September 3 "an anti-Japanese movement war victory memorial day" newly on former February 25 and did December 13 on "a Nanjing Massacre victim mourning day", Xinhua News Agency reported it.

Is true, aiming is where I leave an old case so far more than 70 years, and on earth what the new memorial day when I appeared like a ghost suddenly means. Even if anti-Japanese movement war victory is the Manchurian Incident of a place said in Japan, I would move it all day long because it is on September 2 that Japan signed a Greater East Asia War surrender document when I give a broad interpretation, and there is not it despite a true memorial day. Will an attack of conscience to say when I am supported by the Allied Forces which should say to this neighborhood with the trouble of the Chinese Communist Party government if I think deeply and won at last not appear and disappear?

Mr. Mao Zedong of the Communist Party forces which halved then China when there was it on "a Nanjing Massacre victim mourning day" never touched Mr. Chiang Kai-shek of the Kuomintang forces about Nanjing Massacre. In addition, European and American propagators played a key role in the then Nanjing city, and there was an international committee organization of the duty that seemed to watch war. According to these blue books, the population of Nanjing City is written down with 250,000 people. Because the number of the slaughter that the present Chinese government announced was 300,000, the Japanese forces brought a human being of 50,000 who did not exist from where, and did you kill it? Even if anyone thinks, I will think only with the forgery of the Chinese side.

Where is the true purpose to make full use until a childish lie in this way, and to look down on Japan without regard for appearances, and to assume a state? Because you would tell me, I search the Republic of China for little that anti-Japanese movement war begins in, and the dictionary in the net, please watch the key preaching this question.

The then Republic of China was divided in the Kuomintang forces which did it to support the Communist Party military which received support of Russia and European and American help. In wisdom of the Russian Comintern power containing, Mr. Mao Zedong planned Mr. Chiang Kai-shek while both sides considered long time and repeated a skirmish and dragged the Japan forces which hit defense of Manchurian into their civil wars and set it up to let you compete for the strong Japan forces and Kuomintang forces. Lukouchiao Incident shows the truth, but crafty ethnicity and the origin of the anti-Japan sentiment that the Chinese does are seen when this mechanism is readable.

"The People's Republic of China is not allied powers in the victorious nation of the truth when I talk from a conclusion either". Because the current Chinese government cannot wipe out the truth, I am extremely afraid that Japan becomes the original sovereign state. The People's Republic of China never fights against Japan when I put up one of the precise reasons. The Japanese military establishes it in the continent, and the other party which fought from Manchurian Incident to Greater East Asia War end is the Kuomintang forces which Chiang Kai-shek of the Republic of China leads.

September 2, 1945, Japan signed a surrender document and showed will of the allegiance for the world, but the Republic of China has already entered into meaningless, ugly struggle for power round for four years then. The Communist Party forces which Mao Zedong finally led won, and the current People's Republic of China was born on October 1, 1949. The historical fact is changed to nobody.

Chiang Kai-shek of the Kuomintang forces defeated by the Communist Party forces fled into Taiwan and raised a flag of the Republic of China in this ground, and it was with a foundation to lead current prosperity to. Go for it, soldiers of the friend country, God knows what is justice.

News・this blog leads to "race No. 4 to contribute it which lost a soul" later.