国民の叫び No.33 / 安倍総理への提言

魂を失った民族 No.2 / The race which lost a soul

『 愚かな反日感情の真相 』



経済的に一等国の仲間入りをしたと勘違いするこの民族は、国際的な地位の確保と国際舞台での発言力を狙って、捏造・従軍売春婦物語に海兵隊の役割を担わせ、日本のネガティブキャンペーンを展開し続けている。アメリカの教科書に記載されている日本海を 「 東海 」 と併記させるため、政府が積極的にロビー活動の資金を提供し、巷では女子留学生が米国公立図書館の地図上に、「 東海 」 のシールを貼り付けている現場を、Youtube に公開されたのは最近の事です。


歴史の専門家が曰く、「 昔は南朝鮮を助けるメリットもあった。朝鮮半島全域が共産勢力に飲み込まれると、地政学的に日本海は丸裸となり、海の向こうは全て敵国になってしまう。日本が南朝鮮を支援した理由のひとつに、日本海防衛の出城を築く側面を担っていた事は間違いない事実だ。しかし、冷戦構造が崩壊しロシアが自由化した今、朝鮮半島の希少価値は半減以下になったが、南朝鮮政府も国民もその現実を知ろうとしない愚か者である 」



お知らせ・このブログは後日投稿する 「魂を失った民族 No.3 」 に続きます。

(Because this English sentence is machine translation of Yahoo Corporation, I would like a pardon when a meaning is unidentified.)

The race which lost a soul

『 The truth of stupid anti-Japan sentiment No.2 』

At the time when anti-Japan sentiment increases, it becomes the common sense that many students reply arrogance constitution of Korea with one consent if caused by economic deterioration under any circumstance.
When it is quite natural I blackmail money from Japan, and to steal because there is the long history made colonial rule even if Japan-ROK Basic Relations Treaty is established, south Korea should continue thinking. The tax of the nation continued being pulled until now whenever Japan was required by south Korea.
But the Democratic Party government collapsed, and Japan had a political change just after that to the Abe Administration when the government moved to a hand of Park Geun Hye in south Korea in the year before last.
In Japan, economy improves for the better at the same time while I look, and south Korea moves back in the economic composition that seems to step on conventional thin ice. And because economy followed a drop line, President Park Geun Hye took in technique of the China government by oneself and led the dissatisfaction of the nation to the anti-Japan criticism and started the tale diplomacy to the American and European countries.
As for saying that I fanned anti-Japan sentiment by force, only it would prove that the economy of the own country was poor by oneself. The person having a lot of hearts never makes a fuss. No, the honest nation are dated a false charge in the other countries, and blackmail it, and seem to steal money; will not imitate it. I take it in Japan, and the south Korea nation state is only the totally annoying existence that is equal to a terminal cancer patient in this sense.

I heard it the other day because lobbying did not play success if I recalled the Sochi Olympic Games which ended as if you knew it when the south Korea nation with the dissatisfaction cried until terrorism declaration for President Putin for marking of Kim Yuna. It is not a sane incident. I would say, or Kim Yuna tried an introduction of the Winter Olympics of 2018 at the end-style opening, but nobody of the player who filled up the meeting place looked as expected. As well as it, I informed it that I might not hold the national broadcasting of some country. It was a plan to link the venue to the international airport in a rapid transit railway as the big reason at first, but it is done a halt by the reason of lack of funds and a main meeting place and the resort facility where it is hold a large amount of debt and say when it is financial difficulties. It was whispered that it was necessary to sell it from the government, but reported that the government showed disapproval saying that similar cases occurred frequently in future if I permitted this.

I interrupt such arrogant FIFA festival that I blackmail it, and the constitution of the threat was decided to undergo holding in Japan and seize F1 Kokusai Motorcars lace by force and it is remarkable and injures dignity of not only the financial support but also our country and does not hesitate.
This race to misunderstand when I joined it of the first-class power lets you carry a role of the Marine Corps on a forgery, a service in a war prostitute story for the securing of international position and an influential voice in the international stage economically and continues developing a Japanese negative campaign. The government contributed a fund of the lobbying positively to let you write the Sea of Japan listed in an American textbook together with "Tokai", and the spot where a girl foreign student stuck a seal of "Tokai" on on a map of the American public library has been shown in Youtube in the public.

If it was conventional Japanese Government, I closed eyes for such an anti-Japan reckless driving of Korea, but it became the Abe government, and an aspect gradually changed. Therefore I am slanted even more on an anti-day. Japan is scary and cannot sleep in peace. Say an expert of the history; "there was the merit to help south Korea in old days". When whole Korean Peninsula is swallowed for Communist Party power, the Sea of Japan geopolitically strips itself, and all the other side of the sea becomes the enemy country. It took the side to build the stronghold of the Sea of Japan defense that Japan supported south Korea. However, now that Cold War structure collapses, and Russia was liberalized, the scarcity value of the Korean Peninsula became less than a reduction by half, but both the south Korea Government and the nation are the fools who are not going to know the reality.

Prime Minister Abe should draw close to the Japanese Government in the state that North Korea omitted China and south Korea by oneself when I consider these if I talk with Russian President Putin about a territory and a pocketbook issue calmly. It will be that a menace to take it, and to deserve Hiroshima-shaped atom bomb goes to south Korea whether auspicious decoration for gifts takes it in the flow that Japan did it this way for Russia and North Korea to push forward normalization negotiations by a frontal attack. Even if money was already pestered south Korea for, in Japan, a reason to loosen the purse strings went out. Did the need overwhelmed by a threat of extremely impolite south Korea not fade!?

We nations support Prime Minister Abe how afterward, and it becomes the key of the game where the Prime Minister can finish holding out to.

News ・ this blog leads to "race to contribute it which lost a soul No. 3" later.

国民の叫び No.32 / 安倍総理への提言

魂を失った民族 No.1 / The race which lost a soul

『 強請り盗られた 23 兆円 』

捏造・従軍売春婦物語に代表される如く、南朝鮮のロビー活動は、米国の教科書で日本海を強制的に“ 東海 ”表記に変更させ、先のフランス国際漫画祭でも従軍慰安婦劇場を上演し、世界に向かって日本を貶めた。
そればかりではない。「 竹島の日 」 に向けては、過激な活動家が日本の要人にテロ予告までする反日国家・南朝鮮。そもそも南朝鮮は、日本国民の莫大な血税投入によって、今の繁栄を成し得たのではなかったか。
政治やスポーツの場を利用し、今や“ 日常化 ”とまで拡大した韓国の反日バッシング。だが何故かつい先ごろまで、日本政府は南朝鮮の経済を下支えする為に、国民の血税を惜しみなく毟り盗られ続けてきた。

巷に出回っている援助金リストは、我が国が ODA ( 政府開発援助 ) の一環として、南朝鮮に貢いだ金額のほんの一部だと、南朝鮮問題に詳しい有識者たちの一致した見解です。また、ネット上でも朝鮮民族を嫌う人達の間で、奪われた血税が話題となっている。1966 年から 90 年の ODA 終了時まで、支払われた項目を調べて見ると、現在の価値に換算し、総額で 23 兆円の血税南朝鮮の為に使われた事になります。

今更に申し上げるまでもなく、日本と南朝鮮は 1965 年に日韓基本条約を締結した時点で、日本は全ての解決金として莫大な賠償額を請求されるままに支払った。
日韓併合時代の個人的未払い賃金など、全ての対日請求権を放棄する代わりに、無償で 3 億ドル、有償で 2 億ドル、民間借款 3 億ドルの総額 8 億ドルの資金を提供した。勿論の事として、この中には従軍売春婦への人道的慰労金も含まれていた。この慰労金に関しては、日本政府が当事者に直接支払う筈だったが、先方の強い要請により資金援助 8 億ドルにインクルードされた経緯があります。
当時の日本政府に置ける外貨準備高は 18 億ドルの蓄えしかなく、そこから 8 億ドルを掠め盗られたのである。この金額は南朝鮮の国家予算 2 年半分に相当し、時の佐藤栄作政権閣僚の多くが、“ 日本の有り金すべてを攫って行く気か ”と激怒したそうです。ちなみに、この時の南朝鮮は、現在の朴槿惠大統領の父親・朴正煕〈 パク・チョンヒ 〉氏が、大統領として実権を握っていた。

日本からの解決金と技術支援によって、「 漢江の奇跡 」 とまで世界から持て囃され、急速な経済成長を遂げた南朝鮮だが、97 年のアジア通貨危機で経済が崩壊する。国の金庫から外貨が消えた南朝鮮は、あっという間に国家破産状態に陥り、昨日まで大企業のスタッフだった人達が、一夜にしてホームレス生活を余儀なくされる事となった。

財政破綻防止目的でIMF国際通貨基金 ) の監督下に置かれた南朝鮮に対し、日本は 100 億ドルを融通し南朝鮮の国家破たんを救ったが、南朝鮮政府は危機が一段落すると、「 IMFからの支援はありがたかったが、日本の支援は迷惑だった 」 と、高飛車に嘯き感謝とは真逆に敵意を露わにしたのです。この時に助けた金も、恐らく未だに返済されてはいないだろう。

お知らせ・このブログは後日投稿する 「 魂を失った民族 No.2 」 に続きます。

(Because this English sentence is machine translation of Yahoo Corporation, I would like a pardon when a meaning is unidentified.)

The race which lost a soul No.1

『 23 trillion yen that blackmailed it, and was taken 』

The lobbying of south Korea let "Tokai" notation change the Sea of Japan with an American textbook forcibly as if it was representative by a forgery, a service in a war prostitute story, and even former France international comics festival staged a charity dame theater and looked down on Japan towards the world.
It is not only it. Anti-Japan nation, south Korea which a radical activist does until a terrorism notice to a Japanese very important person toward "a day of Takeshima." In the first place was south Korea not able to make the present prosperity by the vast tax injection of the Japanese citizen?
The anti-Japan bashing that I used the place of politics and sports, and spread to "becoming common" now of Korea. But I pulled the tax of the nation generously, and the Japanese Government continued being taken for some reason until a just point to prop up economy of south Korea.
When our country is just one copy of the amount of money that I gave south Korea as part of ODA, an allowance list appearing in the public is an agreed opinion of well-informed people knowing a lot about the issue of south Korea. In addition, the tax that I was robbed of becomes the topic among people in disfavor with the Korea race on the net. When I checked a paid item and watched it until the ODA end from 1966 through 90, I converted it into current value, and a tax of 23 trillion yen would be used for the total sum for south Korea.

Vast compensation was requested as money of all solution when you did not need to be similar now and concluded Japan-ROK Basic Relations Treaty with Japan between south Korea in 1965.
Instead of abandoning all right to claim including the personal back pay of the Japan-Korea merger era to Japan, I contributed 200 million dollars, a fund of a total of 800 million dollars of private loan 300 million dollars by 300 million dollars, payment gratis. Of course the humanitarian bonus for special services to a war prostitute was included in a total of 800 million dollars, too. About this bonus for special services, Japanese Government should have paid to the person concerned directly, but there is process included in financial support 800 million dollars by a strong request of the other party.

The foreign currency reserves to be able to put in the then Japanese Government had only a store of 1,800 million dollars and it passed through 800 million dollars from there and was taken. This amount of money was equivalent to half of national budget two years of south Korea and seemed to fly into a rage whether most of the Eisaku Sato government cabinet minister of time "were the mind that kidnapped all the Japanese ready money". By the way, in south Korea of this time, Mr. father, Park Chung Hee of current president Park Geun Hye held real power as the President.

The Japan-ROK Basic Relations Treaty was established in this way, but the use of the money of solution is entrusted to the south Korea Government, and the opaque money distribution does the cause of the big obstacle now. Though the south Korea Government received North Korea and money of solution to a prostitute if I borrowed the words of the commentator ladies and gentlemen who knew a lot about south Korea circumstances, I did not pay 1 dollar to both either. In addition, the south Korea Government does not yet disclose the details of the Japan-ROK Basic Relations Treaty to the nation.
I am praised to the skies as money of solution from Japan until "a miracle of the Han" from the world by technological assistance, and it is south Korea which accomplished rapid economic growth, but economy collapses by Asia currency crisis of 97. South Korea where foreign currency disappeared falls into a national bankruptcy state from the safe of the country in no time, and people who were the staff of the big company will be forced to homeless person life overnight until yesterday.

I lent it 10 billion dollars, and, for south Korea put under the control of IMF ( International Monetary Fund ) in a financial failed prevention purpose, Japan saved national failure of south Korea, but it was overbearing and bragged, and the south Korea government did hostility in truth reverse with the thanks openly when a crisis was completed when "I was thankful for the support from IMF, but the Japanese support was annoying". At this time, probably the money which I helped will not be yet paid back.

Notice ・ This blog leads to "the race which lost a soul No.2" to contribute later.

国民の叫び No.31 / 安倍総理への初夢 B


『 国民の囁き No.2 / 朝鮮民族への国民感情

この件はさて置き、日本は大東亜戦争敗戦後国際法を順守し、貴国に対しても68年間もの長きに渡り、あらゆる援助を惜しまなかった訳だが、これで心置きなく諸君らの無法を叩き潰す正当性を世界から認可され得た事になった。 http://kimsoku.com/archives/7932269.html

貴君達の同胞が犯し続ける殺人・強盗・強姦の鬼畜行為は、日本国民が君達に施す善意への裏返しであり、「 朝鮮民族の体内で渦巻く不純な自尊心や欲望の捌け口でしかないのだろう 」、との結論に到達した。


3)朝鮮半島民族の諸君、今また女性初のPresident Park Geun Hye, の基で、対馬南朝鮮の領土だと面白い事を言い始めた。

それでも世界の一等国を自負したいのであれば、恥ずかしい従軍売春婦劇場を他国に持ち込んだり、数十万人の売春婦軍団を世界にばら撒く性産業は、余りにも芸がなさ過ぎると思われるが如何であろうか。君たち朝鮮民族には生涯理解できないでだろうが。 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/pandiani/e/99ebbf1f6aa2210a7f8259d6dfc21f4e



President Park Geun Hye, のお言葉を借りる迄もなく、我々大和民族も貴君らと同様に千年経っても、日韓併合当時の共栄心は蘇えらないと思う。大和の皇軍に向かって心置きなく、朝鮮民族の誇りに賭け反旗を翻す事をお薦め申し上げたい。




その様な疑惑を説く鍵として、一番良い例が従軍売春婦物語である。貴国に限らず大東亜戦争当時の欧米以外の国では、大部分の女性達が貧困のため親に売られる気の毒な身の上であった。特に貴国の場合は、それ以前から清国への税金が支払えず、女性を貢物にしていた記録が存在する。世界の一等国を自負するのであれば、先ず自国の歴史を勉強し直した上で、正しい世界観と正常な国際感覚を身に付けるべきです。 http://youtu.be/ijYLNvUPU_A



安倍総理への伝言 】


国民の叫び No.30 / 安倍総理への初夢 A


専門家でも評論家でもないから今年は、「 ズバリ・単刀直入・一刀両断 」 で、何方様にもご理解を戴ける様な、投稿を心掛けますので是非ご声援ください。

『 国民の囁き No.1 / 歴史教育問題 』


<その一> 歴史教科書に関しましては、日露戦争の勝利によって欧米先進国( 国際会議 ) 承認の基で、韓国は植民地ではなく併合した事実を明記する

<その二> 竹島に関しましては、敗戦後の混乱に乗じ韓国の李承晩大統領が武力で占領した事実を明記する

<その三> 尖閣諸島に関しましては、1960 年代後半に海底資源が確認されると、支那と台湾が領有権を主張し始め、1990年代以降は反日活動家の抗議船や、支那漁船による領海侵犯が頻発に行われている事実を明記する

<その四> 北方領土に関しましては、1945年8月14日に日本はポツダム宣言を受諾し降伏したが、同年八月二十八日から九月五日に掛け、ソ連軍は北方領土に上陸し武力制圧した事実を明記する

<その五> 義務教育から高等学校教育までの教師は、純大和民族の同胞でなければならない。例え帰化人であっても、日本人が祖国日本の価値を、大切に尊ぶのであれば、子孫の教育を他民族の魂に委ねてはならない。


国民の叫び No.29 / 安倍総理は今

私の拙いブログをお読み下さる方々から、貴方は左翼ですか右翼ですかと時々尋ねられる。強いて肩書と名称を付け加えるならば、「 大和民族派 」 だと胸を張ってお答えしたいと思う。

昨年の秋口に衆議院議員安倍晋三氏の掲げる、「 瑞穂の国ニホン 」 に夢を託して自民党総裁選に加担し、「 麗しき祖国ニッポン奪回 」 を旗印に衆議院選挙を戦い、奇跡とも言われた安倍政権を手にする事ができました。


私の記憶に間違いがなければ安倍総理は戦の旗印として、「 戦後レジームからの脱却 」 を掲げられた。
ですから衆議院選に勝利し総理が所信表明演説の冒頭で、『 戦後レジームからの脱却 』 の覚悟を、日本国民と心ある世界の人々に発信して欲しかった。
< 国民の叫び / 安倍総理への提案 No.13・2012, 12,16 > を投稿。


「 これ以上の暴挙を繰り返すならば、民族の誇りと国民の安全を担保する観点から、日本国として正当な権利を世界に問う 」、この決意表明が欲しかったのです。

日本に置ける本来の 『 戦後レジームからの脱却 』 とは、大東亜戦争で貴国が日本へ行った空襲や原爆投下は、非戦闘員への無差別殺戮であり国際法違反は明確だが、日本国民は米国の大罪を、歴史が成せる技と寛大な心で抱き取って来た。しかし、遠すぎる過去の歴史に支那や朝鮮は理不尽な行為を繰り返し、それに乗じ米国が同調するならば、日本は貴国が行った非人間的行為を思い出すことになるだろう 」、先ずはこの件を米国に宣言する事が正論の筈です。

安倍総理衆議院選で唱えた 『 戦後レジームからの脱却 』 を望むお心が真実であるならば、このスローガンは命懸けの物であると考えなければならない。




これだけではない。教育界・言論界・思想団体・密入国者の末裔など、安倍総理が国民に掲げた 『 戦後レジームからの脱却 』 とは、これらの不法不満分子の大掃除を指すのではないだろうか。



この事を冷静に解釈すると、「 今までは国家の機密を自由に教授できたが、法案が成立すると犯罪者扱いされるから、反対だと云う事にもなり兼ねない 」。これが現在祖国日本の偽らざる姿なので、国民も感情論だけで安倍総理を評価せず、もう少しだけ広い視野に立って支援する事を望みたいと思います。

そうした観点に立って、「 対話の窓口は何時も開けてある 」 との総理発言を考えると、真の友好を望まない民族や、祖国の繁栄を好まない異分子たちに、果たして総理の柔らかな心根なり、美的感覚が伝わっているのであろうか。

大変に失礼ですが全く逆作用に働き、「 安倍総理が美しい言葉遊びに陶酔している 」 位にしか受け取られていない。これは他国政府高官の言葉でもある。


我々日本国民にとって貴方が倒れられたら 『 戦後レジームからの脱却 』 も、失われた麗しき祖国奪還も夢のまた夢に終わるのです。

Cry of the nation No.29 / Prime Minister Abe is now

This English translation is Yahoo translation. When a meaning is unidentified, please forgive it.

It is sometimes asked whether you are a left-winger by me who reads poor blog whether it is the right wing. When "it is a Yamato race group," I stick out my chest and want to answer if I add a title and a name forcibly.
Japanese a country of Mizuho which member of the House of Representatives, Shinzo Abe advocates in early fall of the last year; passed, and entrusted it with a dream, and took part in LDP presidential election, and fought by the Lower House election, and a flag mark was able to have the Abe government which was said to be the miracle in its hand by beautiful mother country Japan recapture.
This splendid achievement will be the result that let passion and the natural virtue to the mother country hidden in a politician saying Shinzo Abe move old citizens as for two generations like me and wake.
The nation who advocated the Prime Minister Abe expectation theory who will appeal expects what for the Prime Minister, and, in now when just one year is going to pass from that, what will Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expect towards the nation?
Prime Minister Abe wants to provide some difficult problems and questionable points from the glance of the nation loving the mother country than the each generation Prime Minister named the state of things after having understood that it is worked.
What I want to ask is how both the nation that Prime Minister Abe loves the mother country and the Liberal Democratic Party member of the Diet think about the property of a performed political activity now saying point first.
There is the new thing in nothing if I express it clearly.Of the question that nation and politicians unable to stand up in from we generations postponed the revival of the country in an empty slogan under cover of confusion after the defeat and the difficult problem which continued shelving learn making up from a past example, and accomplish it.

If I remember correctly, as for Prime Minister Abe, breakaway 〞 from ,〝 postwar regime was advocated as a flag mark of the wars.
When it thinks that there was not such the stouthearted message for the nation understanding the place that this phrase means exactly, and our mother country can form true independence in this, it is a fact that I show it, and couldn't help standing.
Therefore I wanted you to send readiness for breakaway 〞 from ,〝 postwar regime to a Japanese citizen and people of the thoughtful world before you won against an election for House of Representatives, and the Prime Minister gave a general policy speech.
I contributed "suggestion No. 13.2012 to Prime Minister cry / Abe of the nation, 12,16"
For the general policy speech of the Prime Minister whom oneself raised, giving it was a dreadful thing by frank advice, but determination and readiness to say when I protected the life that a lot of of the Japanese race who unfortunately loved the mother country in one of a belief expression at this time expected even if the pride of ancient people whom I protected a territory and outran and the territory of the mother country bet racial life on a mark and put it fell.
In spite of being not needing to say, it is the forgery drama of the battlefield prostitute of the Korean government for the Great Japanese Empire armed forces and is a matter of the Senkaku Islands aggression by the China government.
I fan it and do not call for declaration of war either.
I wanted you to send only this which "asked the world a fair right as Japan from a point of view that secured a racial pride and the security of the nation if I repeated the reckless action that was higher than this". There will be neither the power that the two countries pick war with in the place that gave this readiness statement nor the nature.
As for the mental struggle that occurred newly because this matter was left out of a belief expression, a prostitute image was erected by the United States, and frantic tale diplomacy of President woman ran through the world.
In China, the aggression activity to Senkaku Islands intensified still more, and a newly lawless air defense identification zone was born.

I ask Prime Minister Abe and the nation and Abe support member loving the mother country of the Liberal Democratic Party it some other time.
With breakaway 〞 from true 〝 postwar regime to be able to put in Japan "an air raid and the atom bomb throwing down that your country went to Japan by Greater East Asia War were not discriminating massacres to a noncombatant, and the international law violation was clear, but the Japanese citizen held an American mistake for the skill and the generous heart that the history could form, and fetched it". However, is it not essence that Japan conveys this which will remember the big crime that your country went to in the United States if China and Korea repeat an unreasonable act for a too far past history, and the United States goes along taking advantage of it?

Of course it is the next reason that contents itself with the 51st of Hawaii after defeat in now after 60 several years because there was neither the strength of a nation to express this formally nor the pride nor the readiness.
If a heart to expect breakaway 〞 from 〝 postwar regime which Prime Minister Abe advocated by an election for House of Representatives is true, you must think that this slogan is a life-threatening thing.
If there is not the readiness, the Diet member should not eat such a phrase thoughtlessly, and the nation must not expect it. Because sense of let-downs only increase.

The Nakaso root Prime Minister deepened friendship with American President Reagan in ancient times and I sang my own praises and lifted the media when it was relations to call each other Ron by a nickname of Yasu.
President Reagan has surely let Prime Minister Nakasone consent to Yasukuni worship cancellation both officially and privately if Yasukuni shrine worship became inconvenient Prime Minister of Japan in an acquaintance with China the United States even if it was firm good relations. Then, for 30 several years, the Prime Minister of our country is losing a heart to give the truth to the soul of the mother country.

I used really haphazard technique to break an acquaintance with Taiwan taking will of Mr. Chou Enlai into account in the daytime in the meeting of restoration of diplomatic relations negotiations, and to say when I entrusted the next-generation human with fair treatment about Senkaku Islands, and Prince Kakuei Tanaka who seemed to call citizens like me by own hand shelved Senkaku problem.
It was urgent business in those days to break off ties of China with the United States. The issue of Senkaku Islands would not exist without being made to give military build-up costs and a missile development cost if economy was poor as for China, and Prince Kakuei was not eager for political result despite restoration of diplomatic relations of that purpose because support of Japan was the first purpose.

In late years throwing into confusion is taken from the financial circles of the United States, and the Koizumi political power will be that it is vivid, and the scar which spoiled postal service equal to a Japanese lifeline still remains in the heart of.
I repeat a political donation and the election support that seem to mention law and, to the Democratic Party government, receive it, and Representative many other ethnic groups repeats a high treacherous act against one's country act and I strengthen a staying in Japan special privilege and it is calm and goes out to the mother country, and there is no end to members of the Diet looking down on Japan.
None of the media is exaggeration to say to the top with every day making a specialty of the high treacherous act against one's country news of the television which assumes NHK the beginning, the morning sun which assume a forgery selling, slander even if they say with an enemy.
It is not only this. Progenies of an educational front, the press, a thought group, the illegal immigrant crowd. Breakaway 〞 from 〝 postwar regime which Prime Minister Abe advocated to the nation may refer to the general cleaning of these illegal discontented elements.

It can be to Mr. late Koki Ishii of the member of the House of Representatives who acted as a secretary of Mr. Satsuki Eda of the Democratic Party long long ago if Prime Minister Abe is going to clean the politician who decayed of the Democratic Party at one sweep if I say in the matter that I nominated an example for so far.
The Koizumi Administration superimposes a matter submitted throwing into confusion to from the financial circles of the United States on this TPP, and Prime Minister Abe may not say if I express nonparticipation even if fate similar to Minister late Shoichi Nakagawa does not wait.
If anyone of the nation is a situation of Prime Minister Abe, TPP thinks that Japan must be it and becomes extinct if I conclude TPP treaty despite objection frontally even if there is not it without taking off ISDS article.
If it is impossible even if it is that the best method arranges it with each country and withdraws it, I let the United States consent to a constitutional amendment subject to the treaty conclusion as the general will of the nation loving countries, and the recapture of lost mother country Japan where the Japanese race without showing the strength of personality so as to thrust a policy to support the United States from the side while being set, and lightening an American burden expects the system which a nucleus arms itself and has the armed forces, and protects a country by oneself from will be impossible.

Abduction issue loosens between Japan and North Korea and is depressed, and the United States does it, and compensation issue continues smoking after the war of prostitute problem and others between south Korea and is that it meets national interest between China most even for 1,000 years even for 100 years that Senkaku problem is unsolved.
It is not a particularly mean thing. Not country all through getting along well with the diplomacy, pursue one's national interest; deceive you, and therefore should think about the strategy that is strong for the mother country without raising only that our country is pure.

Kuruma, also known as Torasan which we Japanese citizens continued loving Sayuri Yoshinaga of Mr. Torajiro and the national great actress expressed a viewpoint opposite to specific Official Secrets Act plan.
Freedom was able to teach ,〝 so far national secret when I interpret this thing calmly, but a bill can be to say because I am treated like a criminal when established if unpleasant. 〞
I stand in the field of vision wide only a little more without the nation evaluating Prime Minister Abe only for feelings theory because this is a figure not to feign of current mother country Japan and expect what I support.
If I am determined, and even an uneducated human being is it like me in this way in the present when a net was popularized, as well as the event of the mother country, I can know the information of the world instantly.
When I stand at such a point of view and think about a Prime Minister remark, "windows of talks are always opened", does the soft heart of the Prime Minister or aesthetic sense reach foreign elements which do not like prosperity of a race and the mother country which do not expect a true friendship as expected?
At all, excuse me, it acts on retroaction, and it is not received at all by rank "fascinated by the wordplay that Prime Minister Abe is beautiful". This is words of the other countries high government official.
This is because unfortunately it is mother country Japan that it is too defenseless, and a politician after the defeat and bureaucratic ladies and gentlemen use many ambiguous technique, and I develop rubbing hands diplomacy, and the nation told not only the United States but also the unnecessary neighboring country that I am profitable if I approach it if I push it and swat it with indifference in them.
It was time when I waved the flag of the charity dame monument crusade to President Obama nearly three years ago, but the person concerned of the White House which instructed it was said to be it when the withdrawal of the Kawano statement would be the first thing to do than a petition to the United States.
I take it in Prime Minister Abe, mother country Japan and the most necessary thing is a strong magnet bundling up the hearts of the people not a beautiful message now and understands it when what I send the firm readiness, courage, posture that only sprains the ambition of the inimical character nation to, but I would like right or wrong examination.

Finally only the consumption tax increase was a shock.
I think that I think, and Prime Minister Abe made a deep decision, but turn back to strong yen falling stock prices again if I carry out a tax increase from the next year. If the breakaway from deflation economy becomes impossible, and an approval rating of the Abe Administration decreases, it will be Ministry of Finance and the United States and China and Shinanomachi party to be pleased. And they will cut off the politician who is the trump of the nation saying Shinzo Abe plainly.
When I cancel it as soon as I postpone a tax increase, a totally opposite phenomenon is caused, and the supported stability government maintenance is enabled, but an intense fight should be forced the overwhelming popular will to with a powerful enemy. In any case, Hell does not have the change though I retreat though I advance.

For Prime Minister Abe, the turmoil of the discontented element of several thousand of ancient times, the security treaty struggle, I want you to recall the words that Prince Nobusuke Kishi that it is in the de-ceaseds there said to.
For we Japanese citizens, you end the beautiful mother country recapture that the breakaway from regime was lost after the war when fallen down in a dream within a dream.
Please do not forget to say that you are a lifeline left for the nation.

国民の叫び / Cry of the nation No.28

〈 七夕に 夢が叶うか 参議院 銀河をわたれ 祖国のために 〉

参議院選挙の候補者たち 』

幸運にも本国会最終日に、「 森ゆうこ福島瑞穂谷岡郁子各議員の提出した首相問責決議案 」 が、民主党議員とみんなの党と維新の会の賛成により可決いたしましたので、参議院選では候補者選びが簡単になりました。http://nhk.jp/N48A6Xec

「 国民が公認できない参議院選の候補たち 」 を抜粋しました。

参議院選挙の仕組み 』

参院選挙制度は 「 非拘束名簿式 」 ですから、政党が勝手に順位を付けられない。皆さんが投票するとき選挙名簿に、例えば 「 民主党有田芳生 」 の名を記入しなければ当選は難しいでしょう。


【坪田五久男・共産党・滋賀選区 】
ご貴殿の政治心情は、「 改憲勢力の狙いは、二度と戦争はしないと誓った9条を変えて戦場に参加することだ 」との事ですが、選挙用の謳い文句にしては先ず過ぎませんか。ネットの評価は表現の自由を履き違えた「外患誘致罪」。 都政と国政の違いを忘れずに。

【藤末健三・民主党・熊本比例 】

谷博之殿・民主党・栃木選区 】

【 紙智子どの・共産党・比例選区 】
ご貴殿は、「従軍慰安婦の強制連行に関する証拠ある!」と質問主意書安倍内閣に提出したとの事ですが、選挙用のパホーマンスでない事を案じております。徹底解明を期待していますので、腰砕けにならないで下さい。 http://blog.livedoor.jp/nico3q3q/archives/67863691.html


【 藤谷光信どの・民主党・山口比例 】


藤田幸久どの・民主党・茨城選区 】



江田五月どの・民主党・岡山選区 】

【 神本みえ子どの・民主党比例区




川上義博どの・民主党鳥取選区 】

森ゆうこどの・生活の党・新潟選区 】

岩本司どの・民主党・福岡選区 】

柳田稔どの・民主党・広島選区 】


【 松野信夫どの・民主党・熊本選区 】

糸数慶子どの・無所属・沖縄選区 】

【 池口修次どの・民主党 / 参議院比例区

大河原雅子どの・民主党 / 参議院・東京選区】


【又市 征治どの・社民党比例区

国民の皆様・福島氏の第一声は、「 強い国よりやさしい社会を 」 でしたが、この人に我が国の政治を語る資格は全く無いでしょう。彼女が創作演出した隣国の売春婦物語は、日本の成長を百年足踏みさせ、世界的に数値で表せない程のダメージを与えております。http://bit.ly/12KWKvy



岡崎トミ子どの・民主党・宮城選区 】


山本太郎どの・今はひとり・東京選区 】
ご貴殿はバラエティー番組で、「 竹島は韓国へ進呈すれば良い 」 と暴言を吐き、純粋な国民感情を傷つけた。その様な戯けが国会議員など笑止千万。不相応な妄想を描く以前に、日本人で生きるお勉強が先決でしょう。地方議員も認められません。人間の世は、バラエティーで小金を稼ぐほど楽ではありませんよ。


福山哲郎どの・民主党京都府選区 】

牧山弘恵どの・民主党・神奈川選区 】
ご貴殿の選挙用宣伝ビラを拝見しましたが、実現した政策実績の中に 「 麻生前総理からカップ・ラーメン400円の答弁を引き出した 」と書かれてありますが、国民を馬鹿にしないで欲しい。貴女程度の政治家に給与を支払うほど、国民は豊かではありません。http://t.co/FAvkwWIiGt

高橋千秋どの・民主党・三重選区 】

谷岡郁子どの・みどりの風・愛知選区 】


小川敏夫どの・民主党・東京都選区 】

渡辺美樹どの・自民党・比例選区 】

加賀谷健どの・民主党・千葉選区 】

増子輝彦どの・民主党・福島選区 】
ご貴殿の不祥事です。2008年機器販売会社 「 ユナイテッド・パワー 」 の監査役に就き、月20万円の報酬を得ていたことが報道された。このユナイテッド・パワーは、2007年8月、マルチ商法に絡んで経済産業省から業務停止命令が出ていた。



輿石東どの・民主党・山梨選区 】
我々日本国民は、貴殿が率いる日教組反日思想教育を容認できません。貴殿の体制下で引き続き国歌斉唱も国旗掲揚を否定するのであれば、麗しき大和民族の末裔として、今後における民主党および貴殿の政治活動を決して野放しにはしないでしょう。お日様は誰の頭上へも公平に降り注ぐ訳ですから、残された二年間で良くお考えください。 http://bit.ly/AkXQUt

村田蓮舫どの・民主党・東京選区 】
ご貴殿は、父親から日本人として生きる事を諭された時、悔しさの余り一晩泣き濡れたと公言なされた。そんな人格の持ち主が国政に潜り込み、党の方針かも知れないが、日本を破壊させる様な言動の数々は、人間として魂が腐り切っている。貴女が求める華やかな政治姿勢や感覚を否定する気はないが、蓮舫の名を全国区にした事業仕訳、「 一番ではなく二番では駄目なのか 」のフレーズは、著しく国益を損ね後世まで語り継がれるだろう。この言葉から愛国の念は微塵も感じない。里帰りなさった方が良いですね。現在の貴君はニュース・キャスターではなく、血税を蝕む国会議員です。




「 個別名でツイート出来る様に、140文字に納めてあります。はみ出す場合は適当に切って下さい。」

谷博之殿・民主党・栃木選区 】

【 紙智子どの・共産党・比例選区 】
ご貴殿は、「 従軍慰安婦の強制連行に関する証拠ある!」 と質問主意書安倍内閣に提出したとの事ですが、選挙用のパホーマンスでない事を案じております。徹底解明を期待していますので、腰砕けにならないで下さい。 http://blog.livedoor.jp/nico3q3q/archives/67863691.html

【 藤谷光信どの・民主党・山口比例 】



藤田幸久どの・民主党・茨城選区 】
ご貴殿の党に関する危機感は、「 選挙民は民主党への憎しみと怨念が渦巻いている。党名を変えるべき 」との事らしいが、国民の信頼を逸したのは民主党の的が外れた政治観です。親中韓派・夫婦別姓外国人参政権大賛成では、党名を変えても当選は覚束ないでしょう。http://www.hoshusokuhou.com/archives/23344966.html


国民の叫び / Cry of the nation No.27

戦うのは今だ / It is now that I fight











『 アテンション 』
尖閣南京大虐殺も似たりよったりでしょう。理解し難い方は、「 ブログ・国民の知らない戦争秘話 」 をお読みください。

It is now that I fight
Because this English sentence is machine translation, please forgive it when a meaning is unidentified.

1) The biggest crime that a Japanese after the defeat committed in China will be to have aided it with that I go up it to 6 trillion yen under the name of ODA whether I am charged or am free.
The economic development of developing countries and improvement of the welfare are purposes, and the idea of the ODA is not accepted to the country which might spoil the peace including a communist state, the weapon export country.
China reinforces armaments based on ODA from Japan and succeeds in nuclear development and accomplishes the nuclear armament and gives a weapon to at least North Korea.

2) Shanghai airport opened a port of on October 1, 1999 was a product of the ODA, but the Beijing government was listed on the Stock Exchange in the securities exchange of Hong Kong, and I opened a stock to the public in Shanghai, and the Chinese Communist Party official obtained a vast profit.
The Japanese Government continues ODA without protesting it while knowing illegal を. It is a major economic power of the second place of the world, and there will not be at all China now despite an underdeveloped country.
The who not only we are own tax payment and strangle oneself if a surplus produced from ODA is allotted to Senkaku sight-seeing and help and Tibet oppression expense of North Korea now, but also may suffer to the people of the friendly nation.

3) It is a well-known fact now that Senkaku and Okinawa are invaded.
Because it helps with the money-making of the partner government official while it is pulled a tax of 6 trillion yen, it will be the story that it is natural that it is licked and is made a fool.
However, it is only Japan even if I look for the world including a country invaded by the country doing financial support.
The politician said that a bureaucrat is excellent, but cannot protect the country because I am completely unable to stand up and have been robbed of a soul by two only bombs and impudence of the Chinese unless the nation tries it hard.

4) The biggest crime that a Japanese after the defeat committed in Korea is to have put a blessing for a mean extortion hawk re-act like their beggar in the glance that I looked down on.
When you knew that Mizuho Fukushima trained a prostitute to be a charity dame, you should have swatted it thoroughly.
I did not do that I fought when I knew the charity dame article that Uemura of the Asahi Shimbun wrote with a forgery full of malice.

5) We nations knew that Mizuho, Fukushima, Takashi Uemura brought up the old woman of the prostitute into a charity dame and have known that Kono statement, the Murayama statement which the government of time coiled itself round was the breach of trust for the nation.
At first I let Fukushima and Uemura and Asahi confess it in the Diet, and it is necessary to announce the dictum to the United Nations, an ally, a friendly nation, the major country. It is the situation that it should carry out immediately.
I am easygoing, and the pattern pressure that China and North and South Korea are persistent in the United States will not have time to watch the complexion of other countries with taking it.

6) It is that Prime Minister Abe was said in the days of a presidential election, but this to tell what you should tell properly that what you should correct corrects it that what you should say says is after the war the only method to enable the breakaway from the past with the breakaway from regime.
Even if it is such an uproar that I seemed to thrust a hive if I perform this, Japan will be swallowed by all means if I do not do it now.

7) It is the Japanese who is not the Japanese race living in China and North and South Korea and the country that make noise when it is aggression of Japan and will expect Greater East Asia War all over the world when the United States wants there to be so it.
To the countryman whom this reason cannot understand, we nations have a duty to teach it carefully by the trouble. I want to think such an act to be patriotism.

8) As for the life of what time, the history of the world history is aggression throughout.
I come to want the belonging of another person in anyone regardless of a race unless greed and selfish feelings to say disappear from a creature ruled over in feelings to be called a human being even if I arrange high-sounding statement how.
The thing which can endure this greed is a pride produced by the sense of values that each race has.

9) This is because it prayed for the equal prosperity as the human being our ancestors put up a hospital from a heart to love the people of the country in Korea, Manchurian, Taiwan, the South Sea Islands and establish a school and distribute a heart to the water and sewage and maintain a road and a river, and to have poured power into development of the agriculture.
I think that true prosperity and good luck do not come in the race they believe this sense of values, and not to understand.

0) A point lacking to progenies of the Japanese race living in the present life will be not to know the ancestral footprint at all.
The cause is merely one, compulsory education of Japan. The United States would win for Greater East Asia War about this thing.
However, many colored race nations which were the colony of American and European countries were able to become independent because Japan fought by Greater East Asia War.
This truth cannot overturn any pressure. This fact is immortal forever as far as human being society continues.
That is why the inconvenient country still takes the historical novel of the forgery as an aggression nation in Japan. The symbol is a forgery charity dame story and will be Nanjing Massacre.
We Japanese living in the present age do not forget an ideal and the sense of values of ancient people, and an unreasonable forgery drama is responsible with duty I stick out my chest and protect a pride and dignity of the Japanese race, and to outrun without bending it.