被災地を想う時 / 国民として No. 2


あんな人 の こんな流儀

♋ 好きか嫌いかは別にして、皆様と同じ様に私も現総理は酷い人だと思います。 別の政党で大臣だった頃の面影は全くないに等しい。

総理の座を守るために小沢一郎氏を陥れ鳩山由紀夫氏を欺いた。 総理にとって両氏は朋友だった筈です。


とても信じられなかった出来事のひとつに海江田大臣の件があります。 正に海江田氏の政敵であった同選挙区の他党議員を引き抜き、新しい大臣の椅子を用意したまでは許せたとしましょう。

然し、九州電力玄海原発の件では暗闇で後ろからバッサリと切り伏せてしまった。 政治の世界では一寸先は闇だと良く耳にする言葉だが、それにしても余りと云えば余りに惨い仕打ちだった。

私は国民として政治に熱心だった訳でも愛国心に満ち溢れた民でもなかった。 だが、人並みに関心もあったし祖国を大切に思っておりますから、時に触れて国会中継も注視していました。

報道にも関心の目を向けておりましたが、海江田大臣に対する処遇は見るに堪えなかった。 あの様な虚しい姿を見たのは初めての経験です。

海江田さん、さぞ無念だったでしょう。 苦しかったでしょう。 良く我慢なさった。 他党の野次は頭の隅に残っていると思いますが心配はいりません。 心ある国民は貴方を支持しています。

貴方の政治心情が汚染され尽くす前に、早く閣僚なんかお辞めなさい。 新たな目的に邁進した方が貴方のため、そして民のためです。

When I yearn for the stricken area / As the nation No.2
Party of the middle of a journey
Such a style of such a person

I like it, or I think that the existing Prime Minister is a terrible person in the same way as all of you whether you dislike it.

The feature of the time that was a minister in a different political party is totally only a little. I entrapped Mr. Ichiro Ozawa to follow the seat of the Prime Minister and deceived Mr. Yukio Hatoyama. Both of them should have been companions of the Prime Ministers.

If Mr. Hatoyama does not compromise if Mr. Ozawa does not take sides, Mr. Kan is the person who did not leave it to the Prime Minister.

There is large retainer Mr. Kaieda's matter in one of the very unbelievable events. Let's exactly assume that it was possible to permit until the party conference member besides the same electoral district who is large retainer Mr. Kaieda's rival is selected, and the chair of a new minister was prepared.

However, it has cut down easily from the back in the dark in the matter of the Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. Genkai nuclear power plant. It is said well that the dark ahead for a moment in the world of politics. However, it was a too cruel treatment if it said too much.

I was not the people who even reason eager in politics was full of patriotism as the nation, and overflowed. However, I could sometimes touch it and watched the Diet broadcast closely because there was the interest like everyone else and thought of the mother country carefully.

In the news of the interest paid more attention, but did not bear the treatment for Minister Mr. Kaieda if looked. It is the first experience to have watched such an empty figure.

Mr. Kaieda, it might have been surely regrettable. It might have been painful. It endured it well. Worry is not needed though it thinks the hooter of another party to be remaining on the corner of the head. The people who have the mind are supporting you. Your political feelings are polluted and resign early before it carries it out.

The purpose of going forward on a new purpose is the people for you.