総理へのメッセージ / Message to give the Prime Minister NO.6

現代社会では、神が織田信長公に与えた 「 桶狭間の軌跡 」 はあり得ないのです。もし存在するとすれば、世界一を誇る我が国の債務残高を遥かに上回ると云われる、日本が保有する米国債の売却停止条件解除を、オバマ大統領に承認させる事くらいでしょう。このくらいの行動を成せば、国民は総理を崇め尊名は後世に語り伝えられます。



(19)Prime Minister Mr. Noda.
In the modern society, "the Miracle of the OKEHAZAMA" which God gave Prince Nobunaga Oda is not possible.
It will be to let President Obama approve cancellation of the sale condition precedent of the US Treasury that Japan which is said to exceed far the debt balance of our country proud of world one if I exist holds.
The nation admires the Prime Minister if I can accomplish an action like this, and the name of Prime Minister Noda is handed down in history.

(20)Prime Minister Mr. Noda.
Since it is Japan United States-dependent as the real question, it is the consultation that is impossible from the beginning. The left way has a sale plan of the Shinkansen for the underdeveloped country, chemistry and the infrastructure plant. I am not left to private enterprise, and a national policy includes the entry to mine exploitation of resources, too.
Capital casts the tax of the nation into the strange country not trillions of yen of things financing and should challenge securing of rights and interests of the special mine. There is it in China, and there can be it in Japan.

(21)Prime Minister Mr. Noda.
Supposing it is also impossible, please unite with the height of a loach and change eyes to domestic so that the Prime Minister itself is said.
If a stricken area or not only a nuclear power plant but a child allowance, a pension problem, the base in Okinawa, a consumption tax problem, etc. use the technique which the Prime Minister used on the TPP problem, true distinguished services will be obtained without limit.