国民の叫び / Cry of the nation No.16A

大東亜戦争戦後レジーム / Greater East Asia War and Postwar regime.






リカルテ将軍は強硬に 「 バターン半島の制圧が先だ 」 と提案したが、日本軍は首都マニラへ突き進む道を選んだ。


マッカーサー長官がフィリピンを去るに当たって残した名文句が、"I shall return!!"であり、現在も語り継がれています。


Greater East Asia War and Postwar regime No.A

This English sentence is machine translation. When a meaning is unidentified, please permit it.

1) When territorial airspace territorial waters violation by China began frequently because Senkaku Islands were nationalized, the act of aggression of Spratly Islands and the Paracel Islands archipelago of China that was not looked at came to the front so far.
It own body does not have the objection, but there is an objection in a contribution that the Greater East Asia War that Japan caused on a net freed the Philippines which was a colony of the United States recently.

2) I got together for the aggression of American and European countries, and most of Africa and Asian countries were colonies.
The independent thing is positive after Greater East Asia War, but only the Philippines is different in some circumstances.
Spanish, tying it up for several hundred years came loose on American fair words, but, as for the actual situation, a ruler only changed and the colonial policies increased before and would be severe.

3) The Philippines of the 18th century must have been days of the fights with the invaders like other Asian countries, too.
When the United States let you become independent immediately if you broke off with Spain, I made a sweet promise, but I paid an indemnification of hundreds of thousands of dollars to Spain in the back and started a colonial policy.
The American governor-general is father of Douglas MacArthur, and an adjutant is General later MacArthur in those days.
Philippine patriots continued giving life to a movement of racial independence in time of the submission that seemed to go far of the mind.

4) When the 19th century began, the effort of the patriotism independence campaigner was rewarded, and the United States promised full independence of Philippines in 1944, and Mr. Quezon became the President under partial independence Philippines federal government constitution in 1934.
The President of Quezon requested Douglas MacArthur of the old friend who was the United States Armed Forces chief of staff for the military adviser of the Philippine military.

5) Under such situation, Malaysia strategy and Pearl Harbor attack of December 8, 1941,
Great Japanese Empire broke out contrary to expectations of the Philippine government which walked a way to independence steadily.
When I made the Philippine government and looked, it would be a great, annoying story.
MacArthur became American Far East military commander in chief by a request of President Roosevelt.

6) Because the United States Armed Forces were stationed to the Philippine Ricarte general who took refuge, the Japanese militaries were at war, but I talked about there not being the aim to make the Philippines the colony and attached cooperation.
The Ricarte general suggested, "the control of the Bataan peninsula was a point" strongly, but the Japanese military chose the way to charge through to capital Manila.
Because every supply necessary for war was short since before having fought in the Japanese military, I wanted to omit waste a little.

7) When it was destroyed the plane of the ally by the violent attack of the Japanese military, I uttered Manila open city declaration, and Secretary MacArthur got out of the Bataan peninsula in the Corregidor island and fought well against the Japan forces for two months.
Because the Hawaiian United States Pacific Fleet was destroyed by a surprise attack of the Japanese Navy in the United States Armed Forces, I was not able to send a relief corps to the Philippines.

8) I thought that President Roosevelt had a bad effect on the morale of the nation when MacArthur of the popular person died and gave Australia an order to the President of Quezon with Secretary MacArthur to withdraw.
The famous expression that Secretary MacArthur left the Philippines for on withdrawing is "I shall return!!〞 It is handed down until the present that is.

9) The Japanese military held a military regime in capital Manila, but pro-Japanese transformed himself/herself into an overnight anti-Japan because I prohibited independence movement as United States Armed Forces system personnel affairs without regarding the pro-Japanese such as Ricarte generals as important for some reason.
Prime Minister Tojo pledges independence towards the Philippine nation in Manila in May, 1943, and the upset Japanese Government had first President Laurer, but the popular will of the Ricarte general support did not incline to the Japanese forces.