被災地を想う時 / 国民として No. 5


あんな人 の こんな流儀

Ǣ 次の時代は田中角栄御大ですが、誰が何を云おうと日本列島改造論を推し進め、新幹線と高速道路を張りめぐらした。 この列島改造のお蔭でどれだけの企業が潤い、流通産業の繁栄をもたらし、何千万の民が便利と言う名の恩恵に授かったことか!!今の繁栄はここから始まったと云っても過言ではありますまい。

当時の私はある俳優さんの台本運びをしていた関係で、目白にある田中氏の大邸宅へお使いをしたことがあります。 師の書簡を読んでいる御大に来客を告げに来たのが小沢一郎氏でした。 御大は書簡を読み終えるとあの独特の笑顔で、ご苦労さんと云って私の肩を強い力で叩かれた。

そして、将来あの男はワシの後を追い駈けて来るだろうと、小沢氏の背中へ磊落な笑いを投げた。 その時は、この親爺は何を言っているのだろう、としか思わなかった。 次に伺ったとき御大は不在でした。 然しその日の夜、御大みずから私の様な若輩に不在の詫びを連絡してきたのです。

今だから言えることだと思いますが、政治家と云う職業はどんなに小さな出来事であれ、それが人心を掴むものならば、一寸たりとも疎かにはしないのだと感じました。 たぶん政敵によってであろうが、残念な事に檻の外側ではなく檻の内側へと突き落とされてしまった。

最近では小泉純一郎氏だと思われます。 頭の良い政治家だったのではないでしょうか!? 次々と言いたい放題を口にして、やりたい放題の行動力で廻りを圧倒し、良いか悪いかは別に歴史ある郵便局システムを破壊した。 ある意味では田中御大より我が儘かつ乱暴な手法で国民の支持を得るや、国会議員が飽きたかの様に身を引かれてしまった。 潔しと云うべきでありましょう!!

When I yearn for the stricken area / As the nation No.5
Party of the middle of a journey
Such a style of such a person

The next times were Mr. Kakuei Tanaka authorities, but I pushed Japanese the Plan for Remodeling the Japanese Archipelago so that who said what and set up the Shinkansen and an expressway. How much company was moistened thanks to this chain of islands remodeling and brought prosperity of the distribution industry, and were tens of millions of people given it for convenience and the benefit of the name to say? It will not be exaggeration even if I say that the present prosperity began in here.

I at that time have used it for the mansion of Mr. Tanaka who exists in Mejiro because of the relation to which a certain actor's scenario carrying is done. Having come to the boss who was reading master's letter to report the visitor was Mr. Ichiro Ozawa. When it finished read the letter, the boss was beaten in that peculiar smile by hardship and power with strong shoulder of me.

And I gave up open-hearted laughter to a back of Mr. Ozawa when that man would run on the neck of the eagle in the future. This elderly man will say anything then; thought to drink it. When it asked the second, the authority was absent, but it was to have informed a young fellow like authority oneself me of an absent apology at the night on the day that was surprised.

I thought that it was to be able to say, but just felt the occupation to say with a politician if it caught the hearts of the people in how small event when I was slightly negligent and did not do it.

I seem to be Mr. Junichiro Koizumi recently. Would not it be a bright politician? I made mouth as much as I wanted to say in sequence, and surprised the circumference by the acting power that I wanted to do and destroyed a particularly historical post office system whether I was good or was bad. In a sense it was pulled the body as soon as I got the support of the nation by more selfish than Mr. Tanaka authority and violent technique as if I got tired in Diet members. It should be said that I am manly!