被災地を想う時 / 国民として No. 6


あんな人 の こんな流儀

〥 最後に石原新太郎氏を思い浮かべて頂きたいのです。 国民の多くは石原氏に総理をやって欲しいと望んでいたのではないでしょうか!? そうした民の慕いを賢明なる氏は肌できちっと受けとめていた筈である。 その民の心を振り払うかの様に、国会議員のバッジをあっさりと外された。 それも清々しい微笑みと共に去って行かれたのです。

私は弟の裕次郎さんから日活撮影所で昼食をご馳走になったことはあるが、勿論、お兄さんにお会いしたことも言葉を交わしたこともない。 然し、新太郎氏が国会議員をお辞めになった理由が解る様な気がします。 きっと自民党議員であることに嫌気が差したに違いないのです。 神様の悪戯でお会いする機会に恵まれたならば、自民党を去った真の理由をお伺いしたい欲望があります。 自民党の皆様はここでも財産を喪失なされた。

お世辞でも何でもなしに自民党の皆様、あなた方の党には素晴らしい歴史が一杯あります。過去には魅力あふれる大物政治家が大勢いらっしゃった。 現在もそれらを肯定できますか!? いま国民が抱える問題の大半は、皆さんや先輩議員の失政の遺物ではないのですか!? 無能だと叫ばれる総理にその責任を被せるのは見苦しい限りです。 皆様にはまだ国民を振り返らせる力が残っている筈です。

When I yearn for the stricken area / As the nation No.6
Party of the middle of a journey
Such a style of such a person

Finally I want you to remember Mr. Shintaro Ishihara. When most of nations wanted Ishihara to work as the Prime Minister, would not you expect it? He who was wise should have taken the wish of such people with skin properly. It was taken off the badge of the Diet member plainly as if I shook off the thought of the people flatly. It was left with a refreshing smile.

I had been entertained with lunch from Mr. Yujiro of the younger brother in Nikkatsu studio, but of course it has not asked an older brother about a tongue to have met. However, I feel like seeming to understand the reason why Mr. Shintaro resigned as a Diet member. Surely I must have been disgusted with being a representative from Liberal Democratic Party. There is the greed that wants to ask about the reason that left the Liberal Democratic Party if endowed at an opportunity to meet you by mischief of God. All of Liberal Democratic Party is the loss for property here; was considered to be it.

The compliment is in none anything and has a wonderful history fully at everybody of the Liberal-Democratic Party and your parties. Many politician of towering statures with whom the charm overflowed came in the past. Can they be affirmed now!? Aren't the majority of the problem that the people have now relics of your and senior assembly member's misgovernments!? It is unsightly to cover the prime minister shouted it is incapable with the responsibility. Power to make everybody still look back on the people is sure to remain.