国民の叫び / Cry of the nation No.5

政界の裏のうら / The back of the back of politics

1. 安倍総裁を頭に保守国家を夢見る国民と自民党議員に大きな波紋を投げかけます。

2. 数の上だけでは間違いなく民主党には勝てる筈だ。

3. もし数の上で遜色がなかった場合の事を考えて見よう。

4. では民主党はどうだろう。

5. 好機とばかり激しく行動を起こすのが、民主党の輿石氏と国民の生活が第一の小沢氏だと思います。

6. 大阪維新の会を見ればお解りの様に、世論などと云うものは正しく気紛れの代表選手ですから、気運が少しでも薄れたと見て取れば、現在の安倍総裁人気がどう変化するか誰にも予想はつかない。

7. 民主党が一枚岩ではないと同じ様に、自民党も安倍総裁の周辺に異論を唱える亡霊たちがいない訳ではない。

8. 個人的な意見としては前東京都知事の復党を望みたい処だが、息子さんが石原新党へ合流する事はあっても、御父上が復党する事は百にひとつもないでありましょう。

9. それでも我々は麗しき祖国を取り返す為に、諦めず立ち上がる必要がある。

The back of the back of politics

Because this English sentence is machine translation, please permit it when a meaning is unidentified.

1,I pose a big ripple to the nation and a representative from dreaming of a maintenance nation to a head in President Abe Liberal Democratic Party.
We expect early snap general election in a moment and burn with the overthrow Noda Administration, but strongly feel that I overlook what it is.
Danger will be accompanied by I hang a large game only in one point which says when I can beat the Democratic Party by all means, and challenging round very much now if I perform a general election.

2,I should be able to certainly beat the Democratic Party only at the numerical top.
However, how much nation and representative from Liberal Democratic Party will think about the case that was not able to take the majority in the Liberal Democratic Party New Komeito?
I do not remember that it was shown this question by people supporting President Abe at at least Twitter.

I cannot help thinking that this is a dangerous pit.

3,I think about the case that stood comparison in number, and let's look.
Will the representative from Liberal Democratic Party including the nation and President Abe be ready to make a meeting and Your Party and a coalition of Ishihara new party and the revolution?
At first a coalition will not increase Your Party.
I get together to the number of the member of the Diet acquisition, but Ishihara and under a bridge he may consent on the condition that oneself becomes the Prime Minister.
I cannot assert that I can understand whether the nation will be ready to the when I do it this way whether the president may understand the representative from Liberal Democratic Party.

4,Then how will about the Democratic Party.
I should drag meeting and Your Party and reduction of taxes Japan of the revolution madly. I may sell blandishments to Mizuho Fukushima.
It will be time when I take you as the Abe Administration establishment than it, and another seven people of secession of the Democratic Party appeared in being the fiercest.
At this stage, the Democratic Party causes majority breaking, and the tactician should become easy to make effort by the measures.

5,I think that it is Ozawa that the life of Koshiishi and the nation of the Democratic Party is first to take action intensely only with a good opportunity.
I let I threaten Prime Minister Noda with two people and declare a resignation en masse and it is young Genba minister or gives the chair of the Prime Minister to the good-looking man Hosono area including cause and effect and I am vigilant and aim at government maintenance until the expiration in the term of office.
Possibly it may be the last that two people are the center of the government, and it is there. Delay dissolution all day long and I earn time and want to take the measures to evade this. Naturally I will move their situation like that.
President Abe who was not able to drive it into the dissolution in the year as a matter of course is ganged up on by a party such as the foreign media, and it is obvious to be made to take a difficult situation.

6,President current Abe popularity changes how, or the expectation is available to nobody if I grasp it like understanding if I watch a meeting of the Osaka revolution because the thing which public opinion is is right and is the all-star representative of the whim when little, feeling faded.
Now that a meeting of the revolution that under a bridge he leads became on the decline, the reliable thing will have to be that people of secession of the Democratic Party drift to the Ishihara new party.
Because Diet members from Kanto in particular and to the north might not be familiar with water of Naniwa, the raising an army of the Ishihara new party might be timely.

7,There are the departed souls that the Liberal Democratic Party advocates an objection around President Abe in the same way when the Democratic Party is not a monolith.
It is hard to think without the grandstand play same as before is hard as for the Congresswoman against the Tanigaki former president, and thinking that a son of Yohei Kono advises father on statement withdrawal absolutely even if Representative Koichi Kato who carried a part of YKK once checks politics feelings overnight.

8,It is the place that wants to overlook the return to the party of the former Tokyo Governor for a personal opinion, but, as for father returning to the party, there will not be one to 100 even if a son can join the Ishihara new party.
As for the distance that President Abe has the seat of the Prime Minister bloom a second time, all these high hurdle stands in the way only by the old man of the amateur having thought.

9,Still we have to stand up to get back the beautiful mother country without giving it up.
The head wind from China adds to strength day by day and the plot of the Korean Peninsula becomes the flame let alone smoke and blazes.

Even if it is how thorny course, we are prepared for it and sweep the territory where is full of dusts neatly, and there is a mission to deliver to a descendant with a beautiful figure.
I will not make an excuse to great ancestors if I do not keep on I bet it on a pride of the Japanese race, and following this country. # Shinzo Abe