国民の叫び / Cry of the nation No.6

政局は乱気流 / The political situation is turbulence

現政権は恥ずかしげもなく、売国法案とも言うべき 「 人権委員会設置法案 」 を持ち出し、断末魔を悟られまいと必死で隠そうと躍起になっております。
第三局と騒がれる前都知事も、勢力拡大だけを念頭に少数党との摺合せに奔走しているかに見える。 #安倍晋三

一般的な日本国民が常に求めて来たものは、祖国が侵略されない政治、外国人の為に国民の血税を浪費しない政治、それぞれの国民が安心して生活できる環境整備を願ったに過ぎないのだ。 #安倍晋三

数年前に現政権を作り出してしまったのも、人間本来の心情を何処かへ置き忘れてしまった副産物だと思います。 #安倍晋三


尖閣諸島までの石原氏を断然支持だっただけに、今は残念な思いが鬱積する中で多くの疑問を払拭仕切れないでおります。 #安倍晋三

今の政界でこの大役を成し遂げられる政治家は、石原氏を置いて他には見当たらないと思います。 #安倍晋三

政治家と官僚の知識差がバカ馬鹿しいくらい激しく開き過ぎてしまったのです。 #安倍晋三

その冴えたるものが国家予算の省益確保であり、天下り先の構築だったのではないでしょうか。 #安倍晋三

素晴らしいの一言に尽きます。この精神こそが大和の国を愛する民族の純粋な魂だと信じて疑いません。 #安倍晋三


一日も早く本当に祖国を愛する総理を見つけ出し、世界に類を見ない美しい国日本を自らの手足と力で守り抜きましょう。 #安倍晋三

The political situation is turbulence

Because this English sentence is machine translation, please permit it when a meaning is unidentified.

1>The domestic politics finally added to intensity.
The current administration takes "the human rights Committee setting bill" that should be called the high treacherous act against one's country bill without showing the uyk feeling embarrassed and becomes excited over it I am desperate, and to cover it when it will not be realized the hour of death.
I see it whether the third station and the governor of Tokyo before making noise are engaged earnestly in grinding with the minority in mind only by power expansion.

2>In the situation of the nation, it is tormented by suffocation unable to stay that seems to be made to watch the model reduced drawing that a country falls.
The politics that the mother country was not invaded, politics not to waste the tax of the nation on for a foreigner, each nation prayed the thing which general Japanese citizens always demanded it from for the environment maintenance that could live a life in peace.

3>I mix difficult reason thoroughly, and, at the pride and virtue that I inherited from ancestors of Japanese and the present when sense of values has been polluted in global society, as for us, it may be said even if I have lost a thing to completely believe.
I think that it is the by-product which has forgotten human being original feelings somewhere that have created the current administration several years ago.

4>Under a bridge, the Representative except the President Abe group Liberal Democratic Party, each politician aiming at Ozawa who I break the Democratic Party, and left and Watanabe who left the Liberal Democratic Party, a new whirlpool strongly feel that a suffering and the tragedy of the nation lie hidden in the place that does not show the true intention to yearn for the country.
However, the nation will be pressed for decision by all means within several months. I may be really depressed this time when I do wrong choice here.

5>A certain one was said that the Ishihara former governor of Tokyo should cooperate with President Abe.
If I support President Abe and think about the present mother country, I think that it is the method that is almost the first ideal.
But may President Abe and a friend and the nation consent with pleasure if it is expected the chair of the Prime Minister by Ishihara?
I will produce the need to prepare for an answer when it was said son 〞 if I tell you that it is a thought of the petty-minded at the risk of a ticking off if ,〝 I am no use. I watched politics of Japan for 50 years, but said so with the politics whether I was good or was bad.
I break Ishihara to Senkaku Islands firmly as it was support without wiping off being able to partition off many questions while disappointing thought smolders now.

6>Because we generations are the generations when it is almost the governor of Tokyo, I have a pain in the feeling to be anxious about a country of Ishihara and can understand it, but it cannot agree that Liberal Democratic Party power increases subject to the Prime Minister.
No, the person whom I told not to want there to be so it are right.
Please only manage it even if I talk about Kawamura and Watanabe and under a bridge birth and concentrate great power and was grasped a casting board when I want you to participate in changing the world over in a situation of Komon Mito.
It was said that Ishihara cast life aside and followed the mother country.
Even if the readiness does not have the falsehood like the dew, the last elevated passageway leading to the stage blooms with a next-generation foundation, and it will be with both the mirror of the large politician and the honor.

The politician accomplished this important role in the present politics employs Ishihara and thinks that, besides, I cannot see it.

7>It was handled in many inclination news, and we developed considerably biting slander slander for the bureaucrat so far.
The nation has most of the responsibility that created current bureaucrats.
The biggest cause will be to have sent a too lazy politician into a bureaucratic head for dozens of years.
Knowledge differences between politician and bureaucrat forced it to stupid stupidity and drank it and have opened intensely too much.

8>An ignorant politician sat back in the chair of the minister and continued bossing around the bright person who acquired the education of the best department.
If the effort that I repeated trouble for many years if I made them and conquered until the national examination of the high-ranking official was not rewarded, but I would misunderstand it. Such a repetition let I scratched the self-defense instinct, and a bureaucrat stand.
The thing as the clearness was securing of gain of the national budget-saving and would not be construction of the parachuting?

9>It was a shameful talk, but was realized responsibility and the duty of the people who never thought so far while it was exposed to the intense rainstorm that country itself did not experience as for 60 several years either and drifted like a wrecked ship in more than three years.
If a head is stupid, the hoop certainly has the tissue loose. The present political power will vividly show these.
It is never exaggeration even if I say that Kaiho and the Self-Defense Forces of Japan are the strongest in the world if I think at the point of view.
It is simply a splendid word. I believe that it is the pure soul of a race loving countries of the Yamato and do not doubt this mind.

10>The voyage of Nippon-Maru depends on the nation of the active generation to one fold.
Both not only the government but also most local governments and the reality that some men of power acted secretly only for self-prosperity were exposed to.

Governor and mayor oneself takes part in the aggression and rolls soil to the shield in legality. A welfare system to protect the nation treats the outrageous foreigner who is not of use well. It is equal if I implore it when I take a country.
Stupidly the neighboring country is going to drag the Japanese spirit by force to the battlefield mimicking the American and European countries 70 years ago.
Close the string of the loincloth, and is strong, and people loving the mother country bind a substitute, rubber of the underwear together again, and can bring the tough mind that there is not of what is confused by strange information to life; there is me under the pressure of necessity.
I find out the Prime Minister who really loves the mother country as soon as possible, and I protect unique beautiful country Japan by own hands and feet and power in the world, and let's outrun you. # Shinzo Abe