国民の叫び / Cry of the nation No.8

雨後の竹の子 / Bamboo shoot after the rain

功の部分を列島改造論とするならば、罪は現自民党の原型だった気がしてならないのです。 #安倍晋三

偽りであるにせよ、この強い結束が半世紀にも渡る政権を維持し、現在の繁栄につながった事は素直に認めざるを得ないでしょう。 #安倍晋三

以後は国民の多くがご存じの様に、派閥争いに明け暮れ、お妾さんに蜂の一刺しを浴びる総裁まで出現してしまった。 #安倍晋三

ここにも祖国に対する愛国心などは微塵も見受けられなかった筈です。 #安倍晋三

最近の流行言葉に 「 小を捨て大を成す 」 と言うのがあるらしいが、雨後の竹の子よろしく新政党の大安売に他なりません。 #安倍晋三

だから日本の領海が友愛の海になったり、拉致実行犯の子孫に官房機密費が渡ったり、外国人から不法な献金を数百万円も受け取ったりしてしまう。 #安倍晋三

G)「 小異を捨て大道に立つ 」、安物の政治文学では耳触りの良い言葉であろう。語調からも潔さは感ずる。
三文芸術の洒落にも劣る笑止な出来事である。 #安倍晋三

私も数日前に届かない声を承知しながら保守の大政治家に自民党への復党を願った。悲しい性です。 #安倍晋三

この問題こそ新しい憲法の基で国がきっちり決着をつけるべき問題でありましょう。領土問題も全く同じだと思います。 #安倍晋三

J)「 赤信号、皆で渡れば怖くない 」 との精神では、暴風雨に彷徨う日本丸を救出する事は極めて困難ではあるまいか。
言論は自由ですから何を言っても構わないが、自分の発言に危惧を覚えるのであれば、街頭演説に立たれる安倍総裁の様に、正攻法で挑む事が真の勇気、武士道の精神、大和民族の魂と心得ます。 #安倍晋三

安倍総裁の理念である 「 敗戦後からの脱却 」 を国民が支持し、新政権の樹立を実現しない限り、麗しき祖国は蘇えらないでしょう。
第一条件は我々が先人達に恥ずかしくない潔さを取り戻し、安倍総裁を守り抜く事だと叫びたい。 #安倍晋三

Bamboo shoot after the rain / 雨後の竹の子

This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive meaning any questions.

A) The democratic jugular is a numerical principle.
I look right fairly superficially, but transform myself into the boss of the unfairness immediately if the good person of the head plans a bad purpose and uses the measures by financial power.
Will not it be Prince late Kakuei Tanaka that was able to speak this logic skillfully?
The crime strongly feels that it was a model of the existing Liberal Democratic Party if I assume the part of the success the Plan for Remodeling the Japanese Archipelago.  # Shinzo Abe

B) It is thought that the political party had originality for curvature in the Japanese politics where do not have German Tachima.
As for the real intention, left-winger system, conservatives, right-winger system could not be mixed as distinction superficially in the Liberal Democratic Party either.
Based on the name that a faction meant these, it was a numerical principle to have shut in in a cage in a bundle and was the Liberal Democratic Party before the age.
Even if it is a falsehood, this strong unity maintains the government for half a century and cannot but admit that I was connected for current prosperity obediently. # Shinzo Abe

C) Still I bundled up a political party and might drag the nation because true heart to yearn for the mother country won through up to the heart of the politician in the times of Prince Kakuei, and power of absorption was to Prince Kakuei apart from the good or bad.
I spent all my time factional strife afterward so that most of nations knew and have developed to the president exposed to the pinprick of the bee to a mistress. # Shinzo Abe

D) The Japanese ignis fatuus of the politician faded while I spent all my time party maneuverings party interests and was far with the patriotism even if the event that should be called the symbol took up apology of Prime Minister Miyazawa about the charity dame problem, Kawano statement, Murayama statement, nothing including the Koizumi statement.
The nation sent expectation when it showed the dim light by Prime Minister Abe birth, but, in the heartlessness such as Representative co-worker and media and a bureaucrat and the financial world, the faintest hope passed away instantly.
As for the patriotism for the mother country, as for the particle, it could not be supposed here either. # Shinzo Abe

E) The Prime Minister Aso birth will be an identical diagram, too.
And it is the reason that I drift in the world that should be called both the darkness and the hell on earth, and reached it at the present, but I increase other than President Abe birth three years ago and, during three years, cannot but say that the conditions of a country turn worse.
There seems to be that I say, "abandoned large makes the small" in a recent vogue phrase, but I am available, and a bamboo shoot after the rain is nothing but the bargain sale of the new political party. # Shinzo Abe

F) Still I was able to throw away the small in an old politician or the political party because there was the common dream that became first not the second in comparison with the world.
Only the first and the second rise in the world, and current Japan overflows. That gives a foreigner large amount of life large amount of life support than the nation will be a typical example.
I work hard at acquisition of the further power or accomplish privatization how, or, in the present politics where human beings with power more than ability grow wild, only rank th