国民の叫び / Cry of the nation No.9

民族の誇りとは / With the racial pride

日本国民は、彼女の言わんとする人間の歩むべき路を、感心したり応援したりするのではなく、彼女自身が己に対する民族の誇りを素直に悟った上で、日々の生活の中で実践する必要があると強く感じてしまいました。 #安倍晋三

2)エジプト女性は不特定多数の在日に対して 「 郷に入れば郷に従え 」 と諭し、人間社会で最低のルールであると説いたと思われます。当たり前の事だが、なかなか口にできる言葉ではない処に、エジプト民族の気高さの様なものを痛感した。
失礼な表現だが、何方かの入れ知恵であったとしても、真剣に耳を傾ける謙虚さを要求されている様にも思えて仕方がなかった。 #安倍晋三

いま祖国が抱える全ての問題が、この気概のなさから発していると云っても決して言い過ぎではないでしょう。 #安倍晋三

彼女は、「 喧嘩しているのではない 」 と強い意志を返した。 #安倍晋三

5)また、彼女は頑張って下さいとの呼びかけに、「 頑張るべきは私ではない 」 的な趣旨の発言も送った。当事者たちは何を思ったのだろう。
もっと激しい表現をすれば、余りにも不甲斐無い大和民族に対し、世界に誇る文明を持つ国家の民として憤り、我々に正当な権利主張を嗾けていたのではあるまいか。     #安倍晋三

多くの人達が大喝采を致しました。確かに勇気ある行動かも知れないが本当にそれで良いのですか!そんなに素晴らしい事だったのですか?  #安倍晋三

増してや国民がもて囃す行為行動では決してない筈だ。この程度の事に騙され選挙に挑んだら、三年数か月前と同じ悲惨な目に遭遇するでしょう。 #安倍晋三

この時は海保からエジプト女性の様な大和男児の出現で、国民は真実に近いものを知り得た。こんな時にこそ国民上げて祝うべき出来事ではなかっただろうか。 #安倍晋三

今は米国の動きと周辺諸国の顔色を見定めているに過ぎない。何時でも侵略の狼煙を上げる準備は整っていると自信満々でしょう。ある日まったく突然に攻めて来る筈だ。   #安倍晋三

自民党内にも安倍派と正反対の勢力が蔓延っている現実を直視し、総裁が総理の椅子を確かなものにする方法を、それぞれの立場で考える事を提案します。麗しき祖国の繁栄を熱く願いながら頑張りましょう。 #安倍晋三

With the racial pride / 民族の誇りとは

「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive meaning any questions.」

1) When the life morals debate in the other countries of the foreigner to be able to employ on Twitter residing in Japan was the fight that a difference of the sense of values with the subordination race which contented itself with the rule of the neighboring country for race and one thousand several hundred years to have great civilization vividly appeared, I can say.
I was strong and have felt the course that the human being whom she was going to say to should walk the Japanese citizen after herself realized a racial pride for oneself not I admired, and supporting you obediently when it was necessary to practice it in daily life. # Shinzo Abe

2) When the Egyptian woman "follows the volost for the unspecified number of foreigner residing in Japan if she enters the volost", I persuade you, and it is thought that I preached it when it is the lowest rule in human being society. It was a matter of course, but, in the place that was not readily words to be able to speak of, keenly realized a thing such as the dignity of the Egyptian race.
Would not she accord for a pride of the Japanese race at the same time for we races either?
It was rude expression, but couldn't help seeming to be required humility to listen to seriously even if it was suggested stratagem of any one. # Shinzo Abe

3) If a tone of the Ms. fi-fi was sent by young countryman women if I gave frank advice as an old soldier because I worried about the mother country, I learned the slight loneliness when I would be very happy.
All of nations ran around from this natural claim for this defeat person more than 70 years and would not live?
It will not be exaggerated at all now even if I say that all problems that the mother country has rise from lack of this spirit. # Shinzo Abe

4) If ethnicity means this, we are conscious enough of the situation where the mother country is put now, and change it for the ethnicity that was correct in the present world; there is me under the pressure of necessity.
When she was exposed to an intense argument from a university professor, it was tweeted great encouragement by many people when I did not lose.
When she "did not quarrel", I returned strong-willed will. # Shinzo Abe

5) In addition, she sent the remark of the purpose that was the mark where what "you should try hard was not me" to the appeal that she did her best. People concerned would think of what.
Would not the matter of the welfare that she made the first move talk about the mental attitude of the human commonplace to be valid as a foreigner in other countries, the pride (pride) of the Egypt race?
In addition, her sense of justice that an act to pull off welfare as the same staying in Japan foreigner from the government of other countries was shameful might not permit it.
I got angry as the national people who had civilization to boast of to the world for the too cowardly Japanese race if I did more intense expression and would instigate a fair right claim to us. # Shinzo Abe

6) The sympathy for the weak may be virtue of Japanese, but is not exaggeration even if many large problems that present Japan has say when this wrong virtue let you cause it.
If I changed an example and expressed it, a Diet member took up the issue of welfare of the same staying in Japan foreigner several months ago.
Many people cheered it very much. Might be a courageous action, but was surely the thing that was so really splendid whether it was all right; is # Shinzo Abe

7) The root of this problem is a product of the self-defense of Representative coward and the principle of safety first government official overwhelmed by white ant army corps and a threat of a politician and the government official gathering around the right.
An illegal act cultured calmly deeply under the Liberal Democratic Party government which followed for half a century became the place that the nation knew by the high treacherous act against one's country act of the amateur group widely.
This Diet member did not do splendid work and is not a story to shed tears when threatened towards a camera by fierce people especially. It is the masterpiece of a match and the pump.
It never should occur by the act action the nation have such a technique, and to jeer at.

If I am deceived about this degree and challenge election, I will meet with the eyes which are three years several months ago and the same misery. # Shinzo Abe

8) Please recall a case of Senkaku and Takeshima seriously.
Even if it was entered the illegally national President illegally, nothing was made, and the government did nothing.
When the Minister of Foreign Affairs presents it to the international court, I cut vanity, but cock with a bare unconcerned air now. The nation did not make noise at all, too.
I let you go back to your own country in golden handcuff even if it is invaded territorial waters by a false fishing boat of China and is gone ashore illegally.
The nation was able to know the thing which was near to the truth by the appearance of the Yamato boy like the Egyptian woman from Kaiho then. Would not the nation be the event that I put it up and should celebrate at such time? # Shinzo Abe

9) The fragrance of the virtue does not drift from self-defense instinct of him who is such a cowardice, the nerve which are little less than 0, the gentleness of the good-natured person, a thing.
Still it is helped put on peaceful senility and the disgrace of the flower garden because I pose slant and keep watch on me.
I do not notice it now when it is with anything in Japan from the countries of the world as well as China and the Korean Peninsula if I threaten you though it is thought. You should be angry if harmed. Because I laugh frivolously, it is licked.
Many experts comment, but the People's Republic of China does not aim at Senkaku.
Because Senkaku is a part of Okinawa, I will interpret dominium of Senkaku conveniently when Okinawa approved that I compromise badly judging from China.
In addition, it is thought that I am in condition to wait for the order from the own country while many agents have already taken anti-Japan action in Okinawa Island, and both people that the boss of cities, towns and villages is said to be a left-winger and the media build up the anti-Japan system well, and the prefectural authorities official fans US base objection and Osprey objection.
Beijing knows that Japan cannot fight back, but a round shot may not fly suddenly. I cut off the general electric wave school after having let the prefectural governor declare Okinawa independence, and the method that the Beijing government expresses independence support towards the world is thought about without putting interval hair.
I make sure of movement of the United States and the complexion of surrounding nations now. When the beacon of the aggression is put up anytime, I will be full of confidence. One day I should attack it quite suddenly. # Shinzo Abe

10) I talked about one cup of impertinent thing, but the Prime Minister Abe expectation theory is the same as all of you. However, I think that we are not time with a wish as the president now.
The power in contradiction to the Abe group looks straight at prevailing reality in the Liberal Democratic Party and suggests that the president thinks about a method to make the chair of the Prime Minister a reliable one in each situation.
Let's try the prosperity of the beautiful mother country hard while please being hot. # Shinzo Abe