国民の叫び / Cry of the nation No.10

国民の望む政治 / The politics that the nation expects

国際法上問題の多い戦勝国押し付け憲法を、破棄しなかったのは最大の汚点であり、その為に我々は今も負の遺産に苦しんでいる様なことも言われたと記憶しております。   #安倍晋三

2)前都知事が新党結成に際しての決意表明は、 「 小異を捨て大道に立つ 」 だったと思う。
紛れもない売国奴行為であるが、彼女達は帰化人であるから売国奴には当たらないと仰る方も存在するのが現実です。 #安倍晋三

田中角栄公には大変失礼であるが、巷で囁かれた様な贈賄や贈収賄が存在したとしても、何処かの党首達の様に選挙資金調達のため、反日外国人から違法献金を募ったりはしなかった事は確かだ。 #安倍晋三

「 権力は強いですよ、怖いですよ、凄いですよ 」 と真顔で語った。
国民はメディアが作り出した大根役者たちのサル芝居に、途轍もなく高い入場料を払わされ、三年もの長きに渡り地獄絵巻を鑑賞させられたのですから。 #安倍晋三

また、太陽の党所属議員だったお歴々は、小異どころか大道まで捨て去る結果にならない事を祈るしかありません。 #安倍晋三

己自身が出来ないことを叫んだ処で何の解決にもなりません。現政権が証明しているのではありませんか! #安倍晋三

一人の生徒すら救えない地方行政長官が、反原発を旗印に民の安全確保を唱えても、誠の政治信条として国民の心へ響き渡るとは考え難いでしょう。 #安倍晋三

騙すと云う行動は、相手に嘘をつく行為から誘発されます。選挙公約で嘘を吐くから、次は騙しの行動が激しさを増さざるを得なくなるのです。 #安倍晋三

我々は勤勉であると同時に血統的に我慢強い民族であったし、言論の自由が保たれていたから、ネット上だけの暴動で今は納まっている。その面では国民も政治家も官僚も恵まれているのかも知れない。 #安倍晋三

真の覚醒とは、国民自らが民族の誇りを持って、堂々と主権国家である事を世界に向かって宣言する事でありましょう。 #安倍晋三

The politics that the nation expects / 国民の望む政治

「This English sentence is machine translation. Please forgive meaning any questions.」

1) The occupation to be called a politician is very good for playacting, and there is the place that resembled closely.
When you recall politics after the defeat and look, may not you classify it in President Prime Minister each generation three type of a Prince Prince Shigeru Yoshida type, Kakuei Tanaka type, the Democratic Party, Abe types? .
Shintaro Ishihara pointed at Prince Shigeru Yoshida at the age of the governor of Tokyo and, from defeat to the San Francisco Peace Treaty, has reviewed it when political posture was light.
It is the biggest stain not to have canceled the imposition constitution of the victorious nation with many problems in international law and memorizes it when it was said to be it that therefore we seem to suffer from a still negative inheritance. # Shinzo Abe

2) The determination expressions for the new party organization are as follows the former governor of Tokyo. "I abandon minor difference and stand on the avenue"
There were not aims to take the words of the great politician in the situation of the nameless nation at all, but would not recapture the position of the independent nation which was the most necessary for defeated nation Japan when Prince Shigeru Yoshida challenged the peace treaty sealing by throwing away much minor difference?
There are few vigor witnesses at the time of the defeat now. The truth in darkness. It can be called anything to have passed. The forgery charity dame by the Korean vividly shows the thing.
While the important post of the public peace chairperson has it, I go to Korea, and, as for Tomiko Okazaki, it participated in a charity dame demonstration in evidence, and I am open and say, and stand, and the party leader of the Social Democratic Party does not yet hesitate about the protection of the false charity dame.
It is an obvious high treacherous act against one's country act, but it is reality that the which says when I do not deal with a high treacherous act against one's country exists because they are denizens for another view. # Shinzo Abe

3) For Prince Kakuei Tanaka, both the political faction where many nations were political adversaries and the bureaucrat slander only and it is a pioneer of the plutocracy that destroyed a democratic government on a numerical principle negative part.
It might be surely so. However, as for the good or bad, the Japanese economy progressed by a chain of islands remodeling plan drastically particularly.
It is necessary to think about who received a benefit by the opening to traffic and a network of expressways of the Shinkansen as a Japanese citizen seriously.
I was very rude to Prince Kakuei Tanaka, but could not gather illegal donations from an anti-Japan foreigner only for one's campaign cash procurement like some political party even if bribery and the bribery that seemed to be whispered in the public existed. # Shinzo Abe

4) It is to have power in its hand to say that the mayor of Osaka wants to be politics towards much media. I told, "I was great though I forced it to the power and was fierce" with a straight face.
It will be just what he says. Nothing can need the explanation if I recall three years of the current administration Democratic Party and three Prime Ministers.
Because the nation was made to pay the monkey show of poor actors whom the media created awfully high admission and I crossed it for a long time of three years and was made to appreciate hell picture scroll. # Shinzo Abe

5) I transformed myself into mayor oneself Ushiwaka circle of Osaka in such situation this time and I prepared the former governor of Tokyo to a formidable man and announced my candidacy for the government.
The media and the support group which became a foreign country hear the approval rating of the nation with force to exceed lucky adventurers three years ago in delight now. Kings of the mountain throw away self neatly and will make minor difference on the abandoned avenue?
The minor difference seems to appear and disappear, but it is totally impossible even that the nation ascertains the course that they begin to walk next if Omichi is to be to unite.
In addition, there is praying in it not following that the grand people who was solar party position member of the Diet throws it away let alone minor difference to the avenue. # Shinzo Abe

6) When the small group which was begun to warm would not lose, I touched a bell as I carried Governor present post, and having hung a ring. Is the marking of the nation any kind of thing?
The hearing impression is good, and a pledge of against nuclear power generation, tax increase, TPP is an easy thing to raise it for election use. Most of nations will expect objection basically.
But it is the trick that it is possible for to nobody including reducing a form of Japan which has finished spreading with every aspect. This governor oneself may not cook a meal with firewood even if I take you as a one energy example and will not think about taking the cool air with a round fan. Many people appealing for anti-nuclear power generation will be the same.
It is not solved what in the place that appealed for not having oneself oneself. The current administration does not prove; or !# Shinzo Abe

7) This governor wins a slogan by against the construction of the Shinkansen stop for my memory and is the worthy who I flutter faith at the future, and petitioned Central Japan Railway by Shinkansen stop. In the local school, the case that the junior high student who encountered bullying attempted suicide is brand-new in memory to miss it.
It was made noise when given up by another view from a building by a classmate, but is a famous story on Twitter when she was especially negative against case elucidation.
The local Commissioner whom even one student cannot save will be hard to think about anti-nuclear power generation even if I advocate the ensuring safety of people in a flag mark to echo to the heart of the nation as a political creed of the truth. # Shinzo Abe

8) When the politics that there be some difference in the times of what time, and the nation expects is the administration of the country which can live a life in peace, it is firm and believes it.
Relief is not to have been limited to only Japan, but is that the government and a bureaucrat and a capitalist do not deceive people.
The action to tell to deceive you is caused by an act to tell a partner a lie. Because I tell a lie by campaign pledge, as for the next, the action of the forgery comes to cannot but add to intensity. # Shinzo Abe

9) The thing that is not true is not logical somewhere by all means and I say somehow, and wrap it and will set a state and more lies and a bigger forgery.
When a burden occurred for the everyday life because it was repeated this, and distrust multiplied in the heart of people, I was full of jitters in a heart more and more, and an Arabic storm has begun to act violently in Japan.
I was patient, and we are satisfied in the riot only for the net top for lineage at the same time to be diligent because freedom of speech is protected a little. The nation and a politician and the bureaucrat may be endowed with the aspect. # Shinzo Abe

0) The politician whom the nation hopes for will be a person aiming at the act action oneself advances, and to get rid of the uneasiness of the nation.
Because I have nothing to do with one's vested interest that does not increase taxes because the nation objects, I do indifference, and there is not at all it despite a politician. Even if I am ganged up by the media and am aimed at life, the nation demands an owner of strong intention to give decision to decidedly.
It is not talked in the Prime Ministers who it is threatened a country, and seem to be stranded. I think that I should maintain it fairly to follow a territory if a core is necessary to secure the security of the nation if Defence Force is urgent business.
Japan does not have the debt for any country and does not trouble the other countries like a neighboring country.
Japan does not have the debt for any country and does not trouble the other countries like a neighboring country. When our mother country Japan is an approved independent nation in international law, I let the president of the opposition party to entrust with a dream emphasize it and will be unreliable as neither a Japanese citizen nor a supporter?
Nation oneself is dignified with a racial pride, and the true awakening will be to declare that it is a sovereign state towards the world. # Shinzo Abe