国民の叫び No.34 / 安倍総理への提言

魂を失った民族 No.3 / The race which lost a soul

『 高まる反日の実態 』

そんな事よりも、敗戦後 70 年も過ぎ去ったと云うのに、中韓は何故に今も日本叩きを諦めないのか、その得体が知れない暴風雨の正体を探って見る事にする。

昨年の7月、「 日韓通貨スワップ協定 」 が満期を向えたとき、韓国政府から、日本が延長を望んでいる事にして欲しいと云ったそうだ。何処まで無礼で身勝手な自惚れ民族なのだろうと呆れ返ってしまう。安倍政権は何の益にもならない、無意味なスワップ協定など受け入れる筈もなかった。余談だが民主党政権は、従来の日韓通貨スワップ枠を何時の間にか拡大していたのです。


こうした日本の経済的な後ろ盾を失った韓国では、大手新聞の中央日報が一月九日の社説・「 政府は日本の世論に耳を傾けるべき 」 の中で、日本をもっと利用するべきとの、日本有効利用論なるものを説く。この様にメディアの心変わりの裏には、韓国経済を支えるサムスン企業連合の強い意志が、かつて傘下であった中央日報に働いたことは明白だ。韓国経済の専門家は、今でもサムスンの意向は中央日報の紙面に、大きく反映されるとのことだ。

サムスンの企業収益は携帯電話事業が 70% 強を占め、スマートフォンに代わる美味しい収入源は開発されていない。主要部品の多くは日本からの輸入に頼り、稼ぎ頭の商品を世界中で販売し続けるには、日本との摩擦は得策とは言えない筈だ。喧嘩をして困るのは組み立て屋のサムスンである。その上に欧米諸国との間で特許侵害訴訟を抱え、裁判は必ずしも優位に運んでいるとは言えない状況である。好い加減にしないと国も企業も破産してしまう。


その良い例がつい最近も起こった。日本政府が 2 月 22 日の 「 竹島の日 」 に因んで、記念式典に亀岡内閣政務官の出席を発表すると、韓国外務省は即座に在韓日本大使館の参事官を呼び付け、政務官の式典出席撤回を厳命した。
すると、外務省の思惑を待ち構えていたかの様に、札付きの過激な活動家が、「 日本に乗り込み第二の安重根伊藤博文の暗殺者 ) 事件を挙行する 」 との声明を出した。結局のところ反日を自制する動きはあっても、韓国政府自体の姿勢は全く変わらないのだ。

この国には、「 愚図る子供は餅をひとつ余計に貰える 」、との言い伝えがある。祖国を離れ悪さをする才覚もない半端者は、国内で蜜に群がる蟻の如く、反日を掲げ美味しい汁を吸おうとする虫けらに過ぎない。それらの行為行動は、彼等が生き抜く常套手段であり、これからも際限なく続く事であろう。

1970 年頃には反日と云う言葉を使うと、多くの人々から極右翼だと顔色を変えられたものだが、昨今では日常語になってしまった。隣国の傍迷惑な行為や無謀と思える反日行動の正体を紐解いて見よう。
今年の初めに韓国の最高裁判所は、日韓併合時代に日本企業で強制労働させられ、賃金が未払いだとの訴えに、被害者勝訴の判決を下した。日本政府は企業に支払い拒否を通達し、1965 年 6 月 22 日に締結された通称・日韓基本条約に基づき、一切の支払を拒否する政府見解を発表した。
だが数日前に、今度は支那に於いて、大東亜戦争当時に日本へ強制連行され、苛酷な労働を強いられたとし、37名の本人や親族が北京市裁判所に、三菱マテリアルなどを相手取り、一人当たり 1700 万円の賠償と、両国の新聞各社へ謝罪広告掲載請求訴訟を起こした。

日本は中華人民共和国との間で、1972 年 9 月 29 日に国交正常化を目的に、田中角栄公が日中共同声明を結んだ。声明文には具体的な賠償額は明示されていないが、これ以後 ODA による莫大な国民の税金を注ぎ込む見返りに、中国共産党政府は戦後賠償請求を放棄すると明記し、時の周恩来首相が調印した。


先の二月二十五日にも中国共産党政府は、新たに 9 月 3 日を 「 抗日戦争勝利記念日 」 とし、12 月 13 日を 「 南京大虐殺犠牲者追悼日 」 にすると、新華社通信が報じた。

70 年以上も昔の事件を今まで放って置き、突然に幽霊の如く登場した新たな記念日とは、一体何を意味するのか、本当の狙いは何処にあるのだ。抗日戦争勝利とは、日本で言われる処の満州事変を指すのであろうが、拡大解釈すると日本が大東亜戦争降伏文書に調印したのは、9 月 2 日であるから一日ズラした事になり、真の記念日とは言えない。深く考えればこの辺りに中国共産党政府の悩みとも言うべき、連合軍の助けを借りやっとの思いで勝利したと云う、良心の呵責が見え隠れしているのではあるまいか。

南京大虐殺犠牲者追悼日 」 に付いては、当時の支那中華民国を二分していた、共産党軍の毛沢東氏も国民党軍の蒋介石氏も、南京大虐殺について一言も触れた事実が無い。また、当時の南京市には欧米の宣教師などが中心となり、戦争を監視する様な役目の国際委員会組織があった。これらの公式報告書によると、南京市の人口は25万人と記されている。今の中国政府が公表した虐殺数は30万人ですから、日本軍は存在しない五万もの人間を、何処から連れて来て殺したのだろう。誰が考えても中国側の捏造としか思えないだろう。




1945 年 9 月 2 日・日本は降伏文書に調印して、世界に対し恭順の意を示したが、中華民国はこのとき既に、四年にも及ぶ無意味で醜い権力闘争戦へと突入していた。最終的に毛沢東が率いる共産党軍が勝利し、1949 年 10 月 1 日に現在の中華人民共和国が誕生したのである。歴史上の事実は誰にも変えられない。


お知らせ・このブログは後日投稿する 「 魂を失った民族 No.4 」 に続きます。

(Because this English sentence is machine translation of Yahoo Corporation, I would like a pardon when a meaning is unidentified.)

The race which lost a soul

『 The anti-Japan actual situation to increase No.3 』

When I add to a neighboring country diplomacy posture of Prime Minister Abe having taken a sudden turn slightly in the past with the mind and cut it in a severe policy to Japan and changed, a member of the Opposition making an irrelevant remark is outstanding. People who made a strange move by reshuffle clearly in the field of vision came to be disgusting in the member of the ruling party at the side. I decide to investigate the real nature of the mysterious looking rainstorm, and to watch it whether middle Korea is why, and you do not still give up Japan bashing though you say so that 70 years pass after the war than such a thing.

When I was able to go, in July of the last year, "a Japan-Korea currency swap agreement" hears an expiration of a term when there was the percussion of Japan wanting you to decide to expect agreement extension from the Korean government. I am too amazed in self-centeredness to where when it will be the conceit race of the jerk. Naturally I could not receive any meaningless swap agreements not to be of use even if I extended it as the Abe Administration. It was a digression, but the Democratic Party government expanded the conventional Japan and Korea currency swap line behind closed doors.

When the central bank of the country concerned agrees on the uniformity when I easily write down a swap agreement, and an own country fell into international currency lack, it is life insurance to have you lend it international currency at a determined exchange rate, that it is to the guarantor of the debt if I say clearly. It is suicidal act itself including the debt guarantee of a partner fighting against each other let alone a relationship of mutual trust and virtually tells a thief the stash of the money and is not a sane incident. It is that is nothing but financial support of the one way at all that I change the greenback which Japan holds for Korean paper money without a mistake in the case of Japan and Korea and help the Korean trade settlement.

In Korea which lost such an economical support of Japan, Joong-ang Daily News of the major newspaper preached the thing named the Japan use theory that seemed to use Japan more when the government should listen to Japanese public opinion by an editorial on January 9. On the back of the change of heart of such Korean media, it is clear that the strong will of Samsung consortium supporting Korean economy worked in Joong-ang Daily News which was affiliation once. As for the expert of the economy of Korea, the intention of Samsung still seems to be greatly reflected by the space of Joong-ang Daily News.

As for the corporate earnings of Samsung, mobile phone business accounts for a little over 70%, and the income source for the smartphone is not developed. There cannot be the friction with Japan despite a wise policy to depend on import from Japan for most of main parts, and to continue selling the product of the biggest earner all over the world. It is Samsung of the assembling shop that it is awkward for that I quarrel. I have patent infringement suit between American and European countries on the top, and there is the situation that it cannot be necessarily said that I carry it to the predominance as for the trial. Both the country and the company disappear when they do not do it randomly.

Such an economic circumstances are connected with each other, and the number or the economic world are going to recognize the Japanese significance of being, but the ethnicity to be supported only in pride, and to spread will not go to the reason to change an anti-Japan route from the right into the left just like that.

The good example happened just recently. Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs called a member of the diet of the immediately Japanese Embassy residing in Korea to come when I announced the attendance of the Kameoka Cabinet parliamentary secretary, and Japanese Government gave a commemorative ceremony a strict order by the ceremony attendance withdrawal of the parliamentary secretary for "a day of Takeshima" of February 22. Then I gave a statement, "I marched into Japan, and a radical activist held the second Yasue root (the person who assassinated Hirobumi Ito) case" from the public. Eventually, the posture of Korea government in itself does not change at all even if there is the movement to control itself on an anti-day.

Korea is the fiction nation state which does not have a unified heart to respect the mother country truly. By the speed skating of the international game and Olympic Games of the soccer, I showed an abnormal solidarity power. On the other hand, the people who I throw away a country calmly, and emigrate to the world kick a foreign people to a weapon by the unification mind that was out of order and unity to gather around. I repeat a brutal crime in Japan after the defeat, and it is unbroken in now when I invited the 21st century, and the mind of the Korea Operation Army which made a large amount of fortune breathes. A proverb, "the fretting child gets one rice cake even more" seems to be in this country. The unnoticing person without the resource to leave the mother country, and to do mischief makes noise in the country on an anti-day and is going to breathe delicious juice. Those act actions will be to follow without an end from now on.

It was the thing which the complexion was changed into by many people when it was an extreme right wing, but it has been anti-sunlight for vernacular speech in these days in about 1970 when I used the words to say. I read the real nature of the annoying act of the neighboring country and the anti-Japan action to think that I am reckless, and let's look. The Korean Supreme Court handed down a decision of the victim winning the case on claim for payment suit such as the back pay of the person who engaged in forced labor at the time of Japan-Korea merger in a Japanese company at the beginning of this year. I paid, and the Japanese Government notified the company about refusal and, based on a popular name, Japan-ROK Basic Relations Treaty concluded on June 22, 1965, announced the government opinion to refuse all payment. But it was said that a Chinese worker was taken to Japan at the time of Greater East Asia War, and severe labor was forced to this time in China a few days ago, and 37 people and relatives woke up apology request for one to compensation of 17 million yen and the newspaper companies of the two countries against Mitsubishi Materials in the Beijing municipal court.

The taken number achieves a bulletin, the ring ball time signal about the diplomacy of the Chinese Communist Party to 40,000 people. When similar trials appeared one after another because the lost case was hard to think that this suit was accepted, I hung the threat that ignored the Chinese special international common sense.

Japan concluded Japan-China joint declaration for the purpose of diplomatic normalization between the People's Republic of China on September 29, 1972. The amount of concrete compensation was not stated clearly in a declaration, but when the Chinese Communist Party government abandoned claim for payment after the war, I specified it, and the Chou Enlai prime minister at time signed a reward to pour the tax of the vast nation by the ODA into after this.

The behavior of the Republic of Korea and the People's Republic of China is nothing but the act action that it is annoying at all, and was stupid that it is agreement violation obviously, and it is big, and deviated from international common sense judging from the treaty idea between sovereign states.

When the Chinese Communist Party government assumed September 3 "an anti-Japanese movement war victory memorial day" newly on former February 25 and did December 13 on "a Nanjing Massacre victim mourning day", Xinhua News Agency reported it.

Is true, aiming is where I leave an old case so far more than 70 years, and on earth what the new memorial day when I appeared like a ghost suddenly means. Even if anti-Japanese movement war victory is the Manchurian Incident of a place said in Japan, I would move it all day long because it is on September 2 that Japan signed a Greater East Asia War surrender document when I give a broad interpretation, and there is not it despite a true memorial day. Will an attack of conscience to say when I am supported by the Allied Forces which should say to this neighborhood with the trouble of the Chinese Communist Party government if I think deeply and won at last not appear and disappear?

Mr. Mao Zedong of the Communist Party forces which halved then China when there was it on "a Nanjing Massacre victim mourning day" never touched Mr. Chiang Kai-shek of the Kuomintang forces about Nanjing Massacre. In addition, European and American propagators played a key role in the then Nanjing city, and there was an international committee organization of the duty that seemed to watch war. According to these blue books, the population of Nanjing City is written down with 250,000 people. Because the number of the slaughter that the present Chinese government announced was 300,000, the Japanese forces brought a human being of 50,000 who did not exist from where, and did you kill it? Even if anyone thinks, I will think only with the forgery of the Chinese side.

Where is the true purpose to make full use until a childish lie in this way, and to look down on Japan without regard for appearances, and to assume a state? Because you would tell me, I search the Republic of China for little that anti-Japanese movement war begins in, and the dictionary in the net, please watch the key preaching this question.

The then Republic of China was divided in the Kuomintang forces which did it to support the Communist Party military which received support of Russia and European and American help. In wisdom of the Russian Comintern power containing, Mr. Mao Zedong planned Mr. Chiang Kai-shek while both sides considered long time and repeated a skirmish and dragged the Japan forces which hit defense of Manchurian into their civil wars and set it up to let you compete for the strong Japan forces and Kuomintang forces. Lukouchiao Incident shows the truth, but crafty ethnicity and the origin of the anti-Japan sentiment that the Chinese does are seen when this mechanism is readable.

"The People's Republic of China is not allied powers in the victorious nation of the truth when I talk from a conclusion either". Because the current Chinese government cannot wipe out the truth, I am extremely afraid that Japan becomes the original sovereign state. The People's Republic of China never fights against Japan when I put up one of the precise reasons. The Japanese military establishes it in the continent, and the other party which fought from Manchurian Incident to Greater East Asia War end is the Kuomintang forces which Chiang Kai-shek of the Republic of China leads.

September 2, 1945, Japan signed a surrender document and showed will of the allegiance for the world, but the Republic of China has already entered into meaningless, ugly struggle for power round for four years then. The Communist Party forces which Mao Zedong finally led won, and the current People's Republic of China was born on October 1, 1949. The historical fact is changed to nobody.

Chiang Kai-shek of the Kuomintang forces defeated by the Communist Party forces fled into Taiwan and raised a flag of the Republic of China in this ground, and it was with a foundation to lead current prosperity to. Go for it, soldiers of the friend country, God knows what is justice.

News・this blog leads to "race No. 4 to contribute it which lost a soul" later.