国民の叫び No.35 / 安倍総理への提言

魂を失った民族 No.4 / The race which lost a soul
『 日本国民の覚悟 』
国際連合 ( 国連 ) に付いても、公平で美しく平和な世界秩序を守る機関であるから、無条件で批准する義務があるとも教えを受けた。

当時お世話になっていた俳優の故山村聡先生が、ハリウッドの戦争映画 「 トラ・トラ・トラ 」 で、山本五十六を演ずることになり、太平洋戦争関連の書物を読んでいる内に、欧米による東南アジア諸国への、驚くべき植民地政策を知ってしまう。
そして、国際連合なるものが、「 公平で美しく平和な世界秩序を守る機関 」 とは正反対の、戦勝国が敗戦国である日本やドイツを、苦しめ虐げ辱めた末に、都合よく利用する為の機関であることも理解した。

学校では 国際連合をUNITED NATIONSと教えたが、言葉の意味も役割も国際連合ではなく国連軍が正しい。


南朝鮮は未だに日本から侵略されたと喚くが、日本と大韓民国は 1910 年に日韓併合条約を結び、南朝鮮は日本の一部となった。欧米がアジアやアフリカを植民地支配したのとは、統治体系が全く違います。

日本は1945 年 9 月 2 日に降伏文書に調印し、大東亜戦争は完全に終結する。1949 年になると南朝鮮の李承晩大統領は、自国を連合国の一員と認め、戦勝国にしてくれと米国に行動を起こした。
1950 年 6 月 25 日、南朝鮮北朝鮮の間で朝鮮半島の主権を巡り戦争が勃発するが、日本は 1951 年 9 月 8 日に連合国と 「 サンフランシスコ講和条約 」 を結ぶ。南朝鮮はこの条約に日本が参加する事を、猛然と反発したのです。

1952 年 1 月に米国のダレス国務長官顧問は、執拗な南朝鮮戦勝国入り要求を、南朝鮮は一度も日本と戦っていない。1942 年 1 月の連合国共同宣言にも署名がないとし、戦勝国でも連合国でもないと言明する。
李承晩大統領は、要求が却下された腹威勢に、サンフランシスコ講和条約が効力を持つ ( 1952年4月28日 ) 直前になって、国際連合の了解も得ず日本海へ勝手に線を引き、日本の領土竹島を奪い盗った。李承晩ラインです。





暴言だと思われる方は下記の画像を参照なされば理解できるだろう。私は地獄絵の中を母親の背中にしがみ付き、離れ離れになった父親を五日間も探し歩いた。米国戦闘機の機銃に撃ち抜かれ、黒こげになって絶命している父を見つけ出し、燃え燻っている木材を拾い集め火葬した。一夜にして10万人の市民を虐殺した米国の犯罪だ。その上に父親が経営していた、製材工場千数百坪の土地を、朝鮮進駐軍に奪い盗られたのです。 pic.twitter.com/VzJzkSeoiG

だから大韓民国は敗戦国日本と、1965 年に日韓基本条約を結び、中華人民共和国は 1972 年に日中国交正常化、1978 年には平和友好条約に調印し、形の上では友好国関係を整えたかに見える。






『 己に自信のない野獣は噛み付く前に必ず吠え捲る。反日感情を激化させている真の理由です 』


我々の祖国である大和の国は、独立国家であると、嫌と言うほど義務教育で教えるが、敗戦後 70 年が過ぎ様としている今も、「 日本は真の独立国家でもなければ、誠の主権国家でもない 」 ことが、支那や朝鮮の暴挙を許した最大の原因だ。
日本国憲法第九条二項の最終文言を思い出して下さい。「 国の交戦権はこれを認めない 」 と定めてあるのではないですか。

憲法の解釈は国民によって異なるだろうが、世界の一般常識に照らし合わせれば、独立国家と言いながら、連合国に押し付けられた国際法にも劣る違法な憲法を、70 年近くも後生大事に顕示し、国軍を持たず交戦権も認めない国を、主権国家と呼ぶなど到底ゆるす訳には参らぬ。世界中の物笑いです。

南朝鮮に侵略された竹島を取り返せないのも、「 国の交戦権はこれを認めない 」 からであり、支那尖閣周辺に於ける領空領海侵犯を阻止できないのも、憲法第九条 」 が邪魔になるからだ。
青山繁晴氏のお言葉を借りると、小泉純一郎氏が北朝鮮を訪問した際に、故金正日氏は、「 国の交戦権はこれを認めない 」 との条文を熟知した上で、悪びれる事なく堂々と、国家組織が日本人を拉致したと明言したそうです。


おい、現代を生きる日本人、君達の祖国への愛は何処にある。大和民族の誇りを捨てたのか。人間の魂まで腐ったか。祖国と子孫繁栄の為に見知らぬ国の山海へと、清く散って行かれた先人達に、恥ずかしくはないのか、「 武士は食はねど高楊枝 」 を気取っている場合ではないと言った処でしょうか。

お知らせ・このブログは後日投稿する 「 魂を失った民族 No.5 / 変われない自民党 」 へと続きます。

(Because this English sentence is machine translation of Yahoo Corporation, I would like a pardon when a meaning is unidentified.)

The race which lost a soul

『 Readiness of the Japanese citizen No.4 』

When it was the bad country which invaded Southeast Asian countries, as for the current Japanese citizen, the mother country was educated in the modern history up to the upper grades of the elementary school by our generation by a head and that is why many noncombatants were killed by a not discriminating attack, and an A-bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but I repeated it and was persuaded and should have been brought up when you must not bear a grudge against the Allied Forces.

I received teaching even if I supported the United Nations (the United Nations) because it was the engine which protected peaceful world order with fairness beautifully even if it was unconditional and had a duty to ratify it.

I felt no question for approximately five years after I appeared in the society.

I know the surprising colonial policy to the Southeast Asian countries by Europe and America in those days while I will play Isoroku Yamamoto in war movie "tiger tiger tigers" of Hollywood, and Mr. late So Yamamura of the actor who was taken care of reads a Pacific War-related book.

And it was convenient and understood that it was an engine to use it after I suffered, and the victorious nation in contradiction to "the organization which protected peaceful world order with fairness beautifully" oppressed Japan and Germany which were a defeated nation, and a thing named the United Nations humiliated you.

There is the enemy country article that the victorious nation does not get adoption of the United Nations and can attack a defeated nation in the Charter of the United Nations.

As for the world order after the Greater East Asia War, the victorious nation led by the United States monopolized vast profit by an overwhelming advantageous viewpoint by this charter. The reason why the reckless action got by is because the United Nations was certainly the thing only for the victorious nation.

I told the United Nations at school with UNITED NATIONS, but neither the meaning of words nor the role is the United Nations, and the United Nations forces are right.

When it is not the victorious nation, I cut off the People's Republic of China fighting against Japan intensely based on such an objective fact in the foregoing paragraph, but analyze the Republic of Korea which is the same kind calmly.

When south Korea was still invaded by Japan, I yelled, but the Republic of Korea concluded the Treaty on Japan's annexation of Korea with Japan in 1910, and, in south Korea, it was with a Japanese part. A rule system is totally different from Europe and America having performed colonial rule of Asia and Africa.

This merger treaty was made within the international law based on the approval of the European and American coalition, too, and the Korean at the time of the Greater East Asia War fought as the Japanese military. Korea will be a defeated nation closely, too.

Japan signs a surrender document on September 2, 1945, and the Greater East Asia War completely terminates. When it was 1949, President Syngman Rhee of south Korea recognized an own country as the member of allied powers and took action in the United States when I did it in the victorious nation.

On June 25, 1950, war breaks out over the sovereign power of the Korean Peninsula between south Korea and North Korea, but Japan links "the San Francisco Peace Treaty" to the allied powers side on September 8, 1951. South Korea rebelled in Japan participating in this treaty fiercely.

By a demand with victorious nation of south Korea which is obstinate as for the advisor to Secretary of State American Dulles in January, 1952, south Korea never fights against Japan. It is said that allied powers joint declaration of January, 1942 does not have a signature either and declares that it is not allied powers in the victorious nation.

As for President Syngman Rhee, the San Francisco Peace Treaty has effect for the stomach energy that a demand was rejected (April 28, 1952); became just before it, and pulled a line without permission to the Sea of Japan without getting the consent of the United Nations, and took Japanese territory Takeshima away, and stole it. It is Lee Sung-man line.

Current south Korea is not allied powers like China without the victorious nation so that such an objective fact proves it.

However, it is why, and do you continue the stupid, impudent action that China and south Korea do not take down an anti-Establishment flag, and seems to be frowned upon from all over the world? I suppose that the bases of the cause are as follows.

It will be that the Japan forces broke the Russia forces by Russo-Japanese War that it is at time when I too easily lost in Sino-Japanese War that a Chinese was conscious of a Japanese first, and felt fear true first. Therefore the Chinese has never fought to Japanese military partner by a war of afterward fairly. The Communist Party forces set a guerilla war and run around, and the Kuomintang forces continue disturbing Japan by information round to understand even Nanjing Massacre, and most of the tactics are succeeded to now by the Communist Party forces.

The Japan forces break the Russia forces by Russo-Japanese War, and it will be that it was in a part of Japan in Japan and Korea merger that it is at time when spellbinding of China that continued being ruled over for several hundred years for 1,000 years by the Japanese hand which won against Sino-Japanese War was untied like a lie that the Korea race was conscious of the Japanese race first, and felt first true fear.

However, it does capital Tokyo by the Allied Forces with the beginning these two countries are astonished most and learn a shiver, and to have shuddered with fear, and major cities are done by the burnt field, and the Japanese whom it is dropped to an A-bomb and was defeated by should be nothing but that it is instant, and nothing has accomplished revival in the coolness that there did not seem to be at all.

Therefore the Republic of Korea links the Japan-ROK Basic Relations Treaty to defeated nation Japan in 1965, and the People's Republic of China signs peace and friendship treaty in the daytime in diplomatic normalization, 1978 in 1972 and is seen whether you fixed the friendly nation relations in form.

However, why is it that anti-Japan sentiment added to intensity after it is these days? The superficial direct cause is neither more nor less than the aggravation of economic conditions to be able to put in the two countries.

China goes in Japan several years ago and seemed to become the major economic power of the second place of the world, but, in finance, a house, the steel, China government in itself seems to be the state that cannot grasp the actual situation exactly without anyone knowing it, and the true place is that amends does not work even if I lick the pencil.

Well, there are what to do, the good idea that I understood. Let's take money of Japan in a usual state. It is the race like pirates.

The internal conditions seem to be bad things without being inferior without falling behind the People's Republic of China by the south Korea economy. When the auto industry sets a shoulder beside a Japanese maker, and Samsung overtook IT industry of Japan, it is the Democratic Party government times that I make a fuss and danced like crazy. The recent sales number fails all to rise, and the defect disturbance of patent infringement suit and the product happens frequently in Europe and America. If Japan prohibits the export of main parts in this, I will collapse instantly.

Oh, I remembered that was good that I understood that I carried it on my back how. Let's pull off Japanese yen from a Japanese in a usual state. It is a race such as the robbery.

Because it is such an ethnicity, it cannot make ends meet nationally even if I help me so much.

If there is not the reflection for the failure because only the self-consciousness is strong in the habit that the basic ability as the human being lacks in, I will make the original product which is not defeated by stack, Japan and will never think about an effort and a study.

Even if it is a patent, I steal it without hesitating if I think that I am profitable and, in a copyright, assemble it. Therefore I cannot really return it to the model even if even the trouble that I did restricts long time.

I trace it to here and finally remember how scary horror of Japanese and Japan when I was angry are again. The imagination does not point out whether it becomes strong as it is to where if I let you have your own way. Prime Minister Abe ate it until a constitutional amendment to get away from Regime after the defeat.

If Japan changes the existing constitution and makes my comeback to the common sovereign state, I will add to a voice by a frontal attack logically. I may come to regain the allowance that let the strong armed forces pay a tribute to a shield so far. I do not go in reason to let you exchange Japanese constitution Article 9 absolutely.

South Korea worried. Because it is not allied powers, I will fight only in an own country if Takeshima is attacked. There will not be the possibility to overcome because the United States should protect neutrality.

While China strayed, I noticed. When I shoot it, and it may be sunk by the unrivaled armed forces if I invade territorial airspace territorial waters of Senkaku because it is not the victorious nation.

An attack is the biggest defense. In a forgery prostitute story, let's make a preemptive attack by the issue of wartime forced labor by Nanjing Massacre. China and south Korea accelerated anti-Japan sentiment to take throwing into confusion before it's too late, and to confine the real ability of the Japanese race.

"The wild beast that oneself does not have the confidence keeps barking by all means before biting. It is a true reason letting anti-Japan sentiment intensify"

Even if is made a fool to here and is licked, and take the tax of the nation, and is taken and is profaned to racial dignity; ordinary Japan where was not able to counterattack.

Many nations do not notice the biggest cause in the thing in us. The fact that provided a cause is obvious, and, as for what permitted the People's Republic of China race and the Korea race an anti-day if I express the distinction, we Japanese oneself is listed in the Constitution of Japan.

When a country of the Yamato which is our mother country is an independent nation, I tell me in compulsory education all too well, but am the greatest cause that 70 is over after defeat, and it permitted China and a Korean reckless action that "Japan is not a true sovereign state in state and now doing it either".

Please remember the last words of Constitution of Japan Article 9 Clause 2. Is it not provided, "the right of belligerency of the country does not accept this?"

I unveil an illegal constitution to be inferior to international law pushed to the allied powers for treasuring for nearly 70 years while saying with an independent nation if I compare it with world something about everything even if the constitutional interpretation varies among the nations and do not give up in the reason to possibly permit such as the right of belligerency calling the country which does not admit a sovereign state without having the national military. It is ridicule of the world.

That that I cannot get back Takeshima invaded by south Korea "is, the right of belligerency of the country does not accept this" and cannot prevent territorial airspace territorial waters violation in around Senkaku of China is that "constitution Article 9" interferes.

When Junichiro Koizumi visited North Korea when I borrowed words of Mr. Shigeharu Aoyama, it was dignified without being timid, and late Kim Jong Il seemed to declare it after having known the text, "the right of belligerency of the country did not recognize this" well when a polity abducted a Japanese.

Up to the far-off future, the anti-Japan attack from China and south Korea will not stop in future without being able to say the sovereign state even if I take one any example unless a Japanese citizen carries out revision of the Constitution either. From the European and American bad victorious nation, nightmare diplomatic negotiations will continue being forced to.

Hey, where are the Japanese living in the present age, the love to your mother country? Did you abandon a pride of the Japanese race? Were you corrupt to a human soul? Will it be the place that said that I do not pose as "Eagles eat no flies" whether you are not ashamed for ancient people that it is clean, and it was gone for the mother country and descendant prosperity to the mountains and seas of the unknown country?

News・this blog leads to "The Liberal Democratic Party which does not change No.5" to contribute later.