国民の叫び No.36 / 安倍総理への提言

魂を失った民族 No.5 / The race which lost a soul

『 変われない自民党

大韓民国は、日本国と日韓基本条約 ( 1965 年 ) を結び、中華人民共和国は、日中平和友好条約 ( 1978 年 ) に調印しながら、何故に反日路線へ変更したか。
理由の第一は、「 韓国も支那戦勝国でも連合国でもない 」、理由の第二は、「 日本が主権国家になると、発言権が強まるのが怖いから 」 と、魂を失った民族 No.1, 2, 3, 4 で説明した。

取り返しの効かない最初の躓きは、1994 年に羽田内閣が総辞職し、政権復帰を目指す自民党総裁河野洋平氏は、社会党委員長村山富市氏・新党さきがけ代表武村正義氏と連立を組み、村山内閣を誕生させた事だった。



安倍総理の一年数か月に渡る評価は後回しにして、自民党の勢力を分析すると、衆議院 294 名・参議院 115 名で合計 409 名です。
力のバランス構造は、親米国派 20%, 親中国派 15%, 親韓国派 15%, 風見鶏派 20 %,親祖国派 30% の割合でしょう。



ホワイトハウスの役人からは、河野談話 を撤回しない限り無理だと指導されたが、ツイッター仲間の応援を戴き、最低限の員数を遥かに超える、三万数千名の署名を集めた。しかし、米国政府から未だに音沙汰がない。

これらの事を踏まえた上で、国民目線で安倍総理の一年数か月を振り返って見ると、外交に関しては 95 点が妥当でしょう。国民が総理の健康を案じる程の活躍をなさいました。
経済対策も 95 点を付けられると思いますが、経済運営については、40 点を付けるのが苦しい。その大きな原因のひとつは、消費税増税の実施にある。



安倍総理が 「 敗戦後レジームからの脱却 」 を掲げたとき、国民の脳裏に飛来した魂への息吹が、どの様な物であったか、恐らく総理は知らなかった筈だ。国民は総理の理想とする国家の姿を、描き切れていなかったのだろう。

純粋に祖国を愛する大和民族は、どの案件に関しても総理に賛同しています。ですが、国民の心を支配している 「 敗戦後のレジーム 」 とは、民族の尊厳や魂まで腐らせ兼ねない、日常生活の中に蔓延してしまった不公平感、そこから醸し出される屈辱感、敗北感から漂う失望感なのです。


これら総てが祖国を愛する大和民族の誇りを傷つけ、日々の暮らしに多大な障害を与えている。国民が心に描いた 「 敗戦後レジームからの脱却 」 とは、この様に身近でドロドロと垂れ流される、汚染水の浄化だったのです。

長年に渡って鬱積していた欲求不満が、汚染水処理に憲法改正は要らないだろう、自民党民主党と大差はないな。安倍総理もドジョウ総理の様に噓吐きだと、「 坊主憎けりゃ袈裟までも 」 に姿を変え、俄か愛国者たちが騒ぎ出す。

追い打ちをかける様にTTP交渉は、狂った様に鋭く報道される。苛立つ国民。そんな矢先に、「 地獄で仏に出会った 」 様な出来事が、中山成彬衆議院議員から齎された。河野談話 について、河野洋平官房長官と石原信雄元官房副長官に、国会招致要求が出されたのです。




お知らせ・このブログは後日投稿する 「 魂を失った民族 No.6 / 宰相に覚悟があるか 」 へと続きます。

(Because this English sentence is machine translation of Yahoo Corporation, I would like a pardon when a meaning is unidentified.)

The race which lost a soul

The Liberal Democratic Party which does not change No.5

The Republic of Korea linked the Japan-ROK Basic Relations Treaty (1965) to Japan, and why did the People's Republic of China change it to the anti-Japan route in while signing the Japan-China Treaty of Peace and Friendship (1978)?

When the second of the reason that both "Korea and China were the victorious nations, but was not allied powers" "was afraid of that a voice was strengthened as for the first of the reason when Japan became the sovereign state," I explained it with race No. 1 which lost a soul, 2, 3, 4.

As a way relieving own country economy just before the collapse, I fan anti-Japan sentiment to the nation and miss the dissatisfaction to the government to Japan and I pull money from a Japanese citizen of a fool in good-natured people and steal the root and trunk that an anti-Japan reason recurred. I preached it when reflected on means of the killing two birds with one stone.

When it became the last fort, the strongest trump to them not to let you change the current Constitution of Japan by hook or by crook to realize a delusion, I developed violent logic. Even slander is never imagination. An objective fact lays the foundation.
Then a big question arises when oneself asks what you did during this period.
I stared at the feelings of the government ruling party and the mother country called the Liberal Democratic Party when I was given the right to vote in our generation and walked time of 50 years to an attendant.
I think that strong consciousness to be called the Liberal Democratic Party with the politics in a place beyond the right and wrong surely spread.
The Hada Cabinet resigned en masse in 1994, and President of the LDP Yohei Kawano who aimed at the government return crossed a coalition with representative Socialist Party chairperson Tomiichi Murayama, New Party Sakigake Masayoshi Takemura, and the first mistake that the recovery did not work for was to have delivered Murayama cabinet.
It is that Yohei Kouno managed it without hearing the opinion of the man of influence including Yasuhiro Nakasone, Michio Watanabe in the Prime Minister nomination election of this time. As for the biggest achievement to be able to put in this cabinet, precise handling of sarin subway attacks in Tokyo, the quick relief measures of the Hanshin Awaji great earthquake disaster, the utmost apology statement and Asia peace nation fund to Korea prostitute are too famous. I cannot stop laughing.
After it was collapsed postal service as for the trial of the next nation by the Koizumi Administration, I was born, but beat it for the guerrilla attack of a pro-China group and the pro-Korea group, and it was busy, and the government changed into Aso to Fukuda, and the first Abe Administration was the Democratic Party government where the thing which news media purchased with the partial nation built up was nothing but.
It will not be a comedy comic dialogue, and the trio of the Prime Minister is completed in Bibimbap lunch, the condition that were called a loach bowl finally from a kids' lunch like today's lunch of the business area in the expectation of the nation here in three years without being different.
I noticed, and the nation who starved for amor patriae to here was troubled with their stupidity.
I could hold a country and the profit of people without valuing a country of the Yamato without there being which political party by a lie, or which politician being confused by rights and interests or should have suffered acutely for the first time in life. I woke. I would exchange an argument among oneself seriously. Of course there are still many people of greenhouse life and the hibernation living in the public, too.
It was Shinzo Abe in this way that put up a hand by oneself as if it was the Liberal Democratic Party to have been picked and was fully prepared.
When I put off the evaluation for one year several months of Prime Minister Abe and analyze power of the Liberal Democratic Party, it is 409 in total in 294 House of Representatives, 115 House of Councilors.
The balance structure of the power will be 20% of pro-United States groups, pro-China group 15%, pro-Korea group 15%, weathercock group 20%, ratio of pro-mother country group 30%.
Because I completely forget the balance ratio of this power, and it is easy to violate most when the nation thinks about the mother country, taking the wrong it gives an evaluation to the executive of the Prime Minister, a cabinet minister, the party easily only on a phenomenon side only on a phenomenon side, as a result, dissatisfaction gathers you and loses passion with a feeling of empty defeat.
I knew that folk crafts building of Sadogashima declined in a hand of China just four years ago, and China caught the fact that stretched out a hand until an elementary school closedown of Niigata-shi when I checked it.
Took one month, and cried,; but Kuribayashi Other than the person like the relative of Prince lieutenant general, I misfired really. Three years ago, I petitioned President Obama for the removal of the prostitute monument which appeared in the United States for the first time in two people with a countryman residing in the United States.
I was instructed unless I withdrew "Kouno statement" from a government official of the White House if it was impossible, but gathered three thousand signatures to have the support of the Twitter friend, and to exceed far minimum number. However, there is not yet news from the U.S. Government.
I was main in this petition and approximately 300 friends who cooperated left just several people now and lost my eyesight of a figure from the tweet top.
I say the exercise to be concerned with national political linkage to oneself when I say what you want to talk about when I pursued result when I push the brand of the vanquished.
When they look back on one year several months of Prime Minister Abe in a nation glance and look after having stood on these, 95 points will be proper about the diplomacy. I did activity as the nation worried about the health of the Prime Minister.
The economic measure thinks that 95 points are acquired, but, about the economic management, feels uncomfortable at acquiring 40 points. The enforcement of the consumption tax increase includes one of the big causes.
Even if Prime Minister Abe wants to say three party agreements at the time of the ex-government dissolution when I put a line through the shield, it is the lie that is too poor for a worthy like large politician, Shinzo Abe. The excuse for oneself is not anything else laughing at the nation if I express it honestly.
When Mr. loach of the ex-government does not give the consumption tax to a pillar of the campaign pledge, I deceive the nation and am the person whom auspicious decoration for gifts went up to the seat of the Prime Minister. The Democratic Party continued oppressing the nation for three years several months and harmed national interest as a calculation was impossible.
I cannot yet regain the grudge of the nation and the income and expenditure of the national interest that I lost in the Abe Administration. I find it very difficult to understand I grant it, and why Prime Minister Abe whom I made my comeback to at last does the hour of death of the stupid government with a state in in this way. It will not be now that I increase taxes.
The nation is not stupid. If economy is not restored according to calculation of the Prime Minister, it is with the maximum weapon that the humanity and justice of the aim through the line strangles oneself in the Democratic Party. It does not become for worry.
When Prime Minister Abe advocated "a breakaway from regime after defeat", the breath to the soul that came flying in the mind of the nation was what kind of thing, or probably the Prime Minister could not know it. The nation might not give a full-length portrait of the national figure which the Prime Minister idealized.
The Prime Minister would perform a sketch of modern nation Japan which was not shameful in the world when I changed it to the plain explanation. That is why I did constitutional amendment, Official Secrets Act plan, right to collective self-defense for words and have begun to work calmly.
The Japanese race loving the mother country purely approves of the Prime Minister about all items. But "regime after the defeat" influencing the heart of the nation is a sense of let-down to drift from a feeling of that has spread in the everyday life that can rot it to racial dignity and soul unfairness, a sense of humiliation brought on from there, a feeling of defeat.

When take it up to be concrete; of preferential treatment system, the neighboring country emigrant kind treatment problem, National Health Insurance of the public office working, welfare illegality acquisition, neighboring country foreign student of an act of aggression, the denizen of issue of forgery prostitute theater, Takeshima and Sea of Japan changing name problem, Nanjing Massacre,
Senkaku Islands illegally including the staying in Japan special privilege of the acquisition, others innumerable.
These all hurts a pride of the Japanese race loving the mother country and give a daily living a great obstacle. The nation pictured it in a heart; from "defeat regime a breakaway" was purification of the contaminated water which was imminent, and was discharged muddy in this way.
Priority of the regime removal has differed flatly from Prime Minister Abe after defeat among the nations if I expressed it softly.
I watched it with pleasure when I can get away from the deflation, but the cleaning of the muddy contaminated water which the Prime Minister decides smoothly a consumption tax increase, and is connected directly with the everyday life that I expected does not progress by weak yen and a rise in stock prices when I think in the situation of the nation. It is the same as the revival of the northeastern stricken area.
There is no great difference in the Liberal Democratic Party where contaminated water processing will not need the constitutional amendment between the frustration that smoldered and the Democratic Party for many years. Prime Minister Abe is the same kind with the loach Prime Minister, too. Sudden patriots changed in の state of mind to " To hate the ground he treads on.".
The TTP negotiations are reported keenly to pursue and make further attacks as having been out of order. The nation was irritated with you. To such an arrowhead, the event that was the state that "met Buddha in hell" was brought by Representative Nariaki Nakayama. About "Kouno statement," Diet invitation demand was given by Former Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kouno and the Nobuo Ishihara former secretariat Deputy Secretary.
It was originally the valuable thing which brought courage and hope and passion to life so as to put it aside even if it was the delicious duty of the representative from mule Liberal Democratic Party, and to take the action of the Representative this Nariaki Nakayama to the national nation, and to wipe the pains for 100 years.
However, I said, and stood and refused quibbling when the Liberal Democratic Party did not commit a crime at all as having done a religion substitute in the Democratic Party. It is the technique that the ex-government protected the misbehavior of the cabinet minister. It is nothing but the answer which I cut which had the nation.
I do not want to think that it is an answer of Prime Minister Abe possibly, but, for a supporter, should be sorry only in criminals if I took a bribe or hang over the honeytrap. It is the Chief Cabinet Secretary of the Liberal Democratic Party where a master was in the government of time.
Even if Prime Minister Abe temporarily shows disapproval of Diet invitation as the government ruling party, you should talk the Prime Minister over if for the national nation. Even if it was the performance that it regarded the prolongation of human life of the one's own party government as the continuation of the party, the strength of personality of it degree will be proper duty as government member of the ruling party.
However, I was able to grasp it even if there was the thought to recommend former co-worker who was full of doubts to candidate governor of Tokyo by the criminal record of the betrayer as for the political mind that they had if there was neither the readiness to go through way of the just law of nature nor the nature.
The fact that became clear from testimony of Nobuo Ishihara who brought a pride of the Japanese race to the Diet in spite of old age was surprising contents.
I think that it was too enough things if I remind of the contents which anyone of the Japanese citizen imagined definitely.

News・this blog leads to " Is a prime minister ready! No.6" to contribute later.