国民の叫び No.37 / 安倍総理への提言

魂を失った民族 No.6 / The race which lost a soul

『 宰相に覚悟があるか! 』

河野談話 」 が誕生した経緯は、旧日本軍の強制連行によって、慰安婦にされたと称する、16 名の老婆から聞き取りをやったが、調査結果の裏付けは一切行われなかったと断言された。

別の表現に変えれば、「 韓国が余りにも五月蠅いから、形式的に聞き取り調査を行ったが、実態についての証拠固めはやらなかった。談話の内容に関しては、韓国の都合に添って政治家主導で、意見の擦り合わせを行い、作文した談話である。要は韓国の言うなりに作った談話 」 と云う事になる。


その理由は、この先二年間は選挙がないから、大昔の 「 河野談話 」 を穿り返し、国民からあらぬ疑いを掛けられたくないのだろう。そんな所へ注ぐ力があるならば、総理の尻を叩き、内閣改造に心血を費やす方が得策だと云う。自民党の体質は四年前より低下したと言わざるを得ない。

日本軍の兵隊さんの給料が 15 円に対し、慰安婦の給料は 300 円以上だ。慰安婦を募集している韓国の新聞広告に掲載されている。兵隊の給料の 20 倍です。
この時代に植民地を持たない国は貧困に喘いでいた。韓国も例外ではない。先進国の仲間入りをしたと騒ぐ昨今ですら、20 万人の韓国女性が世界中で、大活躍しているお国柄なのだ。



安倍総理にしても今の自民党で政治家を続ける限り、本当の味方は 30% しか存在せず、取りあえずの生命は二年間なのです。祖国を愛し、国民を想い、政治家安倍晋三の政治信念を後世に残す心算ならば、引退なされた亡霊を大事にするか、国民の信頼を支えにするか、早く決断した方が得策でしょう。国民もその方が有り難い筈です。

ここはひとつ国民を信じ、清水の舞台から飛び降りる覚悟で、「 消費税増税延期と河野洋平氏の国会招致 」を、決断して見たら如何でしょうか。




先にも明記した如く、小泉純一郎氏のお言葉を借りるまでもない。今の自民党体質をぶっ壊さない限り、総理がどの様に足掻いても、お味方は 30% の 120 名足らずです。後の 70% と野党の 80% は全て政敵でしょう。








この様なことよりも安倍総理はどの閣僚を改造するお心算かお聞きしたい。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsEndJR6T7M




( 最後に宰相としての心得と覚悟を前提にお考え下さい )
例えば、中山成彬衆議院議員は、国会で始めて 「 河野談話 」 に異論を唱えた愛国者であり、田母神俊雄氏は航空幕僚長時代に、日本は良い国だと云う論文をお書きになられた、正義の人です。



敗戦後 70 年も日本国民の血税を蝕み、民族の誇りまで奪い盗って来た、太平洋の遥か彼方で君臨する偽善者集団に、時の移ろいを自覚させる呼び水となる筈です。



< 追記 >

「 米国との同盟関係が半世紀以上も保てた理由は、全ての面で日本人が堪え忍んだ結果です。支那が経済・軍事大国になれた原因は、日本国民の血税を毟り続け、その資金が経済の下支えをしたからで、韓国が曲りなりにも、近代国家の末席に縋り付けたのも、大昔から今日に至るまで、日本国民が性懲りもなく騙され続けた副産物である。」


(Because this English sentence is machine translation of Yahoo Corporation, I would like a pardon when a meaning is unidentified.)

The race which lost a soul

『 Does the prime minister have readiness! N0.6 』

I saw it whether the passion of the nation who was about to be depressed by the Diet invitation of the Nobuo Ishihara former secretariat Deputy Secretary brought back breath.

The process that "Kouno statement" was born interviewed it from 16 old women who claimed to have been considered to be a charity dame by the forcible escort of the former Japan forces. It was asserted that I did not take the proof of the findings at all.

When naturally commission laying upon of the opinion was performed between the Korean government, on the final contents making, I estimate it. Because commission alignment of the opinion was not permitted the government official, a politician did the work. The serious truth was told in this way.

If change it to the different expression; because "Korea was too persistent, interviewed it formally, but did not do the gathering of evidence about the actual situation". I comply with circumstances of Korea and it is led by a politician and, about the contents of the statement, aligns the commission of the opinion and is the statement which made a composition. The important thing is I will say the statement which I prepared into the Korean yes-man.

Would this politician violate a Japanese side, the act that seemed to, so to speak, sell the mother country that, in particular, profit did not reflect to Yohei Kawano at all without a reward? For whom, what did you play such a fiction for the purpose of?

Because the Liberal Democratic Party, Abe Administration continues for the nation, as for this, the Diet should invite Yohei Kouno for Japan.

But I do not show interest in Diet invitations of Yohei Kouno at all when I pick up a voice in the overheard Liberal Democratic Party and gather you.

Because the reason does not have election after this for two years, I nitpick ancient "Kouno statement" and will not want to be put under wrong suspicion from the nation. If there is power to concentrate on such a place, I swat the buttocks of the Prime Minister and say when the which spends the heart and soul on reshuffle is a wise policy. I cannot but say that the constitution of the Liberal Democratic Party decreased from four years ago.

It is a golden opportunity now. If I tell the nation an opinion of Yohei Kouno, and even a little lets you wipe out dissatisfaction and a question, the next election can fight easily, but the chair of a cabinet minister accompanied by a chiller before nose/ones/ considers it that I cannot help wanting it and gets it.

The charity dame personnel required would be in excess even if I did not take you other than European and American allied powers if you did not need to hear an excuse of Yohei Kouno and thought about the then world situation.

If the salaries of the charity dame are more than 300 yen, the salary of Japanese soldiers is specified in a newspaper ad of the recruitment of charity dames for 15 yen. It is 20 times of the salary of the soldier.

The country which did not have a colony in this time suffered poverty. Korea is no exception. It is the on the conditions of a country that 200,000 Korean women make an outstanding performance all over the world even in these days to make noise when I joined it of the developed country.

Though it is such an uproar, on the back that I vindicate Yohei Kouno, and the government ruling party does not assume a state, some smelly circumstances will be covered. However, I estimate it when I run around forever when the particularly active member of the Diet meets as well as Kouno to have to be it, and to return double in the next election.

It became obvious that I committed the national act that became disadvantageous without performing duties exactly even if it was not a criminal. Prime Minister Abe leads it if I change the expression, and, for fate of the Liberal Democratic Party, nobody notices it in concealing an associate criminal. I am neither more nor less than stupidity.

I am anxious at all whether you can set a shoulder for the nature depressed by as expected in China and Korea of strong astuteness army corps in only one year several months.

The Shinzo Abe supporter does not matter if I say quality more clearly that what happens to the Liberal Democratic Party. I endure it to want the sovereign of the country in conformity with parliamentary democracy because the dead tree is bad when it is not the turnout of the forest.

In the true friend, only 30% exist as far as I continue a politician in the present Liberal Democratic Party even if I make Prime Minister Abe, and the makeshift life is two years. I love the mother country and yearn for the nation and take good care of the done departed soul which is a retirement if it is an aim to have political faith of politician Shinzo Abe for in history or do it to support the trust of the nation, or the which it is early and decided will be a wise policy. As for the nation, I should be thankful for the one.

I believe the one nation and am ready to take a plunge, and how about here if I decide consumption tax increase postponement and Diet invitation of Yohei Kouno and look?

Even reason to perform a crime by the particularly mean act does not betray whom. Uneasiness much less the country of Asia is solved at one sweep only by Prime Minister Abe performing this.

Though Kouno statement and the consumption tax increase scatter big harm only as for it in Japan and the Asian friendly nation, the politician of our country is not going to turn around.

If a consumption tax increase is no use, even Kouno statement wants you to settle it at least. The best situation does not come even if I look forward to the problem about neighboring country how many centuries from now on. A heart to love own countries is not too enough to them. It is reckless to demand the virtue sense like us from such a race. The history of 1,000 years will show it.

As for the nation, will to pay a tax becomes extinct likewise when not done business if a pure Japanese Diet member is not loved by the nation if deceived by the politician of the own country. As for this logic, country of any place will be the same. I assume that the nation lives in other countries a first priority, and prosperity cannot visit that a politician leaves a family with the other countries in such a nation to be the best.

I am in the Japanese Diet. The other ethnic group which was out of order which sticks out its chest when I do a Diet member in Japan for the peninsula nation where I do not do politics for the nation, or parents were born.
The nation, please think about what I should do for the mother country now.

The answer is simple. It is to continue working hard to correct the mistake that they are going to violate with courage without being to watch the Liberal Democratic Party government which I had while tasting labor pains, and demanding result for a narrow-minded intention. A world friend will rescue it in real time since there is a net.

What should Prime Minister Abe do for the national nation?

You do not need to borrow words of Junichiro Koizumi as if you specified it earlier. Even if the Prime Minister struggles how unless I spoil the present Liberal Democratic Party constitution, a friend is 30% of less than 120 people. Later 70% and all 80% of all opposition parties will be political adversaries.

We have the life that the Abe Administration is protected by a law in remainder 2.

The world of the politics has neither a senior nor a younger student. There is not the seniority that experience causes. What do you do when not straightening evil in now when healthy life is protected by fresh bloodstream? You are the Prime Minister chosen among the nation. Who does not need the hesitation, too.

If it is in now that it bets a game, and it loses this opportunity, it is apparent that the mother country where the nation expects the nation which you draw from ends in a dream within a dream forever than it watches fire.

Finally let's ask you about mental attitude and the readiness as the prime minister.

I hear a reshuffle theory from a representative from Liberal Democratic Party these days. Is it an aim to change a position of where? The nation does not have dissatisfaction toward your cabinet and does not expect remodeling. As for this, an Asian friendly nation is the same feeling, too. By your appearance, both a Japanese citizen and the Asian people are the places where a dream was about to be greatly filled with.

It is the story that made rapid progress, but the sense of values of President Putin will be totally different from Prime Minister Abe about the northern territories. The thought of the nation cannot accord with the Prime Minister, too.

You think about much return immediately in one island, and few, there is many it, and Putin is going to catch compensation of the return while ascertaining your heart. The nation is not convinced that it is not four island return even at least. The maximum neck is the fact that permits Russia practice rule.

How about Takeshima!? I carry it out, and here is ruled by Korea, too. Even if there is Constitution of Japan Article 9 Clause 2, and the maximum neck gets over it, I think that it is a courageous problem taking away to the nation with you back.

Both Senkaku and Okinawa are identical. If is ready to set a fight back if a war is set, or consume an interruption from the United States, bounce it; is courageous, or constitution Article 9 Clause 2 interferes even if these none of are set finally.

It goes back up based on a story. With many problems, I think that I am not in high spirits by reshuffle in this way.

When the Liberal Democratic Party does not last in the government member of the ruling party when I do not remodel it, there seems to be a fool speaking of an incoherent thing. I do not mind at all if I have only judgment of that level even if a party is destroyed. I project one's face on the mirror once again and should look calmly. You should ask oneself whether you work for the national nation for a modest heart.

We like politician, Shinzo Abe and support it because I am reliable and do not want a politician-like running about in utter confusion only in one's desire. I work for the national nation who you project one's face on the mirror once again, and should look calmly or should ask oneself it humbly.

Prime Minister Abe is an aim to remodel which cabinet minister than such a thing or wants to ask you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsEndJR6T7M

I only affect your duties even if I reshuffle the head of a Japanese radish and a carrot and the burdock when I remodel the current cabinet minister member and will be useless for what. I want to claim that I cannot see a talented person deserving to be you what you want to talk about. Because the nation is good in the friend Cabinet, and the politics is a result.

Reshuffle should be parts exchange to move the government which you believe smoothly. It should be strong sprinkling food to stabilize the government by the exchange, and to give the nation peace and the richness.
There is not at all the need to play with a machine working smoothly forcibly without feeling the big problem according to the nation.

If Prime Minister oneself yearns for the national nation as a member of the Diet and shows off power as a case and a politician seeing the strong cabinet and is reform to expect the prolongation of human life government, an Asian friendly nation at least cheers it with the nation, and an inimical character nation would like the personnel affairs that seem to be astonished.

Please think assuming knowledge and the readiness as the prime minister.

For example, it is the patriot who the Representative Nariaki Nakayama begins it in the Diet, and advocated an objection for "Kouno statement", and Toshio Tamogami is a person of the justice that an article to say in the Chief of Staff, Air Self Defense Force times when Japan is a good country was written.

The both persons are the reason why public office was pressed strangely by the Liberal Democratic Party political power, but a groan cannot boil from people loving the mother country so that you know well if I invite these strong talented people to the cabinet minister.

If they lower a head as the prime minister whom you were chosen as among the nation and break a knee and invite it with etiquette and appoint it to Minister of Defense Tamogami with Foreign Minister Nakayama, an important meaning occurs for reshuffle, and the organization increases heaviness, and the trust as the prime minister and the dignified presence and the fame will become huge rocks endlessly.

The reshuffle that the nation expects of you must be a thing deserving to be politician, Shinzo Abe who hid profound affection in this way most.

Even if you break a knee and appeal to both persons, it is intention of the nations, and you are no crime. It is that your tolerant mind wipes the stupid crime that a co-worker committed in past days wonderfully, and praise is done, and it never will occur by the action that seems to bathe in humiliation.

Naturally you should only shut him up even if the discontented element makes noise if you do not follow it. It is for government maintenance with the national nation. The reason springs out as many as one likes and appears.

Even if you break a waist and devoted myself to both persons, it is intention of the nations and does not should be shame of it at all. It is that your tolerant mind wipes the stupid crime that a co-worker committed in past days wonderfully, and praise is done, and it never will occur by the act that seems to bathe in humiliation. Naturally you should only shut him up even if the discontented element makes noise if you do not follow it. It is for government maintenance with the national nation. The reason exists as many as one likes.

It is the backside of the Sea of Japan to show the flexible spiritual strength, readiness, nature, courage, decision resisting it as the prime minister in this way, and it is with silent counter-attack to the all who do not learn lesson who are not going to take down an anti-Establishment flag.

It should be with cause to let the hypocrite group to dominate far in a distance of the Pacific which it undermines the tax of the Japanese citizen after defeat in 70 and I take it until a racial pride and stole notice a change at time.

I think that there is what time in fate forced to a fight with the loneliness with the fear with the prime minister carrying Japan after the defeat in this way.

With the prime minister carrying Japan after the defeat, there will be the times of what time in fate forced to a fight with the loneliness with the fear. I rarely hit on the life route that it is such severe, and is lonely if I imagine an evaluation in the world that daily hard work brings.

However, it is rude, but the military commander superior to you in Shinzo Abe, the present Japan forces does not exist even if the general who can challenge a fight with this loneliness looks around the politics in a nation glance how much. It is good in Nobushige Sanada where even Nobunaga Oda is good for. None of us will have regret if they lose by your referee's fan.

When you were clean and declared beautiful Japan definitely, progenies of the Japanese race watched the figure of the beautiful mother country in a dream obediently.

< postscript >
I have been excited a little for one's age. I leave that is important that I left it out. The lesson that I discuss it by what kind of implication, and oblivion is not permitted with the state as the Japanese race either.

"The reason that alliance relations with the United States were able to keep more than half a century is the result that a Japanese endured in all". Japan is deceived incorrigibly, and it is a by-product from old days to now that the cause that China fitted economy, the military power continues pulling the tax of the Japanese citizen, and this is because the fund propped up the economy, and Korea was able to cling to the lowest seat of the modern nation for curvature."

A racial soul is corrupt before I notice that a Japanese citizen surviving world in the future forgets this fact by oneself, and it will be to a true loser. A mind miso soup be called.